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[Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow]

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[Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow] Empty [Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow]

Post  ShoMarufuji Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:33 am

Name: Seto Kaiba

Age: Twenty-five

Birth Race: Human Male from the 21st century
Game Race: Female Elf

Family: Kaiba’s only living relative back home is his little brother Mokuba. Mokuba used to be a bit of a brat, going around leading an elementary school mafia of sorts, but this phase faded away when Seto finally found the opportunity to be able to stay home more often and give his brother the attention and love that he so desperately craved. Seto used to have an adoptive father who both physically and psychologically abused both him and Mokuba for years. He committed suicide when Seto took over his multi-million dollar company.

Hobbies: Seto Kaiba is unofficially a merchant in Erinn. Her new speed assists her in doing commerce quickly, earning thousands of ducats and gold for every run. Her knowledge in business didn’t escape her upon her arrival in Erinn, in fact, it might have grown sharper. The simplicity of buying and selling for profit pleased Seto, so she was able to make a reasonable amount of money fairly quickly. When commerce grows tiresome, Seto tries her hand at the dungeons, earning fabulous treasures and leaving her with a sense of satisfaction. The ruralness and thus, lack of computers, in Erinn annoys her to no extent, and she still attempts to create ones from scratch in ridiculous Macgyver-esqe attempts. Seto still enjoys games as well, but not so much with other people, seeing as she considers herself to be the best of the best.

Weapon of Choice: Seto wouldn’t have bothered if she had been able to get away from it, nothing really appealed to her. Swords and Blunt weapons was too close combat, nitty-gritty, and got her expensive clothes all mucky. Bows were tedious, and the string irritated her fingers. Wands were ridiculous, and she didn’t have a very high opinion of magic anyway. It was when she took a wrong turn heading to Tir Chonail that she arrived at Talliteann, and discovered alchemy. Mystified by the most technological thing she had seen since arriving here, she discussed at length the mechanics of the machine with the alchemists there, before buying one and a few hundred crystals to boot.

Hair Color: Brownish, but closer to a burnt orange.
Eye Color: Cold Blue, full of malice.

Height: 5’9’. Despite being a girl this time around, Seto still has giraffe genes.
Weight: 103 lbs. Seto doesn’t have time for food.

Favorite Food: Beef filet, Chocolate, Any Complicated Dishes
Least Favorite Food: Oden, Ramen, Most foods prepared in a minute or less.

Theme Song:
The Ordinary Boys- 9 to 5

How he came to be in Erinn:
Seto Kaiba, CEO of KaibaCorp and one of the top 10 bigshots in Domino City, was sitting in his room with his precious laptop, Laptop-kun. In the middle of programming a patch for an MMORPG that he was developing, he did not wished to be disturbed unless it was his little brother Mokuba and he was on fire or something equally drastic. While his specialty had usually been developmental virtual reality enhancements to the popular Duel Monsters card game, he felt that upon “officially” becoming an adult that he should turn to more original things. Duel Monsters was still his forte, but it was nice to put the skills he learned from creating holograms into a free to play game that anyone could enjoy. Sure there would be special things that you COULD pay money for- but nothing you couldn’t buy off another player, even if it was thousands upon thousands of the game’s currency, that was between you and the greedy seller. It had been difficult at first, but he already had a reasonable amount of players, most of whom were more than willing to shell out the money for the nifty features they could get in the item shop.

While musing about whether or not to improve upon the damage calculation code, there was a knock upon the door. He looked up, annoyed. “What is it?” he scowled, shocked when the door opened. A thin and frail young woman in a traditional maid uniform stood in the doorway, looking nervous. She should be looking nervous, Kaiba had thought. He had not given her permission to open his door. “What do you think you’re doing?” he asked. “You do not open my door without stating your business at the very least and only when it’s important.”

“Forgive me Mr.Kaiba…” she said softly. “But it is important... It’s about my daughter-“
Kaiba rolled his eyes. “I’ll tell you what I told everyone ELSE who had the nerve to ask me. You choose to have a kid, you put them through college, I’m not a charity.” The maid shook her head.

“No! No Mr.Kaiba I’m not asking for money- well I am bu-“

“The answer is no. I don’t care what you want to use it for. My money is MY money and it’s for me, Mokuba and whatever bastard is lucky enough to have me buy something from them.” said Kaiba firmly, waving her off. “You can go now.”

“Mister Kaiba PLEASE!” shouted the Maid, shocking Kaiba into a state of silence long enough for her to speak. “It’s my daughter…she’s so very sick and her medicine isn’t working, the doctors say she might not be able to make it if she doesn’t undergo this experimental medical procedure. It’s- It’s 5 million dollars bu- but…Oh Mister Kaiba, she’s my only daughter.” Whimpered the Maid, dropping to her knees. “You’re the only one who might be able to save her…please.”
Kaiba opened his mouth to speak before closing it again. He stared at his Maid intently for a moment. “So…”he said after a short while. “You intend for me to shell out 5 million of my hard earned dollars in order for you to earn a CHANCE at giving your daughter another miserable week of life? Are you out of your (CENSORED. please use appropriate language on the forums. ^^) mind? Your daughter, who you’ve been complaining about since she was born, talking about how hard it is to get her to pick her head up and walk. Your daughter, whose botched blood transfusion ended up giving her AIDS- and I had to hear a weak of your stupid sobbing after that. Your daughter, who you always sigh and weep about, you expect me to extend that sorry excuse of a girl’s time on this planet? Are you smoking something illegal?”

“No! Mister Kaiba You just have-“

“I don’t have to do ANYTHING.” Roared Kaiba, angered at his Maid’s insolence. “You always said that girl was frail, boohoo. A stupid weak and frail little girl that’s just going to be a byproduct of social Darwinism. Hell, he’d be proud. The weak and miserable are going to sit by and let the powerful take over. That’s the way it should be, and it’s useless to fight anything. You’re dismissed, and that’s final. It’s not my problem if your kid dies. Tch…Maybe now I’ll get some peace and stop hearing you complain about her all the time.”

The Maid was silent. She lowered her head in dismay and swallowed, nodding her head in understanding before meekly leaving the room. She closed the door behind her and left Seto to her work. Tears glinted in her eyes as she looked up. “Mark my words Seto Kaiba…” she whispered quietly. “You will understand my daughter’s suffering…what it feels like to be frail, weak and sickly with no one to love you…”

Seto Kaiba stopped typing, hearing her distinctly. Then he smiled. “Make my day.” He whispered to himself.

Three weeks had passed since the incident and Seto had long put it out of his mind anyway. He arrived home from work, anxious to log into the game and tend to his Blue Eyes. It had taken a hell of a lot of bribing to get the rights from Pegasus to put them into the game as limited time pets, but it was worth it. The companion followed him from Duel Monsters into his own game and would remain so if Kaiba could help it. As in the real world, it was more of treat to himself that than his players. As soon as he made the Blue Eyes White Dragon Pets available, he bought all of them and kept 3 that he actively used. After all, he was the only one worthy enough to control a Blue Eyes White Dragon, in or out of Duel Monsters.

Arriving home, Mokuba greeted him with a leaping hug. “Seto!” he cried out, squeezing his elder brother as hard as he could. “You’re back!” Giving his little brother a consoling pat on the back in return, Kaiba stood to his full height and removed his flamboyant white jacket, hanging it up to the outstretched hand on his side, so that the Maid could handle it. “Did you help anyone today?”

“I answered a few tickets about people who lost some items.” Said Mokuba with a shrug. “When I looked into it, I found out they never had them in the first place. Stupid- OH! Seto, something bad happened…“

Seto laughed at the miffed look on Mokuba’s face before turning serious. “What happened? Are some halfwits trying to XXXX the servers again?”

“Noo! No.” said Mokuba, looking sad. “It’s the Maid, her daughter died today.”

Kaiba paused for a moment blinking. “Oh.” He said, not really affected. “Well I suppose I’ll give her a week off to mourn and then she can tell me when the wake is. No problem. Now let’s get downstairs and take a look at that game.”

Mokuba frowned briefly at Seto’s callousness, but as he was used to it he didn’t think much of his behavior and followed his brother to the room where they kept the virtual reality equipment. Seto approached a fallen helmet in the middle of the floor, the cable still connected to the electric box by a thin wire. Picking it up he scowled as he dusted it off. “Mokuba.” scolded Kaiba crossly. “I’ve told you hundreds of times, put this away when you’re done, this is expensive and hard as hell to fix.” Mokuba looked shocked.

“B-But I did put it away…” he said quietly, wondering how the helmet could have teleported away from where he had put it. Seto sighed and rolled his eyes. “Nevermind-“ he said, putting it on and sitting down. He pressed a button on the side and an orange visor popped down. Turning the machine next to him on, there was a whir as the world around him faded away to be replaced with the virtual reality of his game world.

Seto blinked the popping circles before his eyes away. He would have to try to fix that before they went into the beta phase and started distributing these helmets. Otherwise, there would be a lot more people getting sick than necessary. He looked up and smirked. Standing tall above him was his favorite Blue Eyes, glaring down at him with a hostile look in its eye. “There you are.” Said Kaiba, crossing his arms across his chest. “Let’s go- I have a feeling that we can teach a few scammers some lessons before dinner.” He walked ahead in the plains then stopped when he didn’t hear the thundering sounds that signaled that his dragon was following him. He turned around and frowned. “Maybe you misunderstood me, but that was an order. Now move it!”

The dragon scowled at Seto, showing rows of gleaming white teeth. Rearing its head it let out a high pitched roar of anger. Seto covered his ears and narrowed his eyes. “Obviously there must be some bugs.” He said. Blue Eyes never disobeyed him. He snapped his fingers and a virtual keyboard that he used to make changes to the game while within it appeared before him, floating. He slammed a few keys and pressed ENTER, looking up. Whatever he had done, it hadn’t worked, if anything it had proved to aggravate the dragon even more, who had now lowered its head and began snarling at Seto.

“This isn’t funny.” He said darkly, waving his hand to try to desummon his dragon. “Return Blue Eyes!” he commanded. Another roar greeted his order and Kaiba had a dark feeling in the pit of his stomach. “This must be an external issue.” He said, putting his hands on his head and pulling up, as though to take off his helmet in the real world. He was confused when he met resistance. “Mokuba- Get off, something’s gone wrong.” He said, thinking that worst case scenario, Mokuba was holding the helmet down on his head or had stepped on a wire.

But that wasn’t the case. Mokuba looked on with wide eyes and Seto who was struggling to take of his helmet growling in anger. “Seto!” he called. But his brother could not hear with his mind stuck inside the game. Mokuba dashed forward and put his hands on either side of Seto’s helmet, tugging hard to no avail. “Why won’t it-“ Then Mokuba saw it and gasped in horror. There, hidden underneath the chair was a used tube of Superglue and pair of wire cutters. Someone had sabotaged the equipment! That was why it was on the floor!

It would be dangerous to leave Seto in the game any longer with faulty equipment, so Mokuba attempted to do the next best thing, unplug the helmet. He gripped the wire and pulled as hard as he could, letting out a yelp and leaping back at the horrible shock he had received. Whatever kind of electricity he had gotten a jolt of, it seemed that Seto suffered in tenfold. His body seized up and nasty smell of burning hair and battery acid leaked into the air. “SETO!” screamed Mokuba, jumping up and down in terror, hoping to attract someone who might be able to help.

Back in the game, Seto was running as hard as he could. His head pounded painfully, and he had started to lose feeling in his right arm. His dragon had turned into an absolute beast, chasing him angrily across the plains. He lowered his head, groaning as he tried to dash faster. When the electric shock came, he tripped and growled in agony, tripping into the dirt and holding his head, which seemed to be splitting in two. Kaiba turned onto his back to have a look at his horrified expression in the reflection of his dragon’s gleaming white teeth, which were descending upon him.

“NO!” he snarled, and with a pang of regret of hurting the beautiful beast, he lifted his leg and slammed his foot into the snout of the dragon. It stumbled in surprise and fury, roaring harder and diving at Seto’s throat. Blinding pain filled Seto’s body and he clutched at his neck, now wet with blood. It was hard to breath. He was panting, but no air was filling his lungs with the delicious oxygen he needed. How dare the dragon betray him like this! Seto tried one last time to remove the helmet, but his arms were frozen now, and the pain in his head slowly started to ebb. All of the shock was starting to get to him. There was a crackling sound and he looked up, his vision blurry. In the distance, he could see his Blue Eyes White Dragon preparing its White Lightning attack. Green text flashed before him in a font favored by most hackers and Kaiba read quickly.

“This is how my daughter felt every day of her life. Now you’ll feel it forever.”

Taking his pain into account, Seto glared defiantly at his dragon, who was now tilting her head up to add power to her blast. “****ing with my things to give me a stroke…” he mumbled in realization. He smirked as the dragon whipped its head down, the blast firing and approaching him. “I hope I meet your daughter in hell.” With that, the attack enveloped him and with a burst of binary numbers splashing about, he was gone.

How could this have happened? Mokuba sobbed hard, shaking his lifeless brother in his chair. His eyes were open, he had to be alive! He was playing a mean prank to scare Mokuba! Why wasn’t he MOVING? The door upstairs opened, letting light flood into the room. There stood the Maid, a triumphant smile upon her face. “Mister Kaiba…” she said, slowly making her way down the stairs as Mokuba watched her, his heart pounding. “It seems that he had an…accident-“

“It was YOU!” screamed Mokuba, clinging his brother, now realizing that he was alone again, and no one would ever protect him anymore. “Why…Why would you do it?” he whimpered. The Maid approached and reached under the visor to close Seto Kaiba’s eyes. She laughed gently and smirked.

“He condemned my daughter to die, so- I simply prayed for him to feel the agony she has felt all her life, then I fulfilled the first part of my prayer myself.” She said.

Mokuba’s jaw dropped. “You…You witch…”

The Maid looked up and smiled. “No- my precious daughter is now in Erinn where she can finally be happy at last. As for your brother-“ she said with a cackle, her eyes gleaming. “The Goddesses will make him pay for having such a heart of ice.”

Mokuba sank to his knees his head in Seto’s lap as the crazy Maid laughed and laughed and laughed. Mokuba took Seto’s hand and placed it on his cheek, feeling how cold his brother was now. Another tear ran down his cheek. “Watch over me.” He whispered.

Clarification: So basically Kaiba was reborn into Erinn as a sickly female elf girl because of real world karma, i.e. He was so cruel to the Maid about her sick daughter

Seto Kaiba rarely clicks with anyone seeing as he has an egocentric personality and he views himself as the greatest person in the world. He does however, have a soft spot for children, especially orphan children. They evoke the feeling of empathy that's hidden in his heart and remind him of his terrible time as an orphan himself. He is especially pleased with children who are humble, quiet, even-tempered and with low-self esteem. Peppiness annoys him as does arrogance, lack of class and friendliness. An exception to this would be if he made friends with a person when they were not happy and friendly initially e.g. he makes a friend with a shy little girl who gets happy and excitable as they spend time with each other. Seto also has a soft spot for tame animals capable of loyalty, such as dogs and cats. He absolutely adores Dragons, especially White Dragons and will pamper them if he can.

Character history through the player:
I think the last time I roleplayed Seto Kaiba was about a year ago on GaiaOnline in a gang roleplay. I’m pleased to say that although people snorted at the profile- they liked my playing. :3c Hope I can keep it up here in Erinn.

[Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow] ZWYOi

Edited by Soifa~ Very Happy

Last edited by ShoMarufuji on Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:52 am; edited 2 times in total
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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[Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow] Empty Re: [Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow]

Post  Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:03 am

Why is he a SHE?


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[Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow] Empty Re: [Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow]

Post  ShoMarufuji Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:47 am


but the shallow reason is that I want to wear pretty dresses and embarrass the crap out of him.

Indepth Reason- Supposed to be some kind of punishment for something he did. Maybe he called Nao a slut lol I'm still thinking it over.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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[Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow] Empty Re: [Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow]

Post  Auramune Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:12 pm

Nao doesn't punish people like that, despite what people want to have her do.

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[Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow] Empty Re: [Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow]

Post  Cyler Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:40 pm

Maybe it is some sort of self punishment? (Agrees with Aura ^) If not that, hey, your character. I am sure you will find a good reason. Very Happy
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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[Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow] Empty Re: [Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow]

Post  ShoMarufuji Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:43 pm

Auramune wrote:
Nao doesn't punish people like that, despite what people want to have her do.

Thanks, I was considering that she'd be too nice for that

So I'll think of something else, maybe just have it be retribution for something he did to a woman.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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[Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow] Empty Re: [Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow]

Post  Vayne Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:15 pm

It's Seto Kaiba, the friendliest guy in the whole wide world!

Would you be his neighbor?

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[Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow] Empty Re: [Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow]

Post  Bartholomew Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:29 pm

Please, thank Adir for the idea.
[Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow] Str-ih10
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[Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow] Empty Re: [Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow]

Post  ShoMarufuji Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:13 pm

LMAO you guys are great.

So my friend helped me with Kaiba's bio, so I'm going to be putting it into writing now. I already played as Seto with Tal about...twice. xD

I play with her so much lol. ;w;

EDIT: AAAH GUYS IM DOING IT AGAIN. I'm writing the bio but it's already 415 words and Im not even halfway done. x-x

Oh well, I love to write.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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[Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow] Empty Re: [Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow]

Post  Cyler Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:55 pm

I was curious why the name looked familiar, thanks Bart! Very Happy
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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[Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow] Empty Re: [Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow]

Post  ShoMarufuji Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:10 pm

Updated: Included Part 1 of the Bio.

Also, yes Seto Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh!

So Kind of like this.
[Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow] VwJPd
[Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow] Q8Cfn

I like boobies. Very Happy
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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[Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow] Empty Re: [Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow]

Post  Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:11 pm

Please use appropriate language on the forums.


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[Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow] Empty Re: [Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow]

Post  ShoMarufuji Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:52 pm

Sorry. ;;
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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[Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow] Empty Re: [Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow]

Post  ShoMarufuji Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:53 am

Updated! Completed the bio and added a TL;DR for clarification. Also included a personality section to make it easier to understand him/her.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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[Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow] Empty Re: [Alt.] Seto Kaiba [IGN:Yaoimeow]

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