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ebilekittae's MML Compositions

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ebilekittae's MML Compositions Empty ebilekittae's MML Compositions

Post  MikiOno Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:06 am

So outside of Mabi my typical screen name is "ebilekittae", which should explain the title of the topic. I run a YouTube channel showcasing and distributing my MML compositions, so I figured I'd share them here!

I upload a new three-track showcase of my original compositions every Friday and full-band .wav versions of them every Monday (starting this Monday, later today).

Obviously, I welcome and appreciate all "Likes", "Favourites", "Subscriptions", "Shares", etc., but that's not the point of this thread (or is it?!). Razz

I'll post my new compositions in this thread each time I get a new upload. I hope you guys like them! If you'd like the MML for any of the songs, there's a link in the bottom bar of each video to a text file with the MML. I'm a Kopimist and do not believe in "intellectual property", so there's no need to attribute the music to me, though obviously I'd be happy if you did! Razz Just playing and enjoying my music is good enough for me!

Later today, I'll be uploading the "Full Band" .wav version of Theme of the White Knight.
New uploads every Monday and Friday! Very Happy

Feel free to use this topic to comment, critique, and make suggestions! I might also use this topic from time to time to post my non-original MML compositions to share. Very Happy I've got a WIP "How I Met Your Mother" theme and a simple, one-track "Sis Puella Magi". My original compositions take top priority so the non-original compositions will be released scarcely if at all.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy my music!
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

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ebilekittae's MML Compositions Empty Re: ebilekittae's MML Compositions

Post  MikiOno Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:01 am

WAV file download link included in the bottom bar!
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

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ebilekittae's MML Compositions Empty Re: ebilekittae's MML Compositions

Post  Kenelm Thu Mar 22, 2012 9:58 pm

I've coded some music macros, and I've got one I've been trying to complete.

I also remember I may have posted one some time back. (I don't know where it is... It may have been moved to storage.)

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ebilekittae's MML Compositions Empty Re: ebilekittae's MML Compositions

Post  MikiOno Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:25 pm

Composing's really a lot of fun, isn't it? Very Happy Lots of work at times, but very fun to hear your music being played!

New upload! Music Man!

My attempt at a classic Mega Man-esque stage theme!
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

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ebilekittae's MML Compositions Empty Re: ebilekittae's MML Compositions

Post  Teoxihuitl Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:29 pm

Do you guys take requests? :O
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ebilekittae's MML Compositions Empty Re: ebilekittae's MML Compositions

Post  Guest Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:30 pm

Teoxihuitl wrote:Do you guys take requests? :O


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ebilekittae's MML Compositions Empty Re: ebilekittae's MML Compositions

Post  MikiOno Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:38 am

Teoxihuitl wrote:Do you guys take requests? :O

Sure! I can't guarantee its timely completion (I'm actually already behind on my original compositions and they have to be my first priority), but I can work on it in my free time. I'm still pretty amateur at this, so I can't guarantee the quality of it, either, I'm afraid, but I can give it a shot. Very Happy
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

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ebilekittae's MML Compositions Empty Re: ebilekittae's MML Compositions

Post  Guest Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:18 am

Safety Dance
Safety Dance
Safety Dance
Safety Dance
Safety Dance
Safety Dance


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ebilekittae's MML Compositions Empty Re: ebilekittae's MML Compositions

Post  MikiOno Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:18 am

Oh, whoops! ^^; I knew I forgot to post this somewhere yesterday, but couldn't figure out where!

Hope you enjoy! Very Happy
Wolf in Designer Clothing
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ebilekittae's MML Compositions Empty Re: ebilekittae's MML Compositions

Post  MikiOno Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:34 pm

Wolf in Designer Clothing
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ebilekittae's MML Compositions Empty Mabified Safety Dance

Post  MikiOno Fri Mar 30, 2012 2:45 pm

Okay, finally got around to converting Safety Dance!
That song apparently has a LOT of short notes, so I had to REALLY shorten it in order to make it composable at all in Mabi. x_x I made two versions, one that can be composed as early as Composing Rank 6 and another, shortened version (part of the intro is left out) that can be composed at Rank B. I can probably shorten it more if anyone needs it at a lower rank, but mind you it'll be REALLY short. Razz

None of the composing was mine! I found a midi at a site called and converted it from MIDI format to MML. Still quite a bit of work involved, but nothing compared to composing it from scratch, which, looking at the music, I could definitely have not succeeded in at my skill level. Razz

Rank 6 MML text file download link:
Rank B MML text file download link:

EDIT: It just occurred to me I could put the MML on here instead of making people have to download it. Razz I'm just used to uploading the text files since you can't put the MML in the YouTube bottom bar. Razz

Rank 6

Rank B

I'll leave the download links up if you need them for whatever reason.
Wolf in Designer Clothing
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ebilekittae's MML Compositions Empty Re: ebilekittae's MML Compositions

Post  Guest Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:58 pm

ebilekittae's MML Compositions 2gwt64m


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ebilekittae's MML Compositions Empty Re: ebilekittae's MML Compositions

Post  MikiOno Sat Mar 31, 2012 12:59 am

Soifa Toten wrote:ebilekittae's MML Compositions 2gwt64m

Glad to help! xD
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

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ebilekittae's MML Compositions Empty Re: ebilekittae's MML Compositions

Post  Glaceon Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:40 am

I'll likely be put to making it. My composition skill is rank 6.
Glas Ghoblehht
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ebilekittae's MML Compositions Empty Re: ebilekittae's MML Compositions

Post  MikiOno Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:21 pm

New Upload!
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ebilekittae's MML Compositions Empty Re: ebilekittae's MML Compositions

Post  MikiOno Wed Apr 04, 2012 3:18 pm

As a heads-up, there might not be weekly/twice-weekly uploads/compositions anymore. I'm kind of discouraged by the low activity on my channel, it seems like these are really unpopular and might be a waste of time. Either way, I'll still be doing compositions, but if I decide that it's probably a waste of time, then thy'll come quite sparingly, like once a month at best, and I might not go through the trouble of recording and uploading them.

Either way, I'll still take requests for compositions with the same stipulations as before. It seems that people really prefer cover songs to original pieces, which is understandable, but I intensely prefer making my own to composing cover MML.

So I'm kinda bummed! But hey! Maybe when the Bard destiny comes out, things will pick up and I can take another shot at it.
Wolf in Designer Clothing
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ebilekittae's MML Compositions Empty Re: ebilekittae's MML Compositions

Post  Auramune Wed Apr 04, 2012 3:25 pm

awh. Don't be bummed. You should really only do things for your pleasure and not others.

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ebilekittae's MML Compositions Empty Re: ebilekittae's MML Compositions

Post  MikiOno Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:12 pm

Yeah, you're right! It just kinda feels bad that things didn't turn out like I hoped, but I had too high of expectations. Razz
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ebilekittae's MML Compositions Empty Re: ebilekittae's MML Compositions

Post  Guest Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:18 am

-inch inch inch-

Keeping the Blade by Coheed and Cambria? 8D



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ebilekittae's MML Compositions Empty Re: ebilekittae's MML Compositions

Post  Mari Eir Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:24 am

Soifa Toten wrote:-inch inch inch-

Blahblahblah by Coheed and Cambria? 8D


I love that song, too.
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ebilekittae's MML Compositions Empty Re: ebilekittae's MML Compositions

Post  Guest Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:38 pm

Oh oh oh oh! Do this song!

Specifically..from around 2:49 on. Very Happy

And other Chrono Cross songs maybe? The Girl Who Stole Stars(also called Star-Stealing Girl)? Very Happy



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ebilekittae's MML Compositions Empty Re: ebilekittae's MML Compositions

Post  MikiOno Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:16 pm

I'll try to complete both Keeping the Blade and Star-Stealing Girl soon! Very Happy

I never played Chrono Cross (not for wanting), but I've played Chrono Trigger and loved the music in it. I'd love to see a resurrection of the Chrono series. Very Happy
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ebilekittae's MML Compositions Empty Re: ebilekittae's MML Compositions

Post  Guest Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:23 pm

I have love for you. Very Happy


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