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Eden Eternal

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Eden Eternal Empty Eden Eternal

Post  Glaceon Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:26 pm

Alright, now you most likely won't be able to play this game yet, it JUST entered CB today. However, you can still look at it if you wish. I got invited/accepted into the Closed Beta, and so far I'm amazed. It's a nice game. The armor is hidden, you just wear a piece of clothing depending on class. Also, this clothing can be dyed to color you like. You also get a pet for automatically picking stuff up. However, the thing I like is the class system. People are comparing this system to FF Tactics. You keep your character level, but each class has it's own level, skills, and knowledge bonuses. As you level up, you unlock more classes. I think you start with warrior and magician, you get Cleric at Lv5, and Hunter at Lv10. Some classes require certain class levels as well.

Like all MMORPGs, it's a grindy one. But it has a nice flowing feel. The enemies aren't too hard, but aren't easy. It has an achievement feature and a title feature. And it seems like it would be easy to RP on. Oh yea...It's also F2P, but some things are Item Mall bought.

That's my insight on it from what I've played. The environment is quite beautiful, it has an anime feel to it for sure. But definately look into it, if not just checking the site. It's fun for me.

The Link is
Glas Ghoblehht
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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

Post  Kalamiko Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:34 pm

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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

Post  Glaceon Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:39 pm

Kalamiko wrote:I<3AeriaGames

I second this...I<3AeriaGamesSoMuch. I actually know a few GMs from one of the games.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

Post  Kenelm Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:58 am

I plan on checking the game out. (CBFTW)

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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

Post  Glaceon Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:49 pm

Just to let everyone know.

Aeriagames has Community Volunteers called Game Sages, that help out the GMs in the game and on the forums.
These are handpicked by the GMs themselves as well, and I happened to be picked to be a Game Sage for Eden Eternal. So Due to this, most of my time will be put into EE once the Open Beta starts.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

Post  Krystal Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:03 pm

Alright so.... been playing the game... It's been SWARMED with players but even so it's a fun game. It has a Trickster Online feel to it, with a standard character level, and each class has a class level.

So while Glac gave the general overview I'll give a more in-depth thing
There are 5 main class types, each with 3 subtypes.

-Defence - Warrior, Knight, Templar
-Meele DMG - Theif, Martial Artist, Blade Dancer
-Range DMG - Hunter, Engineer, Ranger
-Healing - Cleric, Bard, Shaman
-Magic DMG - Magician, Illusionist, Warlock.

All players start as either a Warrior or Magician. The other 13 classes are unlocked as certain class levels and character levels are met.

-Cleric is unlocked at level 5, Hunter at 10, Theif at 15
-Higher classes like Blade Dancer require a higher level and class level. (Blade Dancer requires lvl 50 and level 40 bard class)

All classes have Regular skills. These skills, I assume are meant for the entire "type" of class. There are class skills as well.
Regular skills require money to rank and they come as your character levels up
Class Skills require SP, which come from killing monsters and skills are obtained... also by leveling up class.
Then there's Knowledge Points. These come with every class rank and it's more just a boost to skills and abilities. Kinda like Mastery skills in Mabi.
Buckwheat Dragon
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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

Post  Glaceon Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:34 pm

And to further give some gameplay explanation. The game is a quest game for the most part. However, once you hit the higher levels, you begin needing to run dungeons. And these dungeons, while having a new solo option, require 3-5 people. So late-game play is heavily party dependent, usually needing one tank (warrior/hunter), one DPS, and one healer (Cleric/Bard/Shaman). As of right now, Max Level is 50, so a few classes are unobtainable (Templar, Ranger, Warlock). But the game is quest heavy, usually looking for quest drops or killing monsters. The good news is at Lv5, you get a permenent "pet" that will loot items for you. At Lv25, you can get it to fight for you, but it has a set durability, which is recovered through pet food. At Lv30, you can get an mount. The grind for quests can be tedious, and the game has a moderate difficulty, expect to NEED potions, HP and MP. Even if you are a cleric, you will guzzle down MP potions like no tomorrow.

Every Class is similar to classes of the same type, but very different as well. Magician, a Magic DPS class, focuses on hitting the enemy hard, with a stun move and knockdown combo. The next Tier Magic DPS, Illusionist, is a support based class, with skills that increase attack and cast speed, and skills that put the enemy to sleep and even make an enemy be on your side for a bit.

As for PvP, this game's pvp isn't well set yet, but apparently it is soon to have PvP, TvT, and GvG. (Team vs Team and Guild vs Guild). Or at least that's what the rumors going around are. Right now, we only have duels, with one class being specifically overpowered. But all in all, it's where most of my time is being spent. I drop by Mabi a few times, but Eden Eternal has the most of my attention.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

Post  Aryan Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:58 pm

Which server do you play on?

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

Post  Krystal Sun Jul 03, 2011 9:36 pm

Buckwheat Dragon
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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

Post  Glaceon Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:25 pm

I am also over on Aquamarine.

IGN: [GS]Leafeon

Glas Ghoblehht
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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

Post  wuggzy Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:10 pm

[quote="Krystal"]Alright so.... been playing the game... It's been SWARMED with players but even so it's a fun game. It has a Trickster Online feel to it, with a standard character level, and each class has a class level.

What do you mean it has a ''Trickster Online feel to it'' ? I am searching a game that has a trickster online feeling for like 2 years..I can't describe that feel but it's something just Trickster has.

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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

Post  Krystal Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:42 pm

The style of play is very different, but the class system reminded me somewhat of Trickster at the time.
Buckwheat Dragon
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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

Post  Glaceon Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:50 pm

Keep in mind EE has been up for like...a month now I think.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

Post  wuggzy Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:59 am

I know it has been here for a month, i am on my summer vacation and i don't have a PC where i am staying.I'm getting my PC tomorrow morning so the first thing i will do is download Eden Eternal. Smile

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Eden Eternal Empty Eden Eternal

Post  Temo Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:40 pm

For those wondering where I've disappeared to over the past couple days, this is one such place. I'm not normally a fan of Aeria games, but the customization options in this one blew my mind, not to mention the things you can do with the community. It reminded me of something Hyu mentioned about the up n' coming Guild Wars 2, where cities could be controlled by guilds and had to be monitored and maintained regularly. Seems they do something of the same in this one. Alternately, there's a "Fame" system, where you can rack up favor with canon towns by doing jobs for 'em and get lots of nice goodies and possibly some other good things. Not entirely sure about that one - still looking into it, but so far I haven't had anything BAD happen from it.

Character customization is pretty crazy. You can select a trait during creation that affects your character's combat style, and then as far as classes go (my favorite part 8Q___ ), you can be anything at anytime so long as you have it unlocked. This means you no longer have to go and make 20 different characters with different classes just to see what each one's playing style is like. You can do it all in one AND switch back to it at leisure! \o/ The game even saves equipment builds and hotkeys for 'em, so switching classes doesn't mean losing nice gear you picked up, or having to constantly reset your skills.

The story is also pretty neat. The character starts out as something kinda equivalent to a Milletian (though I'm pretty sure they only get 1 life and just respawns), and has to go on one of those crazy epics to save the world, restore peace, all that fun stuff. far, that's all I managed to get out of it. Been thinking of starting up a roleplay guild there soon, if things work out in examining this guild-city system they got going. Or looking around to see if there already is one or three. I'd be surprised if there wasn't already. It's a good game for one.
Burrito Bison

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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

Post  Temo Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:52 pm, my bad. I totally did not see Glacia's post on this down there already. Can somebody move or delete this please? XD;
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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

Post  Kayeori Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:28 pm

Done and Done. Very Happy
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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

Post  Temo Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:39 pm

Oh yeah. Character info and stuff.

Garnet server:


Also, to anybody who's interested, I'm looking into starting a roleplay guild on this game...soon as I figure out a name for it. I don't think I'm fit to give this an RPS title, so whenever I figure that out, I'll let you know. If there's enough interest, I'll set up a forum/subforum for it. Otherwise...yeah. This is pretty much where I'm spending most of my time now cuz Nexon is currently being a doof. Among other things going on. <.<
Burrito Bison

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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

Post  Vayne Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:51 pm

So. Uh...IM/PM me for my character info. :3

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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

Post  Temo Thu Aug 25, 2011 2:05 pm

Updating character list:





Also, Emerald's become the primary is where the roleplay guild'll be going. Very Happy
Burrito Bison

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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

Post  Adhamh Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:01 pm

._. Emerald Server: Adhamh
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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

Post  Auramune Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:04 pm

Is this one of those games where you stand in 1 spot and spam the keys? Or does the fighting style allow you to move around?

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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

Post  Temo Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:28 pm

A bit of both really if you're a tactical player. I'd say more the key one though. Razz
Burrito Bison

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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

Post  Mari Eir Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:38 pm

he lies, you really do just spam keys. :I

Karmil; Emerald
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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

Post  Temo Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:45 pm

Well -I- move. xD
Burrito Bison

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Eden Eternal Empty Re: Eden Eternal

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