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I am super serious about this.

Mari Eir
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Total Votes : 29

I am super serious about this. Empty I am super serious about this.

Post  Guest Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:53 pm

I am super serious :I

Five floors...

We can DO this. D:< will be a challenge...a challenging challenge. Full of challenges.
Only 8 slots total, sign up now for fun-filled death and dismemberment~*
Please note that getting hit in the face by any mobs in here will result in an unsatisfactory mark, followed by death.


4-Ani is a gigantic butt

*By signing up for this dungeon, you agree to try your best without complaint, and never give up if things look bad. Nothing is impossible with the right attitude. When you sign up for this run, you agree to have that attitude, and never let go of it.
Please do not sign up for the dungeon if you do not think you'll be able to keep from complaining about the difficulty or length of the dungeon. You can, however, complain about Xeek.

Unfortunately, due to the difficult nature of this dungeon, I am forced to place requirements. They're not that bad.

1- No 'pure medics' that stand there waiting for someone to die. We don't want to die. Dying is bad. Standing there and waiting for someone to die so you can be useful is just as bad. If you're in the dungeon, you hit stuff. With your FISTS if you have to.
Although, we won't say it's a bad thing to bring more feathers than you can fit in your bag. :>

2- Bring feathers. >:T
If you sign up and come unprepared, I will beat you up. Using Teo. >.>

3- If you sign up to go, NO COMPLAINING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DUNGEON. I don't care if it looks bleak and everyone is deadly and everything you own is broken.

You're not allowed to complain. Pessimistic behavior is NOT ALLOWED!

Now, this dungeon is hard. Really hard. We can do it, though! We have...a plan +_+
We'll need...barrier spikes. A LOT OF THEM.
Even if you don't have barrier spikes skill, BRING CRYSTALS. Fill five hundred pets with them.
And thunder. We need thunder. Even if it's....well..rF is lame, but it works, I guess.
Ice spear~ Even rF is fine. Or rN. Freezing is fun~ And we require it.
Campfires and magnum shots.
^Lots of firewood needed.

What to bring:

Firewood If possible, 25 stacks per person
Arrows AS MANY AS YOU CAN CARRY if you're an archer, just a few for back up if you're not
Feathers Fill a pet if you can. At least 100 per person
Potions Mana potions are the ones needed most, health/stamina potion amount is up to you.
Spare weapons Use melee? Bring extra swords/hammers/whatever. Archer? Extra bows, they don't even have to be GOOD ones. Mage? Extra wands. Expensive, I know, but either bring them or go barehanded
Barrier spikes crystals For chaining thunder through doors and protection. At least 30, but preferred 100 per person. EVEN MORE IS LOVED

Commitment to awesomeness

Holy Water is not required, but is a good idea.
Base herbs are also a good idea.

More in-depth tactics will be discussed when we have a full party.

The time and date of the dungeon will be decided when we have a full party. We will discuss it once it's full and decide a date and time that works for everyone.

What if we win?
Then we're awesome.

In the event of a rare item dropping, it belongs to whoever got the finish.

No calling certain items. If you get a drop you don't really want, you can offer it to someone, but no fighting over ANYTHING.

Tiro appears in this dungeon, so if you bring some gold you can buy more feathers/potions

We can chain thunder through a wall

Ice Spear can freeze the Ghasts

Last edited by Soifa Toten on Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:24 pm; edited 38 times in total (Reason for editing : BIGGER FONT and links!)


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I am super serious about this. Empty Re: I am super serious about this.

Post  Mithos Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:10 pm


Mememememememememememememe . . .

I'm in. =D

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I am super serious about this. Empty Re: I am super serious about this.

Post  Guest Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:11 pm

You're on the list now.

And I gave you a title. Very Happy


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Post  Vayne Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:37 pm


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I am super serious about this. Empty Re: I am super serious about this.

Post  Kayeori Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:20 pm

My interest has been piqued. Count me in, unless of course you find someone who is more qualified. Which is no one. Psssh! I'm The Kaye. But yea you know what I mean. At the very least I will start gathering some of these materials to donate towards the run. Very Happy Like Spikes xD and Firewood
Dessert Dragon
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Post  Guest Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:28 am

-rolls over-

Awesome. o-o

If you have low % in making spikes, you can send firewood to Teo, it'll help him train his spikes and he might be able to get rank 1 before the Peaca.

And we all love spikes.

I'm working on holy water and mana potions right now.


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I am super serious about this. Empty Re: I am super serious about this.

Post  ZeroEnna Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:54 pm

I would join you but.. yeah the thought makes me urinate myself.
Gummy Bear
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I am super serious about this. Empty Re: I am super serious about this.

Post  Guest Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:55 pm

Pee is not a valid subsitute for holy water.

Though, if you wish you coat your equipment in it, I will not stop you. o-O


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I am super serious about this. Empty Re: I am super serious about this.

Post  ZeroEnna Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:24 pm

Thank god I'm bringing my yellow pants.
Gummy Bear
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I am super serious about this. Empty Re: I am super serious about this.

Post  Kayeori Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:11 pm

I started cutting firewood early today and I have currently sent 10 stacks to Teo. I have more that need to be sent as well. Shall I also make a few crystals too so not spam his mailbox with just firewood? xD
Dessert Dragon
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Post  Guest Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:32 am

Up to you.

Firewood is more annoying to collect than clay crystals.

Because that short kid doesn't sell firewood. He should, he'd be rich. >.>


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I am super serious about this. Empty Re: I am super serious about this.

Post  Kyaelas Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:33 am

If you can't find another person, I could grab a mostly supportive role I'd love to join the group and help out, Soifa! ...And yes, I would be hitting things. Possibly with my fists. I could bring feathers, and chop firewood... I wouldn't complain about anything other than Xeek, either. In addition to 20+ stacks of feathers, I'd also bring along bandages (even if I'm not the best one to be using them). I noticed these weren't on the list of things to bring. By the way, I won't be bringing barrier spikes crystals if I'm accepted to be in the group, as if I understand it correctly, Teo would be far more productive at creating them. I also wouldn't be any good at making thunder/ice spear crystals... +_+...

Now, Soifa, I know that you probably are doubting my ability to be of use on this run... And rightly so, but I'm willing to pour my heart and soul into gathering materials to make crystals, and spending a large portion of my gold (which, by the way, I don't have very much of,) on feathers and other goodies. If you'd give me the opportunity to join in, I'd also see if looking up Peaca Int. tactics could be of use. At least then I would be slightly better-equipped to handle a range of situations during the run.

P.S. - Am I right to assume that I'd be better off bringing Elve, as he's my best archer? Again, I'm REALLY not assuming that I will be accepted, although I am serious about my desire to participate.
Gummy Bear
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Post  Krystal Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:44 am

-cracks knuckles- Give the word and I'll come! Just say when. I'm... kinda lazy right now after AP tests so I don't wanna look up if it's posted. But I've got a higher Thunder Rank for this! Very Happy
Buckwheat Dragon
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Post  Eranor Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:46 am

Sign me up!

I make a good extra WMer and res'er
Kosher Dill Troll
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I am super serious about this. Empty Re: I am super serious about this.

Post  Guest Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:41 am


Magnum is hot. >.>

Basically, bring the best mage OR archer...or both in one if you can.

Teo is the best to USE the crystals, but he may not be the best to HOLD them, since he'll also be bringing an army of potions/feathers/etc. If you have spare pet space, you can fit some spare crystals that Teo can't fit in his inventory in yours.

I doubt everyone. Except Teo. Escpecially me.


Thunder? Say no more. +_+

Huzzah. Welcome to death.

Party is now full. You may begin posting which weekends you are free to spend ~5 or so hours in a dungeon.

Maybe more. Maybe less. Maybe 12 hours. NOT this weekend, and maybe not next. Depends on how well preparations go.


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I am super serious about this. Empty Re: I am super serious about this.

Post  Kayeori Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:53 am

Depending on if I have to work or not will greatly effect the time I am able to run the dungeon. I work this weekend so it's fine with me if it doesn't happen. Next weekend I should have off, but the schedule isn't written yet so... yea lol. I'll keep you all updated as other people post their better times to run this thing.
Dessert Dragon
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Post  Kyaelas Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:13 pm

I'm available pretty much any weekend, and if something comes up I'll be sure to post it here. Sometimes I'm busy on Saturday or Sunday afternoons, but weekend evenings cater toward me. Though I assume we'd be doing an evening run anyway.

Meh. I'm just glad that I'm in. Very Happy
Finally, I get to help out with something difficult! I'll most likely be bringing Elve, as his archery is second to noneof my other characters.
Gummy Bear
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Post  Temo Wed May 04, 2011 5:34 pm

... *Whimper* I now have a reason to do this so...are you guys still doing Peaca Int runs? Q_Q
Burrito Bison

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Post  Guest Wed May 04, 2011 5:36 pm

What reason?

After a nifty item?

Broken journal achievement?

We haven't run this one yet. I'll be posting preparation results each weekend, until we decide on a time.
I have an extra unrestricted pass, so I could make a seperate party for another Peaca Int. I will use the same thread! >Surprised


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I am super serious about this. Empty Re: I am super serious about this.

Post  Mithos Wed May 04, 2011 5:50 pm

I can join the second run too, if it isn't consecutive +_+ One or two weeks of break between the two, and I'll join. xD

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Post  Temo Wed May 04, 2011 10:35 pm

Soifa wrote:What reason?

After a nifty item?

Broken journal achievement?

It would be item. I find myself in need of a Highlander Claymore.

Burrito Bison

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I am super serious about this. Empty Re: I am super serious about this.

Post  Guest Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:43 pm


We have so many MP pots I'm going to explode.

And making more >_>

Filling my mimic with base herbs to make sure we can make potions mid-dungeon in case we must.

Teo has a lot of barrier spikes, but we need MORE! Any updates on whoever is making those?

I also have more arrows than i will ever need, and I have gotten to r5 thunder just for the run.

Roll call. Who is still interested in the run? And what supplies do you still need to gather?


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Post  Mithos Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:49 pm

FINALS.... Might not be able to make it for the next three weeks Q_Q

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Post  Guest Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:50 pm long as you're still interested? And preparing?

Make potions, weenie.


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Post  Adhamh Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:48 am

*Interested, for sure* My schedule might be a prob though. What with my graduation coming up and my working on weekends. So yeah.
Cromm Crunch
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