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Roivan Versinge - New alt~ :D

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Roivan Versinge - New alt~ :D Empty Roivan Versinge - New alt~ :D

Post  Jordiya Wed May 04, 2011 6:48 pm

Full Name: Roivan Claudius Versinge
Nickname: Roiv
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Appearance: Long, white hair; Green eyes; Kinda tall
Likes: The color green, animals, Night time, Rain, the moon
Dislikes: The color purple, thunderstorms, things that hurt him, flying
Key Features: He carries a bag all the time, so he always has some convenient items like food, potions, and other things. He always wears green. He carries a book which he writes information in and has Astronomy notes in it.
Personality: Outgoing, Fun, Kind-hearted, Positive, Intelligent, Nonviolent
- - - - - - - -
...:~Setting: Italy, 1947~:...
The war had just ended. Crime and murder ravaged the streets of Italy. The Versinge couple, Marideth and Holt, lived in constant fear so they moved into an old warehouse to try to avoid the burglars and murderers. Marideth was pregnant and expecting her baby soon. 3 months after relocating, Roivan was born. He was a happy, healthy baby, and Marideth and Holt loved him very much. The family was happy, well-fed, and safe for the next 15 years. Roivan, now 15 years old, had decided to move away. The old warehouse wasn't the place Roiv liked anymore. The iron structure was rusting, becoming more and more unsafe every day. Marideth and Holt didn't want to leave; They would stay there until the building collapsed. Marideth had said that the warehouse held too many memories, and that it would be to ohard to let go of. Asking Roiv if he was sure if he wanted to go, they gave Roiv food, a tent, and some clothes and sent him off after he confirmed. He got a job in a big city, which was his new home. A couple years later, Roiv got a letter from his parents saying "Dear Roiv. Your father and I have missed you! We hope you're doing well because we aren't. The warehouse collapsed. Your father and I can't find a new place to stay, so we were wondering if we could come live with you. Please respond. Love, Mom." The letter wasn't written in his mom's handwriting, but Roiv didn't notice. Roiv knew that the warehouse would give in soon, so he made his way back to his home town to get his parents. When he got there, he saw that the warehouse was in ruins, which was expected, but his parents were nowhere to be found! He searched around, asking commoners if they saw anybody. He had no such luck. Thinking, Roiv looked around again. There. Pretty close to the ruins, his father and mother were napping... But.. They weren't napping. Upon closer inspection, you can see multiple blood stains and rips on the clothing. Roiv wasn't expecting this at all; his parents had been stabbed to death! He ran off, wanting to get away from Italy forever.

..:~Setting: India, 1969~:..
"Just relax yourself, young one. Your stresses are unhealthy to your body, and your sadness burdens you great." Roiv had traveled to India, trying to look for a way to forget about his parents and move on with his life. He didn't want that horrible memory lingering in his brain, haunting him for the rest of his life. The Indian had suggested going to the Americas to look for different people in a brand new place. He said it would be good for Roiv to do so. Roiv had heard great tales of the Americas; a land of oppourtunity. People say it's heaven on Earth. He arrived in North America sometime in July; he moved to New York. The people here had such strange accents and did the wierdest things. While he was walking around looking for a job, he heard a woman talking about something wild. "I heard that some silly space program is trying to fly to the moon! Impossible, right?" Roiv was interested. He asked the woman about the space program, Apollo 11, and about Neil Armstrong. "Wow.. Flying all the way up to the moon! What an adventure that would be!", Roiv thought. He noticed that the moon and everything else above the Earth was interesting to him, so he started studying astronomy.

...:~Setting: North America, 1980~:...
Roiv has become very smart in astronomy. He could tell time, tell the date, and identify the constillations in a breeze just by looking at the stars. He was determined to get to the moon, seeing as how it has been accomplished before. To prepare himself for the G-Forces in a rocketship, he decided to get a taste of flying by being a co-test pilot in the Bombardier Challenger 600. He travelled to Canada to take off in the plane. Once they took off, he was enjoying every moment of it. "Hey Roivan. We're coming close to the Mojave Desert." said the other test pilot. They approached the desert. It was beautiful. The sand dunes and occasional cactus or animal. Roiv had gotten distracted by the beauty, as this was the first time he had seen a desert. The next thing he knew, the cockpit was flashing red, and the other test-pilot had already jumped out with a parachute. Before Roiv could even get to the door with the parachute, the plane crashed.

...:~Setting: Soul Stream~:...
Roiv opened his eyes. All the pain he expected to have was absent. He didn't see the wrecked plane, but... just white. Owls flew overhead. Roiv sat up, wondering where he was and how we was alive. He was on a large platform, but then a majestic voice spoke to hom. "Hello Roivan." Roiv looked around. "W-who said that?!" A woman in a black dress (and large breasts) appeared before him. "My name is Nao.", she said. "Where am I?!" Roiv asked with a panic. "Haha. You're in the Soul Stream, where I will send you to Erinn." she stated. "How did I get here?!" Nao frowns a bit. "I'm afraid you died in your old life. But-" Roiv interrupts her. "I... d-died?!" Nao nods. "I brought your spirit here to be reborn in a new world, where pain or death doesn't exist for people like you. A Milletian. I wish you luck." Roiv was puzzled. Wanting to know more, he blurted out, "But wait! I just-" It was too late. Everything faded away.

...:~Setting: Behind Filia~:...
Roiv opened his eyes again, this time with a small girl looking at him. "Hello! I suppose you are a new Milletian, yes?" Roiv stared at her, not having any idea on what she's talking about. "Haha! Of course you are! That dumbfounded look explains everything!~ Well, it's my job to help new Milletians get used to the world, so let's get started!" Roiv just stared at her and nods.
(Two weeks later) "Okay! I think you're ready to venture out into the world~", Vena declared. Roiv nods. Then, Vena hands him a bow, robe, and a book. "Good luck!" Roiv then travels to Filia, where he meets with Castanea, who clearly has a smile painted on her face. "Hello. I suppose that you are.. yet ANOTHER new Elven milletian. Well, I'm sorry, but all of our houses are full. You'll have to find somewhere else to stay." Castanea rolls her eyes and returns to her house. Surprised, Roivan walks out of Filia, staring out into the desert. No, he was staring into his new life. He thinks for a moment, smiles, then takes off running without looking back.
- - - - - - - -
And this is where my char begins~ Very Happy

Just to cover any questions:
-He speaks English, but has a slight Italian accent.
-Roiv probably won't remember much about his childhood, with his parents' deaths.
-He remembers things that happened closer to his death better than when he was younger.
-Even though he was like 40 when he died, he was reborn to age 20 or something.
-I tried making the dates and events pretty accurate, but I'm only 14. So just try to ignore any slight mistakes in dates/events. xD
-1969 is when Apollo 11 was launched.
-In the beginning, the "War" is WWII. I'm pretty sure it ended in 1947 o:
-The murderer probably sent a fake note to Roiv. Probably to lure him, but the murderer missed him.
-I made him an Elf because he died in the desert and is smart. Elves live in the desert and have naturally high INT, implying that they are pretty smart.
-I wasn't sure if they had newspaper in 1969, so I just made the lady tell him. I was too lazy to look it up.. Heh..
-Bombardier Challenger 600 WAS an actual plane, and one pilot died while the other survived. It did crash inthe desert and take off from Canada.
-You could say that Roiv is white. I guess it doesn't really matter what color skin he had. xD
-His family wasn't poor. They only lived in a warehouse for protection because it was secretive.Normally, one wouldn't barge into an abandoned warehouse expecting people xD
-The book he carries is an in-game book. It's just the Strange Book from SMs.
-I'm going to take one of my old alts out of the guild in order to fit this one in. Ima prolly remove two.

This is all I can think of, but I'm sure someone will think of something~
Btw, who likes my very first long bio? Very Happy!

Last edited by Taylene on Wed May 04, 2011 10:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
Cinnamon Hellhound
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Roivan Versinge - New alt~ :D Empty Re: Roivan Versinge - New alt~ :D

Post  Mari Eir Wed May 04, 2011 7:55 pm

This is.. rather impressive, Tay.. o__o
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Roivan Versinge - New alt~ :D Empty Re: Roivan Versinge - New alt~ :D

Post  TWWolfe Wed May 04, 2011 8:51 pm

wow, just wow.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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Roivan Versinge - New alt~ :D Empty Re: Roivan Versinge - New alt~ :D

Post  Jordiya Wed May 04, 2011 10:51 pm

Very Happy....
Cinnamon Hellhound
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Roivan Versinge - New alt~ :D Empty Re: Roivan Versinge - New alt~ :D

Post  Retributix Wed May 04, 2011 11:14 pm

Holy @T^!#.

...That is all.
Gummy Bear
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Roivan Versinge - New alt~ :D Empty Re: Roivan Versinge - New alt~ :D

Post  Cyler Thu May 05, 2011 8:35 am

Mean, cursing around her Bio. I think Mari is the only one who truly complimented the bio! -jk- *Claps* Well done! Very Happy
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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