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Ace Striker, Special Operationalist, Professional Sniper.

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Ace Striker, Special Operationalist, Professional Sniper. Empty Ace Striker, Special Operationalist, Professional Sniper.

Post  Glaceon Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:24 am

So as some of you know, I left/quit RPS, as in stopped RPing altogether, due to a ton of E-drama that I was getting/causing, and was getting cyber bullied, loosing motivation to do anything, etc etc. However, it seems the majority of this has died down, and I am proud, kinda, to say the least, to say I am willing to rejoin RPing. However, I have my own guild, so I won't be joining the guild itself. Changed profile name to the new character that will show itself, as it is still a WIP, but overall has been fleshed out quite the bit. So without further adoo, Here we go.

Character Name: Glacia (the man your man could smell like)

How You Heard About The RP Society: I was in it....long ago. I still keep in touch with people from it too. I actually still have my foot in the dor with Coilltan.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? Not Very Long, maybe a few months.

Is English Your First Language? First language I learned, yes.

A Short Biography Of Your Character: Ace "Deadeye" Striker, that's what his team knew him as. It was a nickname his CO gave him, for being strong with a sniper rifle in combat, seeming to always get that vital shot off when it's needed. He always supported the team, whether it be in the front lines or support via the back. But one day, his team of 5 were sent to sneak into the enemy base and get some data on the supply line. They were ambushed, and held off the attack fairly well. However, one lone grenade got tossed in. Ace saw this, and proceeded to jump on it, protecting his team from a complete blow-out and failure of the mission. However, while his team was kept safe, the explosion took Ace's life, and his sacrifice was highly remembered by not only his team, but his nation. His soul left the body, and wandered days until it was guided to the soul stream by Nao. Nao gave her speech to Ace, and gave Ace the choice of the four destinies. Unable to choose, he decided to do them all, starting with Ranger. He progressed over the next few years, learning each destiny, and mastering them as they were handed out. Even now, he is still in the process of mastering them. Ace doesn't ally one specific side, he fights for his own goal, he fights in the war to save lives. He became a Royal Alchemist, to better serve his kingdom, however this is only just recent, and he is still getting used to everything. He still suffers from minor post-war trauma, but has worked on reducing it over the years, as it has been a while since he died.

What type of character do you play? Ace is an all-around player in terms of combat. He can range, melee, magic, and alchemy equally good. Magic is his weak point, as it's something more new to him. Range is his strong point, being a sniper in his first life. Melee and Alchemy are tied. He has a strong well-fit body, and is really good with technology, thus giving him a good melee and alchemy build. Personality-wise, Ace is that guy that would take a bullet for his team. He strives to be a guardian, protecting those he works with, and those he loves. However, he does strive for perfection to an extent. He may spend a bit of an arguement over why he is right, supporting his side with facts. Deep down though, he is very caring and protective, and will go to any length to save his friends lives, or serve his kingdom. He tries not to kill unless necessary, and would instead prefer to immobalize or disable his opponent, or knock them unconcious rather than causing any real harm.

What is your Mabinogi schedule? You all should know me and how often I'm online. I do have classes during the weekdays, though not many.

So yea, this is going to be my attempt at creating a stable, much better character overall. I am going to be getting some help from others, as I already have. So yea, with that, I'll leave it to everyone else. Approve, disapprove? Critisim on the bio? I know I may not have needed to reapply like this, but I felt like it.

P.S. I do have an issue atm with my typing. I will occassionally double tap the "a" button. I was able to correct it all while typing this, but during actual time, I may not have that time to fix it. Just saying that now, so I don't get chewed out for a typo that isn't really a typo but more so a muscle spasm in my pinky finger.

P.S.S. Q: But what about Glacia? A: What about her, she became a recluse in Physis. Pretty much she is going to be not used anymore until I deam it time to pull her back out, which I don't see a reason. She was a more instable character, and I kinda want to get back into RPing using a more stable character this time, which is why I want opinions on how this character looks right now, with just the backstory bio and a personality.

Because I know it's ALL the rage to post pictures of characters, lemme get one for you all.

Last edited by Ace Glacia on Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:29 pm; edited 3 times in total
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Ace Striker, Special Operationalist, Professional Sniper. Empty Re: Ace Striker, Special Operationalist, Professional Sniper.

Post  Auramune Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:35 am

Its not required, but I suggest putting (glacia) at the end of your forum name until people are used to it. Just somthing to think about.

I <3 the name Striker. Mostly because I have a character with the same last name.

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Ace Striker, Special Operationalist, Professional Sniper. Empty Re: Ace Striker, Special Operationalist, Professional Sniper.

Post  Kenelm Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:23 pm

Over all, a good job. Just as a note: "aa" only appears once in your entire post.

It should be interesting to see the character live up to his name.

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Ace Striker, Special Operationalist, Professional Sniper. Empty Re: Ace Striker, Special Operationalist, Professional Sniper.

Post  Glaceon Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:07 pm

I just was thinkin up a name and striker came to mind. I like it though. And I tossed Glacia onto my profile name as suggested.

and OMG I SEE THE AA...-goes to fix it-

Yea, I was able to fix most the "aa"s I saw, but one escaped my eyes. It's been happening a lot lately though, maybe I'm just typing too fast, though muscle spasm is definately a possibility.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Ace Striker, Special Operationalist, Professional Sniper. Empty Re: Ace Striker, Special Operationalist, Professional Sniper.

Post  Xeek Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:50 pm

Just something to consider, this is in the wrong section. This belongs in the Alts and Bio's section, as you aren't really registering to the guild and you have already registered.

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Ace Striker, Special Operationalist, Professional Sniper. Empty Re: Ace Striker, Special Operationalist, Professional Sniper.

Post  Glaceon Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:31 pm

It was more or less reapplying, since I had an abrupt leave.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Ace Striker, Special Operationalist, Professional Sniper. Empty Re: Ace Striker, Special Operationalist, Professional Sniper.

Post  Glaceon Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:06 pm

Ace Striker, in the flesh (since simulator and I are arch rivals.)

Ace Striker, Special Operationalist, Professional Sniper. Mabino17

At least that's his casual wear. His armor soon to come...
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Age : 33
Location : Somewhere in Johto..

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