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"A Bad Joke" - Andratzi (Body Alt)

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"A Bad Joke" - Andratzi (Body Alt) Empty "A Bad Joke" - Andratzi (Body Alt)

Post  Lilieath Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:21 pm

Name: Andratzi " 'Dra" Galbrahn
Age: 15?
Race: Half-Goblin, Fomorian
Hometown: Barri Dungeon
Hair: Greasy black
Eyes: Red

"Look at this disgusting pink skin. It's a disgrace, a bad joke! A cruel prank of mother nature..."

Andratzi was fathered by a cruel goblin warboss and a kidnapped human woman. Her unusual genetics left her pale compared to her green and purple-skinned peers, which was the cause of much mocking and many beatings. Though she was just as strong and quick as any other goblin, retaliating often got her punished by the ogres that lorded over Barri. Hated by her own kind, she decided to leave Barri and face the world above. For years she made her money preying on merchants, sharing the same fascination with gold as all of her kind do. Andratzi often travels in the far lands of Iria, hearing tales of warriors unmatched in the art of the twin sword, and hoping to learn from them.

Dra is often sarcastic, bitter, rude and needlessly aggressive, showing disdain for the painfully weak Tuathans as well as soft-bellied Belvast fomors. Having developed a bit of an inferiority complex, she constantly strives to prove herself as a competent fighter, particularly in the presence of Fomors. Wearing an intimidating spiked helmet to cover her pointed ears and sharp red eyes, she can pass for a human to the unobservant with her pale skin, though her pendant bearing a Fomorian emblem raises suspicion now and then. Short and wiry, as most goblins are, she looks similar to a young human girl of 15.

"A Bad Joke" - Andratzi (Body Alt) Dra
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

Posts : 43
Join date : 2012-01-12

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