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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Mari Eir
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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Zeffie Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:02 am

A little girl could be seen posting up thousands and thousands of posters, all around the RPS guild hall, the RPS guild stones, and many bullitens boards through out Erinn and the Shadow Realm. Every place, full of These posters, badges with the Puzzlemaster's fist shooting up in the air, and candies.

Hello fellow RPS members! My name is Zeffie and I've decided that we all need a get together. A nice, drama and big-scene, free guild party. One you may bring your family and kids too. We'll have many snacks, food and drinks, a Llama petting zoo for the children. (and any of you who havn't grown up yet). And many fun games and prizes to be won! Please, any other ideas for fun are judged and possibly accepted, so send them to me, Zeffie.
Now, I am quite aware that some of you want to kill each other. Well, we will have you in three groups, in three different areas where you can mingle and enjoy the event with people you like. Of course, we will rotate areas so people may be able to grab snacks, see the petting zoo. And I, and any volunteers will send you all walking to your next areas, drawn out on the handy map below.

Volunteers: (You must get along with EVERYBODY, yes... Everyone, to help. Or atleast sign a contract saying you will not hurt anyone)
Volunteers who get along with everyone may move around through all groups.
Teme, Kya

Group one, will consist of: Aura, Xeek, Azarune, and people who get along with them and thier family and kids they wish to bring.
Please sign here if you get along with these people and anyone who's later signed:
((Spaces open for me to write all you people <_<))

Jack, Temo

Group two will consist of: Hyuponia and Mariella Kana, and thier... Kana clan... Soifa, Trental and Vayne, Auron
Please sign here if you get along with these people and anyone who's later signed:
((boop, the spaces are much bigger.... ICly...))

Jack, Temo, Tina

Group three will consist of: Dalvar, her family, Adhmah, his girlfriend, Auron,
Please sign here if you get along with these people and anyone who's later signed:
((Boop boop BAM))
Jack, Temo

This event will be hosted in Iria in the Nubes Mountians. We will have the caves sealed up with tall wooden spikes and metal rings connecting them, also lined with spikes. Do not go in there. We wil not send a search party.
The colour your group was written in is the colour your star and area is.

The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Minima10

Now, your wondering what "Battle area" is, well just wait We're getting to that.
The Day will start out like so:
1. People will arrive in thier area, and will not harm a soul in another group on the way.
1 (1/2). Participants shall sign contract.
2. You shall mingle and enjoy what is at the area
3. Rotations and more enjoyment at these areas will happen.
4. Helpers will lead all three groups to the "Battle area." Contrract is still in effect until I, Zeffie, say "The Wealthy Barber"
5. Chatting and enjoyment will go on. Contract still in effect.
6. Prizes shall be handed out to the best behaved.
7. When all is done, Zeffie and helpers shall move all who still wish to chat and not fight to the non-battle area.
8. Zeffie will say the magic words and people may attack and kill each other to thier hearts content, for a breif period in this area.

If you have any comments, questions, concerns, please contact me.
The contract draft will be posted up around as well, take a look.

Due to the size of this guild and the preparations needed, this will be held at (( INSERT DATE WHEN MOST PEOPLE WILL BE ABLE TO COME.Just post it OOCly on this))

And Aura, please read this aloud to your Xeek who can't read.
ಠ___ಠ That is all.

Last edited by Zeffie on Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:08 am; edited 6 times in total
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Azarune Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:09 am

Under the announcement there is a thick piece of paper nailed under it. Saying this.

For those who are interested in this event are required to sign a contract upon entry, here is a sample of the contract and can be changed before the event begins

Terms of Agreement
These rules will be strictly enforced but individual situations can cause the rules to be modified for that case.

I. I will not:
1. Harm
2. Kill
3. Insult (playful insults are allowed, though insults pretending to be playful will be punishable by the Terms of Agreement)
4. Yell
5. Poison
6. Torture
7. Speak rudely or mean too
8. Kidnap
9. Eat
10. Burn
11. Freeze
12. Zap
13. Stab
14. Gouge
15. Do any malicious intent
16. Bite
17. Steal
18. Poke
19. Glare
20. Give dirty looks
21. Seduce anyone using magic
22. Black Mail
23. Threaten
24. Use the elf Hide ability
25. Any of these acts to my RPS members, recruits, or their children, for the rest of this night.

II. In addition I may not hire/summon anyone to do any of the above actions for me.

III. I agree to relinquish all items that are primarily used as weapons to Azarune, and to not harbor any concealed items that can cause harm to anyone at the party.

IV. Once the a specific time has been notified by Zeffie, everyone will be returned their weapons and set up at least hear distance, for this contract to be null-in void.

V. If I break any of these rules, I am aware that the said contract that will be in my possession during the party shall burst into flame and ignite myself and my belongings. As well as a punch from Zeffie, and a large fine based on your total income.

I, ______ agree to the terms of service.
Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Auramune Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:59 am

<<What if your weapons is magic? >_> And hey.. Aura's been teaching Xeek how to read :p!>>

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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Glaceon Sat Jul 30, 2011 2:58 am

((Talk about a complete 4th wall break....))
Glas Ghoblehht
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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Mari Eir Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:14 am

Glacia wrote:((Talk about a complete 4th wall break....))
((If you mean RPS, it stands for Reliable People Society IC. Razz
Mari Eir
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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Azarune Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:30 am

Auramune wrote:<<What if your weapons is magic? >_> And hey.. Aura's been teaching Xeek how to read :p!>>

[[If you weapon is magic, you must place it on a visible part of your persons, and make it in a way that is completely impossible to wield it properly]]
Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Vayne Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:53 am

Vayne looked over one of the fliers, Flay with him. Neither were...quite...amused.

Vayne rubbed the bridge of his nose. He could behave. He could pretend to like people. But he wasn't sure about Adhamh if he chose to sneak over there. "Dalvar is in a different groupd as me! Freakin' A, man. This sucks."

Flay scoffed, "This is a great act of INJUSTICE! I, Flay Gunnar, am not on the list!" He looked down, "...I think I'm going to cry. MANLY tears."

"Yeah, whatever. Great story. Weren't we supposed to be doing something?" Vayne asked, his mild irritation causing him to forget why they met up in the first place.

"Well," Flay began, "We were going to go hunting. At least, I thought we were. But this? THIS?! Change of plans. I must seek out this Zeffie, and demand I be on the list!"

What? Really? Is being mentioned truly so important? Vayne could understand his annoyance. Separation. Flay, however. He could still show up. That was rather obvious. Why did it matter if he was named or not? Before he could bring this up, Flay was off. Vayne was only half-surprised to see a skeleton pop from the shadows and follow after him. He was getting used to it.

Oh well, he thought to himself, if it's not to my liking, I'll leave. I've no intention of even pretending to be pleased with the Kanas, I doubt Soifa will last more than ten minutes, and Dalvar is in a group with Adhamh. Maybe it's not in my best interests to attend. I'd be frustrated...on the other hand, prizes. And a petting zoo. Maybe Jeton would like that...choices. He was so focused on the poster, he failed to notice the man who was inexplicably on fire behind him. That is all.

((.....Half-awake writings! Yaaaaay~))

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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Guest Sat Jul 30, 2011 1:37 pm

"..what..what....What IS this?.." Soifa simply stared at the...rather...long..notice for a while. This was insane...childish..but..interesting.
"..please read this to your Xeek who can't read.. He can't read? Wow...he really is a simpleton....Let's see..checklist of fun stuff I can't do..."

In the end, she was looking at a list of 25 things she was used to doing, but was banned from should she show up.

"...oh well....I guess I'll go...never been to a 'petting zoo'..."


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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Temo Sat Jul 30, 2011 1:53 pm

"Tsk,'s just for those who are able to risk dying?" Jack sulked a little at by the time he got down to the "attack and kill each other to their hearts content" part of the message. Silly Milletians - always abusing their "power" over death. Oh well, it would be nice to get out an about again for an evening, if the Missus-to-be was interested or would at least allow him to go. He hoped the former. He hated the idea of leaving her home alone to go out to a gathering; but then again, he understood how she felt about some characters in the guild.

"Well, if there's no simple dueling for me to join in on, at least I can see some faces." he told himself with a small smile and signed his name under each of the three groups. Hey, he had nothing against any of them.

Temo's head tilted curiously when he saw the announcement. And then he facepalmed. Hard. Why didn't he ever think of trying something like this?! This could have solved a LOT of problems way back when before they even began! Groaning and grumbling about something or other for what seemed like a good five minutes, he finally sighed and took out a pencil from his satchel to sign up under all three of the groups. "Wonder if they'll allow us in and not stick us with the rest of the weapons. Being a sword and all..."

"We could have opened up a gladiator arena." noted a very nearby voice.

"Shutup. You're to blame for this too." he mumbled.

"Is that why you're signing your name to the contract for combatants as well?"

Temo paused halfway through his name on his copy of the contract, as if thinking about something that his participation might've affected. He then shook his head and finished up the signature. "Well, we can't die, and an unused blade rusts. Consider it exercise. You could use some."

"Are you calling me fat, runt?"

With a straight face, Temo simply replies, "No, I'm calling you old and fat."

Teme scowled when she read over everything. On one hand, this did seem like a clean way to keep Erinn out of Milletians and their silly habits of senseless bloodshed. On the other, this meant they still were going at it. At least they were trying though. She didn't know if Calvius would want to go to something like this, but she figured she should at least go to check things out. Maybe help provide entertainment. Whatever she could do to make sure this event stayed up in Nubes and didn't boil out into the rest of Rano. Chances were Kya would've had the same plan in mind.

OOC Notes: Jack, Temo & Gleipnir, Teme, and Kurohi shall be attending. Naturally, I can't play all 4(5) at once, so whichever character is present, just say the others are in the background somewhere. WATCHING. O____O

To clarify on the post sign-ups:

Jack signed up to be able to hang in all three groups.
Temo signed up to be able to hang in all three groups. Temo and "Gleipnir" will be joining in on the battle royale.
Teme and Kya (Kurohi) signed up as volunteers to help things along, if that help is required. As well as a handful of NPC gypsies if that's permitted (and you don't kill them - think of the poor NPC families!). Feel free to toss them around if you want...not literally though. Razz

ONE MORE THING...I may have missed it, but when is this happening?

ONE MOOOOORE THING! If one of you can IM me, I got a question or two that I do not wanna clutter up this thread with discussion on please? owo
Burrito Bison

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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Adhamh Sat Jul 30, 2011 5:03 pm

Adhamh read this and discussed it with Nai. Adhamh despised a few of the people attending and even with the battle at the end, it went against his beliefs that albeit immortal, milletians should not toy with death. He placed a reply onto the board
Nai and I won't be coming, sorry. -Adhamh

Auron is delighted that he was placed with the Kanas and Soifa. Though he is saddened to see Tihk's name wasn't mentioned at all. Possibly because Tihk wasn't too social. Then again, neither was he. Though he did get out more than Tihk. Auron decided he will just drag Tihk along.

Ferrell scanned the board over and over again, making sure he didn't miss anything. "WHAAAAAT?! How was -I- not invited to this party?! Oh wait, this Zeffie doesn't know me. Hm...what a better way to meet people then by crashing this party. I could probably impress some single ladies there too..<That's totally cool..> "Ferrell decided he will be attending this and walked away, lost in his thoughts.
Cromm Crunch
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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Auramune Sat Jul 30, 2011 5:45 pm

Azarune wrote:
Auramune wrote:<<What if your weapons is magic? >_> And hey.. Aura's been teaching Xeek how to read :p!>>

[[If you weapon is magic, you must place it on a visible part of your persons, and make it in a way that is completely impossible to wield it properly]]

<<I meant if you're a mage xD. Not like an ego weapon.>>

Aura was less than amused at the flier as she read over it. It was sort of rude, she thought, that Xeek would be called out for his inability to read as well as some people. Especially since she's made such head-way in teaching him. She placed her hand over her slightly swollen belly. It was too dangerous to be anywhere near the kanas at the time. And she'd be damned if she took her children and put them in harm's way. ...still, there were a couple of faces she wouldn't mind seeing, and maybe she could talk Kerath in to coming.. he could at least steer any trouble away if it arose.

Kleptoing one of the fliers, she took it home to show Xeek. Of course she'd tear off the part about her reading it to him, and just allow him to ask if he needed it.

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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Zeffie Sat Jul 30, 2011 6:00 pm

Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Glaceon Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:22 pm

((Not Going. On any of my characters.))
Glas Ghoblehht
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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Dellinger Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:47 pm

The man rubs the back of his head with his right hand and sticks his left hand deep in his pocket, fishing for his pencil as he rereads the note on the board. He sticks the pencil he finds behind left ear, and reaches into the folds of his tan trenchcoat to find the small moleskin notebook he kept on him in case of emergency note-taking, or in this case, just a simple reply. He had cleared this with his under-bosses in the guild, so all that was left was the formality of writing up the note. The note he posts reads as follows:

To the ones named Zeffie, Azarune, and anyone else involved,

You seem to have a huge project planned out, and are in need of volunteers for management, food, guiding, possibly guarding the things sir Azarune will be collecting, and other various tasks you will no doubt need taken care of during the day. I also expect that you will need assistance in transferring items of interest from Uladh to Iria for your huge gathering, as I predict the local trading post will not be able to spare so many supplies for such an event.

As logistics suggests you need assistance, I offer the Corenites and myself as volunteers for your gathering for whatever you need. We will also ship anything you need for a fairly low, reasonable price if you allow us to volunteer. The Trading Guild would be honored to facilitate such an activity of good-will.

Please send your response to the Guild HQ in Emain Macha, or visit me there personally, with a reply. I shall wait to hear from you.

In earnest,
Zachary Dellinger
Dunewyrm of the Corenites

With this, he seals the note closed and posts it in a fairly obvious place for the original poster to respond, puts his various items back in his pockets, and leaves.

(( If this is amenable, anyone who wants to show up but -doesn't- want to RP as his character assisting in the matters could just play a Corenite volunteering at the event. I'll try my best to show up personally. ))

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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  SHINRASIA Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:08 am

Tina stopped and read the flier, unaware of what "Battle Royal" meant, but if it meant meeting more people, then she realized she would be more than happy to join in, and noticed that she knew only a couple of the people on any of the flier, and so signed her name under "group Two" to participate in the battle as well. She wondered if her doll would be considered a weapon, then realized it wouldn't be dangerous, so how could they? She noticed that her group was supposed to be far away from the "petting zoo," and was slightly sad that she might not get to see the animals. Then she shrugged, forgetting about it, and skipped away, wondering when this was to take place...

((I can go at any time except wednesday at 10:30-2-ish due to counseling. For reference, I live in PST.))

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Glaceon Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:58 pm

Glas Ghoblehht
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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Dellinger Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:20 pm

(( Any more word on this? ))

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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Azarune Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:48 pm

Dellinger wrote:(( Any more word on this? ))

[[Not sure entirely, but Zeffie is the boss here, her choice, I myself refuse to let it die.
Kandy Korn Ogre
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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Mari Eir Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:35 am

((As long as there's a relatively concrete date, I think people will show up.
Mari Eir
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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Ledil Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:43 pm

Ledil is running at full speed down an alley way in Tara, trying his hardest to get away from some of the castle guards.. *Huff... Huff* "I think I finally lost them... Jerks.." *Huff..*

Suddenly, it seemed like out of nowhere, Ledil spotted a flier posted to a wall on the other side of the road from where he was standing. He went over to read it, but just then a group of guards rampaged down the street like a herd of startled antelope.

Ledil swung his entire body back into the alley-way, beads of sweat emanated from his forehead, and he let out a big sigh of relief. "Oh.. Lymilark... thank you that those guys' helmets are poorly made, otherwise I would've been seen for sure." He took another sigh, and started for the flier again.

When he reached the other side of the road, he started reading quickly, not overlooking any word, getting every single detail out of the flier. Sadly he could not look at the time chart, someone had scratched it enough to wear the ink out of it. "Oh, wow... this sounds like fun.. but.. I'm not sure I could attend... I mean, I really WANT to, but... I don't even know what time it'll be held."

He paused for a while, going over all the thoughts in his noggin. Finally he thought long enough to remember who posted the note. Then he snapped and said, "Zeffie! I'm sure I could ask her when this'll come up. This sounds like loads of fun.. I mean, aside from the killing part." He looked down in disgust, he let his tongue hang out as if he were going to vomit, just think of all the dismembered body parts, the bloodshed enough was enough to make his stomach turn.

Finally, he recollected his enthusiasm and snatched the flier, folded it, and shoved it into his pocket. "I sure grandma will know when this takes place." Then he smiled and started running towards Zeffie's homestead, with his thoughts set on the event.
Gummy Bear
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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Zeffie Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:18 pm

((Okay hooligans, the date for this thing has been driving me insane! But I was wondering how either September 3, 4, 5 or 6 worked for most of you.))
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Mari Eir Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:52 pm

((They're probably be ok for me because I only have class every other day, so the odds of this landing on a day I don't have class are pretty good. xD But a lot of people start school (or already have started).
Mari Eir
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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Temo Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:28 am

[[At the moment, I'm unemployed, disgruntled, and bored. I got all the time in the world right now and probably still will on these days. Whenever is fine by me. Pick something out of a hat. Or an egg. Or something. Neutral ]]
Burrito Bison

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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Dalvar Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:37 pm

(( I don't know if I'll be able to get on for any of those.
But If I can try. Ones on the weekend are most likely to work. ))

Last edited by Dalvar on Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal) Empty Re: The RPS get together, party. (Battle Royal)

Post  Kayeori Thu Aug 18, 2011 2:45 pm

Chances are good that I'll have at least one of those days off. Even if I don't I should be able to attend for a little while. Long as the events start in the early evening. Very Happy
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