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Arius Serafin

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Arius Serafin Empty Arius Serafin

Post  Lenaliere Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:43 pm

Name: Arius Serafin
Age: 12
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Red
Race: Pheonix (Requesting in powers)
Personality: Generally a pacifist, lazy, relaxed, typical 'go with the flow' attitude. Slow to anger, easily giving.

Bio: Arius was a relaxed and laid back pheonix boy who lived with his mother on Pera Volcano. He enjoyed the sparse company that came by and loved listening to music. Life was enjoyable to him until he turned Ten. At that point, visitors stopped coming, and he lived there in boredom. Surviving was easy, and he didn't complain until the smoke, noise, and constant threat of being shot out of the skies by dragons drove him insane.

When Arius was able enough, he flew to the grasslands near Calida, and rested. After he had regained his strength, he flew south to Physis, and took a long hike to courcle. By the time he made it to Courcle, he was eleven years old. He relaxed in the Herba Jungle of Courcle, enjoying the fresh new environment. When he grew bored with that, he began to head South again. Eventually he reached the Sun Mark of Rano, and decided that it was a pretty nice place. He made a house in the nearby desert of Muyu and often flew around Rano watching travellers do whatever, claiming that it was the most diverse part of Iria.

At the age of twelve, Arius heard of the continent of Uladh. Although he hopes to visit sometimes, he still maintains a steady home in the region of Rano, enjoying the company of visitors and waiting for someone nice enough to lend him the cash to take him to Uladh.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

Posts : 496
Join date : 2011-01-09
Age : 28
Location : So far west of california that I'm west of the atlantic o3o

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