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The identity known as Cross

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The identity known as Cross Empty The identity known as Cross

Post  Nilats Sun Aug 28, 2011 1:32 am

Drip... Drip... Drip...

The water droplets echoed through the cave as they crashed to the ground, and it caused Nilats to stir awake. "Huh?" He'd groan while trying to examine the room around him, though his eyes were covered by a light sleepy haze. The back of his head began to throb, which made him recall the giant hammer that was thrown against the back of his head. He also recalled that him and Zero were ambushed while traveling back to Fillia from the snowy fields of Physis.

Zero let out a few faint coughs, then joined Nilats in a hazy examination of the area. When both of their vision cleared up, they found themselves restrained to the wall of an icy cave. Nilats sighed, "Soooooooo. Zero, what the hell happened to you watching the back?"

Zero looked over to Nilats, "I don't know, what the hell happened to you? Shouldn't you have been able to take him?"

Nilats shot a quick glare to Zero, and hissed, "Shut it... He took me down first..."

Zero laughed, "Liar! He took me down first!"

Before Nilats could continue the argument they both were struck silent by the crunching of footsteps in the snow. Nilats started to get anxious, "Crap... This isn't good. Odds are he's gonna kill us. Can you find anyway out of these restraints?"

Zero started fidgeting in the restraints, "Nyeh, yeah if I had a little more time."

Nilats quickly nodded, "I'll see what time I can buy you."

The crunching sound got closer, until finally a Giant came around the corner into the icy room. He looked to the fidgeting Zero, and a smirk formed on his face. Two giant hammers were visible in his hands. They were enormous, something that Nilats would use as a two-handed weapon. The giant let out a roaring laugh, "Heh, struggle all you want elf. You wont have enough time to slip out of there." He cracked his neck, and then change his view to Nilats. "As for you human, you should've known better then to group up with an elf in Giant land. If you sided with the Giants, you wouldn't be in this situation."

Nilats chuckled to himself, he would've spit at the Giant, but feared it would freeze to his lip. "Yeah well, I don't have the finest memories of Giant before I sided with the elves. So I figured I'd go with the people who gave me the warmest greeting."

The Giant laughed, "Well we are a rough people." He then pulled his left arm back, and swung it forward; tossing one of his hammer's into Zero's skull.

The Elves once fidgeting body hung from the restraints limp, and lifeless. Nilats' eyes widened in fury, "Zero!" He looked to the Giant with a unquenchable blood thirst in his eyes. "You! I'll kill you! They wont have enough of your body to identify you when I'm finished!"

He struggled against the metal restraints, flexing his muscles, along with his entire body. Trying everything to break free of the restraints, his wrists beginning to bleed from the struggle. It didn't matter how much he struggled though, the Giant wasn't prepared for him to go free. He slowly walked up to Nilats, at the height he was at he came to the Giants eye level. The Giant moved his face close enough for Nilats to get a good look. "You don't remember me do you? You were such a little guy back then, but look at you. Of course I was much younger back then as well. You Milletian's don't realize how lucky you are, having immortality. I don't personally think it's fair, and which is why I do what I do."

Nilats growled at him, "You! You're the one who attacked me when I first got here, but that makes no sense! Zero put several arrows in you!"

The Giant let out another roaring laughs, "I'm a Giant boy! You think I can be killed so easily? No, and that was the mistake you and your dead friend made. Now, for your punishment. Go back to the soul stream where you belong." With that, the Giant swung the last hammer into Nilats face. Ending his life.

~~~~~~~~Some time later~~~~~~~~~ ((However long it take for the revive from Death... Can't remember the exact time, don't judge me!))

Nilats stalked through the forest outside of Bangor, unknowing where his exact destination was. He was now wearing a chain mail with a cloth over the front of it; the cloth had a cross embroidered on it. On his head he wore a helmet that had several crosses etched in it, and in his hands he held a sword and shield. On his back he had the Claymore Zero had purchased for him not to long ago. The sky was gray, and slightly cloudy, just as it looked the day he arrived in Errin.


Nilats looked to his left, and slowly crept up to a line of bushes to keep himself hidden. A kid had landed in the middle of the forest, just as Nilats did. He wasn't expecting someone to land here while he was searching, but it would make for good bait. He had heard rumors about a Giant taking out Milletians around the forests that lead to Bangor. It may be a false lead, but it was the closest Nilats was gonna get. The kid looked confused, looking around in confusion, wondering why he was placed in the middle of a forest with only a short sword. Rustling could be heard from the bushes across from Nilats, he moved his attention to the bushes. He knew what was about to happen, although the kid probably had no idea.

"GWAR!" A Giant came bounding out of the bushes, and was heading straight for the kid. His eyes glowing in the faint darkness, and holding his two hammers firmly in his hand.

Nilats cursed under his breath, and tightened his grip on his shield and sword. Swiftly he came charging out of the bushes, passed the kid, and slammed his shield into the Giants chest. The Giant toppled over from the force of Nilats attack. He quickly looked back at the kid, "Get back! I'll explain what's going on in a little!"

The kid didn't even question Nilats, he scurried behind a nearby tree. Tightly gripping his sword, holding it at the ready if he needed to strike. Nilats looked back at the Giant who had gotten back to his feet. The Giant smiled, wiping a little blood from his lip, "How did you know I was?.. It doesn't matter." He readied both of his hammers, "You'll be dead soon enough!" He then charged at Nilats, swinging his hammers at him. Which Nilats blocked with his shield, though the impact sent him flying into a nearby tree. The Giant chuckled to himself, as he turned on his heels towards the cowering newcomer. The Giant gripped the tree, and smiled at the kid. It was a twisted, and sadistic smile, one that only psychotic's had.

Nilats regained his composure, and looked opened his eyes to see The Giant preparing his hammers. Nilats didn't bother going after his sword and shield, instead he unsheathed his Claymore and charged The Giant. He jumped into the air, and drove his sword into the back of The Giant. He then swiftly shoved his right foot into The Giant's back, and pushed himself off of The Giant's back.

Nilats watched the behemoth fall to the ground with a crash, and moved over to the body. The Giant was faintly breathing, gurgling coughs spewing from his mouth between each breath. Nilats placed the tip of his Claymore to the back of The Giant's head, and he leaned down enough for the Giant to see his red eyes gleaming out of his helmet. "You've killed me once, and nearly killed me another time... But it looks like the shoes on the other foot now, eh?"

The Giant let out a gurgling chuckle, "Well feel proud... Milletian's are supposed to protect us Errin born, so how does killing me live up to the creed you live by?"

Nilats chuckled, "The creed asks us to maintain peace in Errin, and protect it from the Former's. All I am is killing a murderer, protecting the people or Errin from you. If you recall, you killed an elven friend of mine who was Errin born. Remember?"

The Giant's eyes widened, Nilats didn't let him get another word in though. He quickly stood up, and plunged the sword into the back of his Giant's head. Nilats pulled his sword out of the Giant's skull, and placed it back in his sheath. He spun around on his heels, and went to go fetch his sword and shield. The young kid stood up from where he was hiding, and looked to Nilats. "Wow, what the hell was that?"

Nilats picked up his sword, but looked to his shield broken on the ground. He frowned, but placed the sword back in it's sheath, "That child, was what we call a 'Giant'."

The kid placed his short sword back in it's sheath, "But I just got here, I didn't do anything to him. Why did he want to kill me so fast?"

"Some people are jealous of us Milletians, just take some advice from me. Don't tell anyone you're a Milletian alright? It only leads to trouble."

The kid was taken aback, "But we're heroes aren't we? Protectors of... What did you call this place again?"

Nilats started walk away, "Errin, look I'll see you around kid."

The kid watched Nilats walk away, "But... I have no idea where I'm going. What if I get ambushed?"

That stopped Nilats dead in his tracks, he had Zero escort him to Bangor after they subdued the Giant. He sighed, and cursed under his breath. He turned around, looking at the kid. "Alright, I'll take you back to Dunbarton." He untied a little back from his thigh, and tossed it to the kid.

The bag jingled when the kid caught it, and he looked up to Nilats with a confused looked on his face. "What's this for?"

"It's fifty thousand gold, you'll use it to buy a better weapon, and food. After we get to Dunbarton is when we'll depart, I have things to do."

Nilats and the kid walked out to the nearby dirt road, and started heading towards Dunbarton. The child looked up to Nilats, and couldn't help but ask the question he wanted to ever since the Giant died. "So... What do I call you?"

Nilats kept his stature strong, and glanced down to the kid. "You can call me Cross..."

((I enjoy constructive criticism, and yes I know it was prolly cheesy at the end. But I started running into writers block in the end.))
Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

Posts : 111
Join date : 2011-03-23

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