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Xenny's Senses

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Xenny's Senses Empty Xenny's Senses

Post  Xenny Sun May 13, 2012 11:04 pm

IC Skill Name: Xenny's Senses
Power Class: Sensory
OOC Representation: None really.
Xenny has lived without sight for literally hundred of years, and as such, she has developed higher senses. Her smelling and hearing has evolved past that of normal elves. She can hear the softest whispers and a pin drop when concentrating. Her nose is as good as a dog's as well.
Explain relation: No relation really. I figured since Xenny has been blind for so long, she must have become very well versed in other senses.
She can hear as far as half a mile, however that is in only in complete silence. Otherwise, her hearing is well enough to hear those whispering within 50 yards of her. She can hear footsteps all around her (As long as they aren't attempting to be stealthy, if so, she must be concentrating for the sound.) and even hear breathing form far off if she concentrates and there is silence. Her sense of smell is directly like a dog's when concentrating, other wise it is well above average.
Level: 1

Xenny's Mana Sight is going to be put on hold for now.

Last edited by Xenny on Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:04 pm; edited 4 times in total
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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Xenny's Senses Empty Re: Xenny's Senses

Post  Xeek Mon May 14, 2012 6:33 pm

I would like to correct a few things. Mana doesn't have a 'signature', as believed now and when you last posted your power. All mana is the same everywhere in the world(Aside those with elements to them). Meaning, Xeek's mana is no different than Xenny's mana.

Due to her blindness she began to feel what other magicians wouldn't take the time to notice normally when casting their spell. She could feel the pull of mana from her body and how it pressed against the mana that naturally filled the air.
While this has nothing to do with anything... meditation books explain in order for you to have rank C(?) meditation, you must learn to feel the mana around you. Also, if she can feel mana, she wouldn't be able to feel it from far. As the meditation books stare, the mana around you CAN be controlled and felt, but it requires concentration.

It was the pressure that she really felt, the mana pushing against each other sending small tingling waves against her skin. This must have been what bats felt like with echo sonar, an advanced sensation of feeling.

Everything living has mana, if it doesn't have mana it doesn't live. Mana also flows like the wind, meaning there is mana everywhere. What Xenny would feel/see is the mana bouncing of corners of buildings, and the mana in living things. Kind of like daredevil's rain vision, except if it has more mana, she would feel a deeper concentration, places like building, she would feel a missing gap.

Roads often traveled or animal hunting paths, these have mana from the people and the animals with travel over them lingering above them. She can use these to stay on paths that people normally wouldn't be able to see and follow animal paths covered in leaves... The longer the mana is on the path way the 'staler' it becomes and becomes easier to overlook it or not notice it.
As I said, each person's mana is not unique. Meaning people wouldn't be able to leave trails. Any trail they leave by using mana would be covered up by the ever flowing mana.

People, this is a rather obvious one, she can make out the mana flowing within people and how it reacts to others around them. When emotions flare, so does their mana. Xenny can't tell what emotion they are displaying, only that they are emotional. She can only sense them within fifty feet of her.
While this is TECHNICALLY possible if you were able to feel mana, it would have to be super sensitive, as the brain does use mana for it's function. But, since the people's body would have mana all over, it'd be hard to tell slight changes. Though, she would be able to feel large amount of mana usage.

If an elf is using hide she may sense them as well. A persons mana does not stay with their body, and it may encompass more than their actual body and in a different shape. This can lead to much confusion for Xenny.
While she would be able to see an elf using hide, she wouldn't be able to know that they are using hide(Unless she notices their mana depleting) Unlike mana-less objects, people would look slightly distorted (like having bad vision), since their body is always interacting with outside mana.

Magic, another aspect of her mana detection is being able to sense when someone is doing something involving mana. Xenny can tell what type of magic is being charged, and to what magnitude the magic is. She can also tell when an elf is using hide. Shields of magic will be seen as large orbs of that person's mana. Meditation will be felt as a thin transparent mana seeping energy from the surrounding mana. Blaze will be detected as a slow gathering of mana before being released as one large blast.
She wouldn't be able to see what type of spell is being charged, as she can not see. She'd feel mana being converted, but can she feel into what it's being converted to? Magic shields(I think that's what you mean?) would look like a large dome, but she wouldn't be able to see inside them.
For meditation, actually, she would see one(or both) of two things.
1) The person is taking in less mana. (Lower stages of meditation just cut down the mana used for bodily functions. Meaning their body would need less mana)
2)The mana around the person heading towards them, like if it was a small vacuums. (Later stages of meditation teach you how to control the flow of mana around you, so it enters your body.)
Blaze would look like a person fading(losing mana), and the mana being put to on location. But it will be quick, as blaze takes about 50 mana in 3 seconds.

Buildings and large stones, as well as bridges, these large unnatural objects have odd mana signatures that clash with the natural world flowing around them. She can sense where they are, and where the doors and windows are within them. The doors and windows are holes and odd indentations within the mana of the buildings.
None living objects have no mana, I am not sure if mana can pass through glass, but I would guess if it could, it wouldn't be as fast as it flows. Mana would class with solid objects, so, like I stated, she would see a gap. Unique elements, such as water, would look weird, thus identifiable. Maybe water looks like glass?

Time, as Eweca rises she can tell due to the amount of mana in the air it brings. During the day the amount of mana in the air becomes less and less as it nears noon, and the mana becomes more and more as it time shifts toward midnight. Of course, because of this, she can sense mana better during the morning than at night.

During the night, I imagine things look more full.

Letters, if the letter was written within one day, and hasn't been exposed to the Eweca, she may read the mana within the ink. After a day it fades into the letters mana and becomes impossible to read.
None living objects don't have mana. She would not be able to see letters.

In summary, Xenny's vision would simply be like daredevil's rain vision, except things with mana would look a brighter blue. The abiotic environment would look like a gap. Large amount of mana would block Xenny's vision from seeing father. People do not have unique mana, mana is the same everywhere.


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Xenny's Senses Empty Re: Xenny's Senses

Post  Xenny Thu May 24, 2012 8:38 pm

Changed it to a completely different ability. Just a simple heightened senses ability gained from hundreds of years of blindness.
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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Xenny's Senses Empty Re: Xenny's Senses

Post  Teoxihuitl Thu May 24, 2012 8:41 pm

At that range it seems that nothing can sneak up on her. . .
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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Xenny's Senses Empty Re: Xenny's Senses

Post  Glaceon Thu May 24, 2012 8:43 pm

I would say hearing breathing and footsteps is kinda going too far. Breathing up close, or a decent distance, seeing as normal people we rarely hear breathing as it is. Footsteps I'd say only in silence, otherwise the other noises around would drown out footsteps.

However, if she is attempting to listen for footsteps, then that would require concentration.

Just my input.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Xenny's Senses Empty Re: Xenny's Senses

Post  Xenny Thu May 24, 2012 8:46 pm

Thanks for the input, updated.
Kosher Dill Troll
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Xenny's Senses Empty Re: Xenny's Senses

Post  Xeek Fri May 25, 2012 9:27 pm

Just a small thing: If you want to continue the mana seeing, I can help you make it possible.

Other than that, keep in mind super senses come with weaknesses. Large shouting or smells might disorient her.

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Xenny's Senses Empty Re: Xenny's Senses

Post  Guest Fri May 25, 2012 10:50 pm

I can approve this.

And I also don't mind if you work with Xeek(or anyone else..or even yourself) to still have mana sight.

If you're fine with this for now, however, I approve.


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Xenny's Senses Empty Re: Xenny's Senses

Post  Xenny Sat May 26, 2012 4:28 pm

Of course Teo!

And I'm fine with this at the moment Soifa. I'll go back and redo mana vision after graduation and summer break kicks in.
Kosher Dill Troll
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Xenny's Senses Empty Re: Xenny's Senses

Post  Teoxihuitl Thu May 31, 2012 11:18 pm

I can approve, I would go ahead and make it bold that the other power is on hold till further details or worked out.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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Xenny's Senses Empty Re: Xenny's Senses

Post  Xenny Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:04 pm

Kosher Dill Troll
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Xenny's Senses Empty Re: Xenny's Senses

Post  Mari Eir Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:26 pm

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