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The Corenites (Obsolete As Of 7/24)

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The Corenites (Obsolete As Of 7/24) Empty The Corenites (Obsolete As Of 7/24)

Post  Dellinger Thu May 05, 2011 10:25 pm

Group Name:
The Corenite Trading Guild (a.k.a., “The Bandits” & “The Guild” in times of activity)

Group Owner: Zachary Dellinger, mainly known as “The Dunewyrm of the Corenites.”

(Note: The Corenites are primarily for more 'normalish' characters aiming for more human involvement in things)

This group has consisted mainly of humans and elves for various reasons; humans tend to flock to the idea of trading and commerce quickly, while the elves of Iria who do not wish to associate with the Filia find some refuge within the local desert-based guild. Giants of open minds are welcome, for their skills in combat are unrivalled and they make excellent bodyguards for caravans. Fomor who have rid themselves of the generalized grudge of the other races are welcomed with open arms under the same conditions.

Corenite History:
The Corenite Trading Guild maintains a front primarily as a Trading Guild for the races and cities of Erinn, also offering their services as caravan guards. When called to duty by the Dunewyrm, however, the Corenite Trading Guild becomes known as the Corenite Bandits, a force upholding the general law of living beings over possibly corrupt laws. The only time the Dunewyrm has mobilized the Corenite Trading Guild as a fighting force occurred during the Fenrir Eir Wars, and with the assistance of the Dunewyrm’s Wanderers, blimps designed for war, the Corenites proved invaluable in the final days of the battle.

The history of the Corenite Trading Guild seems to have been forgotten with the lack of historical documentation of the war, and it seems many people have forgotten the original calling of the Corenites. Sometimes this leads to improper assumptions when someone hears the word 'bandit' in reference to the Corenite.

Most individuals that become involved with the guild's more 'secretive' functions have a strong sense of justice and a desire for fairly neutral, peaceful terms between nobility, people, and specific regions. The guild and it's members will move against organizations that pop up that seem to work against the interest of the people of Erinn at the drop of a hat.

The main base of the Corenite Trading Guild is located in the extensive tunneling under the Longa Desert, with specific entrances at specific areas within the desert monitored by watches and door-guards. The base can be accessed by entering Ant Hell via the cave, but the trip is so treacherous that anyone attempting to do so would be mad. Other outposts of the bandits can be found in the mountains and at various guild halls within some of the major cities.

The guild, currently, is working as a trading guild and mediator group until something else occurs that requires them to mobilize.

NPCs of Import (WIP):
--Geminus, the Ego Golem – After Lucius Entine disappeared from the Corenite base, one of his golems was discovered in the office of the Dunewyrm. The golem stated that the Master it had had deemed it a useless creation and was waiting for its own destruction. The Dunewyrm returned, offering Geminus a permanent position within the Corenite. Geminus is a rather large golem, made of primarily gold with sapphire eyes and a ruby “nose.” The golem has fairly large limbs, and acts as the record-keeper (via memory) and primary contact for the guild when a member cannot meet them in the desert. Geminus is much more cheerful about his job, but his stoic nature does show it.
--Emissaries of the Guild - During the period in which the Guild began their focus as a trading guild and an information network, the use of emissaries became much more common. The guild has a number of individuals considered 'emissaries;' these individuals are normally put on a certain mission to act as the diplomatic face of the guild when an actual official cannot be there to regulate matters the guild has decided to take as their own. These characters are mainly a way for the guild to communicate as a body to others without actual important members showing up to possibly be betrayed (unless those important members opt to do the job themselves).

PCs within the Guild:
--Kenelm Morgan - One of the few Corenites to command one of the Dunewyrm's fabled Wanderers in the Fenrir Eir War, Kenelm Morgan has demonstrated exceptional loyalty to the Dunewyrm, most notedly with his graffiti upon the Dunewyrm's wanted posters. Kenelm was promoted to an administration position in the guild, becoming one of the guild's "Council of Five" under the Dunewyrm. He makes it a habit of balancing his administrative work, guarding caravans, and exploring on his own time.
--Fioria Tempest - One of the newer recruits to the bandits, she is interested in facilitating trade for the guild alongside possibly selling some of her treasures on the market. She has some stealth and hunting skills, which might work well in tandem with other bandits on specific assignments involving combat.

Locations of Corenite Outposts:((Some known only by guild members, marked by **))
--Guild Tradehouse in Emain Macha, on the main road - This location is where normal citizens go if they would like to facilitate trade with the guild, as well as many nobles and businesses that reside in the city limits of Emain Macha. This outpost handles a good number of trade contracts and missions given to it, however, it's basement can also be used for more private or secretive meetings.
--Outpost in the Barri Mountains - Mainly a small number of wooden buildings meant to guild members to rest, rearm, and re-equip themselves in times of war. Currently, it is being used as an outpost for bandits who are going on surveillance missions throughout Udalh as well as rest points for guild members who are not up to staying in twon, or even possibly just a place to take a break at.

Purpose of the Corenites:
The aim of this organization is to uphold what is considered just and right in regards to the people of Erinn. If we had to think of an alignment, the guild is lawful neutral at worst. The guild will act as an army if the need ever arises, but until that time comes again they will act as traders and other various little things until they are called upon again. The bandits are also interested in working with others, as long as the other is determined to be a decent organization and the collaboration is beneficial for either Erinn or both organizations.

What do you need to be a member of The Guild:
This organization seeks those that have a strong sense of justice and a desire to maintain a sort of balance between nobility and the people, so that governments and rulers do not become corrupt. Traders get along well in the guild, as well as individuals who just want to do some research. The guild is accepting most individuals, but will be quick to abandon those who betray them.

IC Rules to Follow:
1) Do not steal from the people of Erinn, unless it is in the interest of weakening a corrupt force as deemed by the guild.
2) Killing is forbidden unless it is done in the defense of oneself or others in dire circumstances. It is best to run and hide if the case presents itself. This rule, however, may be revoked in times of war.
3) Follow the laws of cities and nations as they are posted. If the nation is corrupt, however, this rule may be ignored as long as it is ignored subtly (see rule 1).
4) If people ask about the past, state that the Corenites will be loyal to Erinn until the end. The corruption of one man should not ruin an organization, and it shall not while the Dunewyrm and his Corenites are still around.
5) Be interested in either working with caravans, researching magic and/or alchemy, or building weapons and items for trade and production. Profit can only be obtained through hard and honest work in times of peace, and how the Corenites operate is no exception.
6) Follow bandit missions assigned to you when assigned to you, as the mission in itself is important. Each bandit is an important asset to the organization.
7) Treat all life as important. Do not forget your mortality, even if you are a Millitean. Only in ignorance of this fact does corruption rear its ugly face.
Cool Finish obligatory training in desert warfare, and wear your garb at all times when in the Longa area. One’s home is worth protecting and respecting.
9) Learn the language of the bandits, also known as Cant. It is a mixture of words and hand motions that the bandits teach all of their members.

How to Apply:
In the past, some bulletins were placed on the bulletin boards in regards to joining the Corenites. The application process is still the same; find the bulletin, walk into the middle of the Longa desert, and wait for an emissary to approach you for an interview. In certain situations, a bandit in disguise might just slip a note into your backpack for you to find later, if the bandits deem you a likely recruit.

Last edited by Dellinger on Tue Jul 24, 2012 6:44 pm; edited 7 times in total

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Age : 34
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The Corenites (Obsolete As Of 7/24) Empty Re: The Corenites (Obsolete As Of 7/24)

Post  Glaceon Fri May 06, 2011 12:52 am

Applicant Name:
Fioria Tempest

Human-Elf Hybrid

How you discovered *Group Name Here*:
Upon reading the Bulletin posts one day, Fioria spotted this post out of the corner of her eye.

Reasons for applying:
Seeing it as a trading guild, Fioria saw the opportunity to sell many of her treasures she had picked up while roaming the lands of Erinn. She wasn't a famed Treasure hunter, not did she want to be, but her stealth and hunting skills were opportune and quite honed. She found this as the person place to put her skills to..."use"

Why you think you will make a helpful addition:
Fioria is a treasure hunter, and quite a good one. No doubt her wares would be excellent trading tools, and she has stealth and hunting skills. She lacks skills with a bow, but makes up for that with her combat skills.

Does there need to be a contract for a group of Bandits? Fioria headed out to the desert, in search of this group of bandits, hoping for an interview. She had an idea of what was to be expected, and planned to fulfill her part to her best extent.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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The Corenites (Obsolete As Of 7/24) Empty Re: The Corenites (Obsolete As Of 7/24)

Post  Jaeden Fri May 06, 2011 4:22 am

Applicant Name:

All Elf, Bay-bee

How you discovered *Group Name Here*:

Jaeden had known her former companion was associated with a group of bandits. She always expected an invitation of sorts, and no doubt, had one of the bandits contacted her or slipped a note--why, she might've plum scoffed at the idea in a flustery fit, on basis that they didn't realize just how amazing she was sooner. It's only in the past week that she's seriously considered the applying part.

Reasons for applying:

Jaeden woke up from a slumber that lasted several months to find herself alone, and with a singular thought: "Loss, loss, loss..." It sunk in the pit of her stomach, and though valiant efforts have been made to ignore it, there's a gaping hole she desperately needs filled, preferably with something familiar. Or at least something associated with what had been familiar.

Why you think you will make a helpful addition:
Albeit clumsy, Jaeden makes a talented marksman. By travels and associations in Erinn, she's come about ways to move within the shadows far more deftly than her human compatriots. OOCly, it'll be a nice stimulus for RP!


Huh...? ... Wh-what? OH! Oh, you want a contract?" The elf scratches the back of her head, wide blue eyes studying her environment with a taut silence. "... What'd you want me to say? 'Cause, you know, I'd do anything." ... "O-of course I know the code thingie! ... Ah... Oh! I promise not to... ah. Not do that stuff. Yeah, I won't kill anything without reas--only in defense. ... Do fomors count?"
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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The Corenites (Obsolete As Of 7/24) Empty Re: The Corenites (Obsolete As Of 7/24)

Post  Kenelm Fri May 06, 2011 1:30 pm

Member: Kenelm Morgan

Race: Human (Milletian) // Kenelm usually does not disclose the fact that he is a Milletian.

Time of Application: Near the middle of Fenrir's conquest.

Method of Discovery: Kenelm had heard the rumors, and only once they were well established and somewhat outlandish, did he decide to look into them.

Reason for Applying: Kenelm has a serious distaste for corruption. His home plane of existence has an overwhelming amount, and is essentially what caused him to arrive in Erinn.

Key Roles (Twilit Tears): Orchestrated an independent guerrilla operation against Fenrir's troops in Gairech. Piloting a Wanderer onto and off of the battlefield between Tara and Emain Macha. Tailing Fenrir to Tara, and into the Shadow Realm where the final battle of the war was won.

Key Roles (Lucid Insanity): Truth initially presented as satire in Uladh by producing wanted posters with the real reason of "Someone hates him," and working to undermine the villain through various other means in Iria before officially confronting him.

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The Corenites (Obsolete As Of 7/24) Empty Re: The Corenites (Obsolete As Of 7/24)

Post  Kenelm Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:35 pm

// After speaking with Dellinger earlier today in EVE Online the following changes have taken place:

Group Owner: Kenelm Morgan, A.K.A. "the Ghost" (Only until the Dunewyrm is able to return.) ((This information is only known by the members and emissaries given the "Need-to-know" status.))

PCs within the Guild:
--Kenelm Morgan - One of the few Corenites to command one of the Dunewyrm's fabled Wanderers in the Fenrir Eir War, Kenelm Morgan has demonstrated exceptional loyalty to the Dunewyrm, most notedly with his graffiti upon the Dunewyrm's wanted posters. While working against Lucius Entine, Kenelm earned the alias "the Ghost." He was promoted to an administration position in the guild, becoming one of the guild's "Council of Five" under the Dunewyrm. Kenelm makes it a habit of balancing his administrative work, guarding caravans, and exploring on his own time. Since the Dunewyrm's disappearance, Kenelm has taken over managing the Corenites' operations.

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Location : Dallas-Fort Worth metro, Texas, United States, GMT-6

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The Corenites (Obsolete As Of 7/24) Empty Re: The Corenites (Obsolete As Of 7/24)

Post  Glaceon Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:04 pm

((Something to note. My elf, Fioria, is still a member of the Corenites. Distant, but reguardless still in there I think.

EDIT: She resigned her position, upon looking at the updated bio. I imagine she still helps with their affairs.))
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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The Corenites (Obsolete As Of 7/24) Empty Re: The Corenites (Obsolete As Of 7/24)

Post  Kenelm Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:54 pm

/* I am hereby initiating a player-character roll call for this group so I can handle the required meta-game and in-character operations, such as logistics, assignments, security clearance, and member management.

Please either post in this thread or send me a private message so I can build the list. Don't forget to include former members who would willingly provide assistance upon request.


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Location : Dallas-Fort Worth metro, Texas, United States, GMT-6

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The Corenites (Obsolete As Of 7/24) Empty Re: The Corenites (Obsolete As Of 7/24)

Post  Glaceon Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:17 pm

(( Fioria is a former member who would provide any assistance to the Corenites if needed.))
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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The Corenites (Obsolete As Of 7/24) Empty Re: The Corenites (Obsolete As Of 7/24)

Post  Dellinger Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:25 am

(( At some point, I'm going to delete all the posts here to refresh everything. Just a heads up. =D ))

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The Corenites (Obsolete As Of 7/24) Empty Re: The Corenites (Obsolete As Of 7/24)

Post  Kenelm Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:11 pm

((As in "delete" delete, or "archive" delete? I'd go for the archival version, personally.))

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Age : 36
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