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The New Schizophrenic Madness: Hellums!

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The New Schizophrenic Madness: Hellums! Empty The New Schizophrenic Madness: Hellums!

Post  Hellums Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:52 am

Name: Hellums

Age: He is always about 20 in his Mind and Heart, but due to the nature of this character, he Never has a Defined Physical Age.

Birth Race:Human

Game Race: Human

Family: Humans, Killed by Fomors. (His Love Joined the Fomors)

Hobbies: Observing, Defragmenting people's Minds (Basically learning all about people and using that knowledge to his Advantage)

Weapon of Choice: Often stick with Melee, but has an Increasing interest in Mage. Lightning Wand and Shield or Dual Gladiuii.

Hair Color: (Long, about to Shoulder) Dark Purple

Eye Color: (Curious) White.

Height: Normally appears to be about 5 feet-ish

Weight: Very Light weight, Never more than 150 Pounds, but never less than 80 Pounds

Favorite Food: Homemade Pizza, but he eats just about anything.

Theme Song: Decadence - Disturbed

How he came to be in Erinn: His Soul was without a body for many years before Nao had taken him to the Soul Stream. during that time he was a Hostless Soul he had absorbed parts of other's Souls, and had developed odd personalities from them... 1. This Soul fragment only Cares for himself, and will do anything to keep itself in power. Shows itself the first time Nao retrieves him from the Soul Stream. 2. This Soul fragment will do anything and Everything to help others. It may go to Extreme measure to make peace between individuals or groups. This soul cares nothing of itself, and only appears upon a rebirth from the First Soul. 3. This Soul never takes any Action is a situation. Often remains Observant and only help with Informational purposes. This can be useful for other players, if they can get him to talk.... This Soul shows itself upon the Rebirth from the Second Soul. The Third Soul Takes over again upon this ones Death.

Character history through the player: Hellums' Family was killed by Fomorian Allied forces on his old world before dying. His lost love made it through the soul stream in order to help Hellums fight the Fomors, but she had been lured in by them, and she Joined the Fomors. Unfortunately Hellums knows absoulutely nothing about his life in the old world, due to his time spent a s a Hostless Soul. But I have decided he was an Unusual Warrior that used unknown magics to strengthen his combat. He became A Mercenary for the Royal family. (His Love was in the Royal Family) and was killed by the same Fomorian Allied forces that killed his Family. Though he may have been in particular interest to Nao seeing as he was a skilled Warrior, many others died in the Long, Bloody wars that occurred at the time, and his soul was lost for quite some time.

Last edited by Hellums on Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:56 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fixing the History.)
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

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Age : 28
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The New Schizophrenic Madness: Hellums! Empty Character Vault

Post  Hellums Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:23 am

This Character has died. Ironically, his own spirit sword killed him for being too confusing...
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

Posts : 41
Join date : 2011-04-05
Age : 28
Location : Lake Harmony, PA

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