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Selreth Elleaus

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Selreth Elleaus Empty Selreth Elleaus

Post  Arthmathos Thu Jan 19, 2012 1:42 am

Going with an Erinn-born villainous character because I'm brave like that. Also sorry again for the lengthy bio. My characters have extremely convoluted backstories (love triangles will do that). Once again I've used my wife's character with her permission as we wrote this story together and all that good stuff.

Name: Selreth Allevar Elleaus
Race: Half-elf
Game Race: Human
Age: 28
Family: Lord Balfier (father, human, currently living), Lady Elinnis (mother, elf, perished during miscarriage)
Weapon of Choice: Magic, though he rarely engages in battle.
Personality: Aloof, indulgent, haughty, selfish and spoiled. Very particular and picky about the quality of clothing, food, establishments, etc. Rarely smiles or engages in unnecessary chatter. Hates people.

Bio: Selreth was the first and only son of a wealthy aristocrat of Emain Macha. He spent most of his childhood in the company of expensive possessions rather than other children due to their intolerant nature towards his half-elvish heritage. When his mother found herself with child once again, Selreth was ecstatic at the prospect of a sibling, though that enthusiasm was short lived. His brother was dead upon birth, the overwhelming grief taking his fragile, elven mother as well. After the tragedy, Selreth closed up almost entirely to the world around him, plagued with disappointment and deep depression until one day he met a girl while wandering through the square. Nadirah, the daughter of a nomadic couple who had taken up residence in the city was quick to befriend the young boy, unphased by his standoffish nature and odd appearance. The two related on many levels of being complete oddballs amongst society and grew extremely close over the course of a few years.

Selreth had grown so fond of Nadirah that when he heard she was joining the Tara militia for money, he followed right beside her without a second thought. Unfortunately for the young half-elf, the military was no place for the likes of a pampered noble's son and he struggled horribly through basic training. Determined to stay by Nadirah's side, he pushed forward and eventually found compromise by becoming a healer. There he excelled while still being able to remain in contact with his childhood friend as she found herself visiting frequently for his services.

Over time though things started to fray between the two. Nadirah came to visit less and less and when she did come to see him, she seemed distant and distracted. During this time Selreth began to realize his true feelings and struggled each visit with the urge to admit he loved her. Eventually she began to speak of another man, Arthmathos, another commoner-turned-soldier much like herself. She spoke with such enthusiam and admiration every time she mentioned him, forcing the half-elf to bite his tongue and keep quiet in fear of rejection. Nadirah eventually fell in love with Arthmathos, feeding into Selreth's growing bitterness with every story she told him. Quietly he listened as he always had, seething every time she mentioned his name.

Selreth managed to land himself an internship in Tara's military offices around the same time Arthmathos had achieved his status as a war hero. As an act of goodwill and supposed friendship, the solider welcomed Selreth as his personal advisor when he was knighted. He gladly accepted the title in order to stay close to Nadirah who had been placed as the head of his personal guard. Selreth jealously watched as the two grew closer still and immediately started to plot sabotage on their relationship in order to take Nadirah back. He soon started a rumor that Nadirah had seduced Arthmathos in order to work her way up the ranks. The rumor caused quite the uproar amongst Arthmathos' adversaries and they immediately rushed to cover it up before word got to the court that their lord was engaging in such low affairs. Selreth gladly volunteered for disposing of Nadirah, even going as far to stage her execution and funeral in order to fool Arthmathos into believing she was dead.

Now he had Nadirah all to himself again, just as it used to be. He kept her hidden in a supposedly abandoned branch of Tara castle's dungeon, spending any spare time he had persuading her to return to his affections. Above ground he worked to arrange a marriage for Arthmathos with any noble woman he could find and used that forced union to convince her further that her love had given up on her entirely. Eventually she did fall for him as she lost all hope in Arthmathos, though she was soon shaken out of her delusional state by an imprisoned guard, one of her own men who had personally spoken with the noble since the affair. Together, the two escaped, leaving Selreth nearly frothing with rage. He now spends every opportunity he can trying to find her again, using any excuse possible to gain information, clues, anything of her whereabouts before she finds her way back to Arthmathos.

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

Posts : 13
Join date : 2011-11-02

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