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Meet Bea, the fairy.

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Meet Bea, the fairy.  Empty Meet Bea, the fairy.

Post  Adir Mon May 16, 2011 1:45 pm

Name: Bea
Age: While calender age is unknown, she seems to resemble a ten yer old human.
Gender: Female
Race: Fairy, Milletian
Hair color: Dark pink
Eye color: Pastel pink
Height: 4’11
Weight: 76 pounds

Long, long ago in another world there was a kingdom called Caer Kernos, and the man who ruled this kingdom with kindness, wisdom, and peace was no other than the old King Maxim. Ever since taking the throne as a young lad the kingdom has made great leaps and bounds from a drab little castle with tiny village to the bustling kingdom that is now the forefront of technology, magic, and culture. The king is loved by all of his people and even is known to take a walk in his grand kingdom where he would go and visit the local orphanage or hand out bread to those who where too poor buy their family food. Ah yes, he was indeed a very fine king and could go no wrong in the eyes of his people. He would even give his own life to save his land if he had to!

However, with the lack of wars or any sort of evil dragon/wizard/generic villain then it seems like our king will be living for a long, long time. Oh, what’s this? How does have to do with the story of Bea? Well why don’t you pull up a chair, grab a pint to drink, and listen to my story about the King’s slight misadventures during his youth.

Our story beings outside of the of the forest know as Titania’s Firth, which is just a little north west of where the Prince’s castle was located. At this point in time the Maxim was infatuated by one of the princesses from the neighbouring kingdoms and like much love stricken fools us mere mortals can be, would go though great leaps and bounds to impress her. So off he went in to the forest which should be noted is riddled with faeries and their magic to find their treasure to give to the princess as a gift. Little did he know that no one is safe from the magic of the faeries, even those with blue blood. So the young man would wander, and wander, and wander though the forest for what felt like hours, no days! Soon the young Maxim would grow tried and angry at the creatures playing such a nasty trick on him. How dare they! He was a prince! They should have been kissing his feet!

While he stewed in his rage he saw something, a tiny clearing in the woods. Slowly and silently he crept up to the clearing like a cat stalking a mouse. In the clearing were seven faeries that were singing, dancing, playing, and laughing at that silly mortal who was wandering around the forest. The prince snapped and rushed in to the clearing to slaughter them all! First was Bella the green fairy who was stomped on, then Blossom the purple fairy who was swatted by the hilt of his dagger, Bliss the yellow fairy who was shot by an arrow, Blair the red fairy who was ironically enough was set on fire, Bonita the orange fairy who was slice in half, and Becca the blue fairy who was eaten by the prince’s hound dog. All that was left was Bea, the pink fairy. She would beg for her life in exchange for the the treasure that they where guarding, but once he received the treasure she too meet a same gruesome fate as the others. Her wings would be torn off, and then her limbs and head were sliced off. With treasure in tow he left the gruesome display toward the princess’ castle where they lived happily ever after. Well, happily ever after for about a week. The prince was quickly dumped for young king who brought her a diamond a size of an elephant.

Ah such a sad fate for those fairies, don’t you agree? It’s unknown what happened to the souls of the wee folk who died, but some bards say the became the colors of the sky and the earth. Other claim they where reborn as humans. I personally do not know, but I would like to believe Bea who received the most gruesome death was taken to the mythical world of Erinn where she continues her same old tricks and games to the gods in that land. However, I must say, it’s a bit funny that the King did name one of his daughters after her.
Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

Posts : 121
Join date : 2009-09-02
Age : 38

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