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Alt Niltsiar's Bio.

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Alt Niltsiar's Bio. Empty Alt Niltsiar's Bio.

Post  Dranis Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:33 am

Name: Niltsiar, "Nilt" for short.
Element: Dark.
Race: Human.
Sex: Male
Age: 3,000?
Weight: Unknown
Height: 6’0”

I know the backround is long..It's because I put into the backround, the backround of his life up until now. >< Which is his backround before Erinn and While living in Erinn.

Background Life before Erinn: He once commanded a small reserve army of the Imperium. After years of honorable service and the training of several of the Imperium’s finest troops, he died of a massive wound through his chest. After his death, unable to go to heaven or hell, he soon haunted his now decrepit and abandoned barracks.

Unbeknownst to him there was already a ruler of this place that had made a pact with nature long before his lifetime. This ruler was a powerful warlock destined to become protector of the land whom had died prematurely, during a battle which barracks was made to honor. The battle was a battle of wills which left Niltsiar with thousands of scars. After this battle with the warlock, he realized that if he started to practice this art he would become more powerful. After he started to practice the arts of a warlock, he tried the ritual to make him an accomplished warlock. The ritual he used almost tore his body apart, and he was unable to continue. The ritual had failed because he needed to have a pact with a more powerful creature than himself, one that was everlasting.

After binding his will to one such an element he finally succeeded. The divine essence of darkness was his master. The worlds of darkness gave him a new body and restored Niltsiar to the world of the living once again. His body, however, was old and weak. Unconcerned about his health, he tried to practice the arts of a warlock once again, and though he got farther then before, he failed again, miserably, almost killing himself. But because of the darkness supporting his body, he was able to recover. He then covered his body with powerful runes. Quickly realizing the positive effect on his body and his mind, Niltsiar continued the agonizing process and eventually covered his entire body. Thus it helped him gain even more power then he ever dreamed of. Doing this was the first step toward proficiency in his new art.

He was now able to unleash the latent warlock powers that had been hidden deep inside him and commune with nature. Obsessed with his newfound power and strength, he trained his body, mind, and soul to be able to handle the full extent of his power. After a few years of rigorous training, Niltsiar was able to obtain the powers of a truly accomplished warlock. His old bones, which by now should have been turned into dust, grew and strengthened back into their prime. His eyes became keener then that of a human along with his hearing; the rest of his senses were restored to their living state.

Finally getting used to his new powers, he decided to make due use of them. He made his own cloak out of his runes, silk, cloth and the powerful elements. Niltsiar channeled his own energy, life blood, and some of his darkness powers into the cloak. Thus the cloak is now merely an extension of his being: not like an arm or a leg, but like a second skin. Thus, like his own skin, no-one else could use the cloak because it was channeled with his own mind, energy, and power. Still not satisfied with his power, Niltsiar strived to gain more of it. After many years of immortal life provided by his pact with darkness, he might find a way yet.

Background Life in Erinn: The way he found was the way to Erinn. Niltsiar had met Nao on his travels and was allowed through her to go to Erinn since he was not able to go to heaven or hell.

He has been on Erinn for a good thousand years or so. So many years that he lost count within these years due to not being able to keep it warlock powers, he trained his skills in the blade once more he has been since still training and always learning more, gaining more strength and therefore being stronger then the average human, his senses as well over the years developed more and were also heightened from his time on Erinn. Quickly becoming an accomplished swordsmen in Erinn, he joined the paladins in Emain Macha and from there on learned everything he could from them,

But they did not satisfy his want for power so in his search for it, he found the darkness in Erinn. That darkness corrupted him and he soon joined the ranks of the dark knights. He went up the ranks quite easily of the dark knighthood and was quickly learning how to control this dark power. In doing so he became what is known as a chaos knight and has ever since been one.

In his time in Erinn he has learned much. He has watched his friends live and die of age and had lost his milletian friends when they changed bodies and never returned.

He himself being a milletian changed his features here and there with a new body but being the swordsmen and person he had become he had learned to even after death nurse his old body back to good health through the powers of chaotic darkness of the dark knights and has kept a body he had taken a liken too.

After traveling the continent of Uladh many times he grew bored and searched for new lands a crossed the seas, He succeeded and washed up on Iria.

From Port Qilla base camp he learned about Filia and the elves so he went to spend time with the elves and learn there ways.

When he got there he wasn’t exactly welcome but after a long talk with Castanea he joined the ranks of the scouts. Being a scout he had to learn to use a bow, after many years of practice he had gotten it down but still to this day doesn’t like the use of a bow much. He spent many years with the elves and didn’t bother to count them he was already old enough.

He soon grew bored of the elves and left he the life of the scout he had become behind and went back to Port Qilla, On his way back he realized what he hadn’t noticed before a pass lead into the mountains. So instead of going back to Port Qilla he decided to take this pass and see where it led. It led into a cave. He spent a good many days in this giant cave that he had found learning the marks of it and just how big it was. Through his exploring of this cave he found another entrance and exit which was different then the one he came in, So he of course went through it and found himself in an harsh blizzard instantly.

Walking through this blizzard not knowing where he was going, he soon met up with a giant who was kind enough to lead him to the village of vales where he spent a good many years there learning the ways of the giants. Although being much smaller then these within these years he learned to wield some of their weapons Taunes crafted a sword for him and he joined the ranks of their warriors. He learned how they fought and learned some new tricks.

After a good many years with the giants he bid his farewell and walked back out to the cave from whence he came with a clearer map that Taunes gave to him. When he found the cave he found his easy through it quite easily, due to spending many days in it and figuring out all its paths. He got back to Port Qilla and was satisfied with what he had learned. So he went back to Uladh.

when he got back he learned that they had uncovered more of the dragon statue on Gairech Hill so and went to take a look, having a great interest in this relic when he got there it was the same as it was when he left, clearly disappointed he kept on going and soon ended up on Bangor.

When he got to Bangor he decided that he should ask Edern to polish and maybe repair the rust off of his old armor. When he asked Edern to do this the sum came up to be more then he could afford, Edern knowing Niltsiar for a good many years offered him work instead to pay the debt. Niltsiar gladly excepted.

Niltsiar spent the next couple years in Bangor working as a miner and blacksmith for Edern and learning how to work the armor for the best movements and how to work the metal to make it lighter. After a good couple more many more years of working in Bangor he become an accomplished blacksmith learning their trade very well, along with how to find the past ore mounds and where to find them.

Being an accomplished blacksmith and miner he asked Edern if he could use the an anvils for a couple days and gathered his own materials. He hammered away on his project for days which would when completed be his knew armor. He slaving over crafting his armor had paid off when he had finished. He had hammered steel into a fine set of armor, gauntlets, and a helmet which was indeed even lighter then normal steel seeing how he hammered some mythril and silver into the armor as well to make it lighter.

His armor not complete he said his goodbyes to Edern and Bangor’s residents and went in search for a girl named Fleta who was said to have very fine tailoring work. When he got to Sen Mag Plateau Meg he searched for days for this girl named Fleta, and every day he found no trace. Finally he gave up and slouched near a try it was raining.

He sat there all day during the rainstorm to keep his newly plated armor dry and during these rainstorm Someone appeared near the tree with a flash. It was a small girl. Niltsiar called from the tree for the girl to come over. After a few words about who he was looking for and if she had seen anyone of the like he found out she was indeed Fleta.

He described his situation to her and asked if she could complete his armor. He not being knowing how to tailor very well had a problem. Fleta gladly agreed, but in return she wanted more then money. She asked him to complete a few tasked and get a new collar for he dog since the old one snapped.

After a few days of traveling and gathering the materials Fleta had asked for he went back to Sen Mag Plateau to find Fleta near the same tree When he met with her she had completed his armor and with a good many thanks they exchanged items.

Niltsiar all too happy that his new armor was completed quickly dressed himself with it. As he put it on he couple feel the magical properties of the leather Fleta had completed it with and just how much lighter it was then his old iron armor.

His armor complete he left Sen Mag Plateau in search for more adventure and found himself traveling the many dungeons of the land. He met Succubus’s hell hounds, imps bears werewolves Ogres Cyclopes all the creature of Erinn it had seemed in his travels and adventuring he had run into. But the treasures were not enough. He wanted more power.

In his quest for more power he ran into someone. Someone named Dranis. Dranis that name was so familiar. Dranis. Then it hit him like a full blow, Dranis was the warlock ghost he battled off with in his old world. Realizing how good of a companion Dranis could be he asked if Dranis would like to adventure the world in search for power with him. Dranis being power hungry himself gladly agreed and they quickly became good friends.

They met more friends on their travels Mariella, Soifa, Thyntos, a good many people that became their friends. But Dranis had fallen in love with one of them and had left his travels with Niltsiar for her. Niltsiar then settled down in Dunbarton leaving his adventure life behind him and living a calm life in his new home in the town of Dunbarton.

Niltsiar and Dranis did not see each other much after that for Dranis was too busy with his new found love which had battle within himself between power and love.

After a good many years Niltsiar had learned that this battle had brought Dranis into a very serious problem he had tried to kill his love. The battled ruined him destroyed everything he was wrought him with pain and anguish. Niltsiar hearing this news went in search for him then. Many years went by in his search for his friend before he ended up in Tara And when he got there he had learned his friend had been murdered.

He quickly went to where his friends body was brought only to find ashes and his friends hat. Saddened with his friends death he buried his ashes in Tara. He left the grave site and went to craft a quick blade, which he then stuck through the hat and plunged the blade into the ground next to his friends grave. He had learned a valuable lesson of just how powerful both love and power could become and what could happen if there was ever a battle between them, he would never take such a thing for granted again.

He left Tara then, to Tir Chonaill in search for more power to avenge his friends death and on his travels from Tara to Tir Chonaill in search for more power, along the road he met a stranger who told him stories of a legendary blade that the stranger liked to call the sword of glory. Niltsiar lust for power led him to believe in this legend and he went off in search for it.

After many years of searching he had found the place the stranger spoke of, the place that held the legendary blade, but in place of the blade he found a dusty old book. He brought this book to Duncan and learned of a place called Avon from it. Inside the book was a magical feather that would lead him there.

When Niltsiar got there he met he gate keeper Marlowe which told him about a play. He wasn’t interested in this play and refused to help. But still went into the globe theater anyways.

When he entered the theater he had found what he was looking for a good many years. The legendary blade was here in Avon sitting in the theater collecting dust like some prompt. He took the blade quenching his thirst for power. As he took the blade and strapped it to his back he quickly used the feather again to leave Avon, not liking the place much. When he got back to Tir chonaill he tucked the feather away in a sack by his side keeping it for later use if needed.

He now travels the world of Erinn in search for his friends killer in hopes that when her finds him or her, the injustice will un done and justice will be done.

Last edited by Dranis on Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:35 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Had a "many" in a place it shouldn't be)
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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Alt Niltsiar's Bio. Empty Re: Alt Niltsiar's Bio.

Post  Adhamh Wed Jan 26, 2011 7:05 am question. How -exactly- did Niltsiar make it into Erinn?
Cromm Crunch
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Alt Niltsiar's Bio. Empty Re: Alt Niltsiar's Bio.

Post  Dranis Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:36 pm

He found Nao who in return brought him into Erinn? o.o
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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Alt Niltsiar's Bio. Empty Re: Alt Niltsiar's Bio.

Post  Adhamh Wed Jan 26, 2011 5:19 pm

But why would he find Nao out there and then just take him to another world? One would have to die to meet Nao.
Cromm Crunch
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Alt Niltsiar's Bio. Empty Re: Alt Niltsiar's Bio.

Post  Temo Wed Jan 26, 2011 5:27 pm

Adhamh wrote:One would have to die to meet Nao.

Not necessarily since there have been times Nao has moved outside of it; but one would have to die in order to traverse soul stream, seeing as bodies aren't supposed to go with you. Those count as "extra baggage" mentioned elsewhere around the forum. Or they could have an out-of-body experience of some sort, which is honestly what I theorize happens each time a character goes to pay her a visit. Silly Milletians. Heads are always up in the clouds. Makes sense why half of them are insane. Razz
Burrito Bison

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Alt Niltsiar's Bio. Empty Re: Alt Niltsiar's Bio.

Post  Dranis Wed Jan 26, 2011 7:03 pm

I have re-edited it and put in how he met Nao.

Name: Niltsiar, "Nilt" for short.
Element: Dark.
Race: Human.
Sex: Male
Age: 3,000?
Weight: Unknown
Height: 6’0”

I know the background is long. It's because I put into the background, the background of his life up until now. >< Which is his background before Erinn and While living in Erinn.

Background Life before Erinn: He once commanded a small reserve army of the Imperium. After years of honorable service and the training of several of the Imperium’s finest troops, he died of a massive wound through his chest. After his death, unable to go to heaven or hell, he soon haunted his now decrepit and abandoned barracks.

Unbeknownst to him there was already a ruler of this place that had made a pact with nature long before his lifetime. This ruler was a powerful warlock destined to become protector of the land whom had died prematurely, during a battle which barracks was made to honor. The battle was a battle of wills which left Niltsiar with thousands of scars. After this battle with the warlock, he realized that if he started to practice this art he would become more powerful. After he started to practice the arts of a warlock, he tried the ritual to make him an accomplished warlock. The ritual he used almost tore his body apart, and he was unable to continue. The ritual had failed because he needed to have a pact with a more powerful creature than himself, one that was everlasting.

After binding his will to one such an element he finally succeeded. The divine essence of darkness was his master. The worlds of darkness gave him a new body and restored Niltsiar to the world of the living once again. His body, however, was old and weak. Unconcerned about his health, he tried to practice the arts of a warlock once again, and though he got farther than before, he failed again, miserably, almost killing himself. But because of the darkness supporting his body, he was able to recover. He then covered his body with powerful runes. Quickly realizing the positive effect on his body and his mind, Niltsiar continued the agonizing process and eventually covered his entire body. Thus it helped him gain even more power than he ever dreamed of. Doing this was the first step toward proficiency in his new art.

He was now able to unleash the latent warlock powers that had been hidden deep inside him and commune with nature. Obsessed with his newfound power and strength, he trained his body, mind, and soul to be able to handle the full extent of his power. After a few years of rigorous training, Niltsiar was able to obtain the powers of a truly accomplished warlock. His old bones, which by now should have been turned into dust, grew and strengthened back into their prime. His eyes became keener then that of a human along with his hearing; the rest of his senses were restored to their living state.

Finally getting used to his new powers, he decided to make due use of them. He made his own cloak out of his runes, silk, cloth and the powerful elements. Niltsiar channeled his own energy, life blood, and some of his darkness powers into the cloak. Thus the cloak is now merely an extension of his being: not like an arm or a leg, but like a second skin. Thus, like his own skin, no-one else could use the cloak because it was channeled with his own mind, energy, and power. Still not satisfied with his power, Niltsiar strived to gain more of it. After many years of immortal life provided by his pact with darkness, he might find a way yet.

How Niltsiar came to meet Nao: Niltsiar throughout many years did little more than search to become stronger through the art of magic.
He traveled the world alone.

He spent most of his days studying his magic, going through his spells, writing scrolls and learning new magic’s of the dark arts.
Instead of leaving his so called sanctuary of his home he would use a ritual to leave his body behind while he traveled the world as a spirit in search for other spirits like the one who met at the barracks long ago and to simply wonder the world and know what is happening.

During these many travels he did indeed meet another spirit. This spirit wasn’t like the others though it was a reaper of souls, a monster that devoured ones spirit to feed its hunger. It was a creature like no other creature Niltsiar had met before, the creature could smell his presence and before Niltsiar could even react the creature had pounced him and held his soul in a magical grip that he could not understand. The grip of magic that bound his soul in place was so strong that he couldn’t even use his own magic to free himself and get back to his body.

His days were over all the many years he spent wiped away like the remains of a burned down building. He could do no more but wait for the creature to feed off his soul and his existence forever lost he wouldn’t even be a spirit after this for he was already one.

The monster approached and as it did he felt fear again. Something he had lost feeling of for a many thousand years. But as it approached he felt a tug. On his very being, as if he was being ripped away from the world, he knew this feeling. He felt this feeling when he was traveling through time and space with a warping ability he had learned through his magic like a portal to another area. Suddenly everything turned white and he was blind for all he could see was pure white. Time passed as if it was nothing, He could not tell how long he had been seeing this blind white.

Suddenly the white began to clear and he felt as he used to when he would travel with his spirit. The place around him became clear, it was all white. There was a giant round pedestal under his feet and a figure standing in the middle of it. Not know where he was or what was going on, he approached this figured. As he approached the figure only smiled at him, it was female and she was wearing a black dress he hair was white and she had blue eyes.

When he got close enough to speak, before his could the figure said her name was Nao and that she had brought him here to save him from losing his soul and spirit and allow him to exist. She told him he could choose to go back if he wanted too, but he would be brought back to time where his spirit was about to be devoured and that he would no longer exist. She would allow him to live a life on Erinn under his circumstances.

Niltsiar agreed to live a life on Erinn and she granted him a new body to live it with. He had lost all his runic powers and the bind he had with darkness, he had lost his powers and was giving another life to start fresh and this is how he came to Erinn.

Background Life in Erinn: The way he found was the way to Erinn. Niltsiar had met Nao on his travels and was allowed through her to go to Erinn since he was not able to go to heaven or hell.

He has been on Erinn for a good thousand years or so. So many years that he lost count within these years due to not being able to keep it warlock powers, he trained his skills in the blade once more he has been since still training and always learning more, gaining more strength and therefore being stronger than the average human, his senses as well over the years developed more and were also heightened from his time on Erinn. Quickly becoming an accomplished swordsmen in Erinn, he joined the paladins in Emain Macha and from there on learned everything he could from them,

But they did not satisfy his want for power so in his search for it, he found the darkness in Erinn. That darkness corrupted him and he soon joined the ranks of the dark knights. He went up the ranks quite easily of the dark knighthood and was quickly learning how to control this dark power. In doing so he became what is known as a chaos knight and has ever since been one.

In his time in Erinn he has learned much. He has watched his friends live and die of age and had lost his Milletian friends when they changed bodies and never returned.

He himself being a Milletian changed his features here and there with a new body but being the swordsmen and person he had become he had learned to even after death nurse his old body back to good health through the powers of chaotic darkness of the dark knights and has kept a body he had taken a liken too.

After traveling the continent of Uladh many times he grew bored and searched for new lands a crossed the seas, He succeeded and washed up on Iria.

From Port Qilla base camp he learned about Filia and the elves so he went to spend time with the elves and learn their ways.

When he got there he wasn’t exactly welcome but after a long talk with Castanea he joined the ranks of the scouts. Being a scout he had to learn to use a bow, after many years of practice he had gotten it down but still to this day doesn’t like the use of a bow much. He spent many years with the elves and didn’t bother to count them he was already old enough.

He soon grew bored of the elves and left his life of the scout he had become behind and went back to Port Qilla, on his way back he realized what he hadn’t noticed before a pass lead into the mountains. So instead of going back to Port Qilla he decided to take this pass and see where it led. It led into a cave. He spent a good many days in this giant cave that he had found learning the marks of it and just how big it was. Through his exploring of this cave he found another entrance and exit which was different than the one he came in, so he of course went through it and found himself in a harsh blizzard instantly.

Walking through this blizzard not knowing where he was going, he soon met up with a giant who was kind enough to lead him to the village of vales where he spent a good many years there learning the ways of the giants. Although being much smaller then these within these years he learned to wield some of their weapons Taunes crafted a sword for him and he joined the ranks of their warriors. He learned how they fought and learned some new tricks.

After a good many years with the giants he bid his farewell and walked back out to the cave from whence he came with a clearer map that Taunes gave to him. When he found the cave he found his easy through it quite easily, due to spending many days in it and figuring out all its paths. He got back to Port Qilla and was satisfied with what he had learned. So he went back to Uladh.

when he got back he learned that they had uncovered more of the dragon statue on Gairech Hill so and went to take a look, having a great interest in this relic when he got there it was the same as it was when he left, clearly disappointed he kept on going and soon ended up on Bangor.

When he got to Bangor he decided that he should ask Edern to polish and maybe repair the rust off of his old armor. When he asked Edern to do this the sum came up to be more then he could afford, Edern knowing Niltsiar for a good many years offered him work instead to pay the debt. Niltsiar gladly accepted.

Niltsiar spent the next couple years in Bangor working as a miner and blacksmith for Edern and learning how to work the armor for the best movements and how to work the metal to make it lighter. After a good couple more many more years of working in Bangor he become an accomplished blacksmith learning their trade very well, along with how to find the past ore mounds and where to find them.

Being an accomplished blacksmith and miner he asked Edern if he could use an anvil for a couple days and gathered his own materials. He hammered away on his project for days which would when completed, be his knew armor. He slaving over crafting his armor had paid off when he had finished. He had hammered steel into a fine set of armor, gauntlets, and a helmet which was indeed even lighter than normal steel seeing how he hammered some mythril and silver into the armor as well to make it lighter.

His armor not complete he said his goodbyes to Edern and Bangor’s residents and went in search for a girl named Fleta who was said to have very fine tailoring work. When he got to Sen Mag Plateau Meg he searched for days for this girl named Fleta, and every day he found no trace. Finally he gave up and slouched near a try it was raining.

He sat there all day during the rainstorm to keep his newly plated armor dry and during this rainstorm someone appeared near the tree with a flash. It was a small girl. Niltsiar called from the tree for the girl to come over. After a few words about whom he was looking for and if she had seen anyone of the like he found out she was indeed Fleta.

He described his situation to her and asked if she could complete his armor. He not being able to tailor very well had a problem. Fleta gladly agreed, but in return she wanted more than money. She asked him to complete a few tasked and get a new collar for the dog since the old one snapped.

After a few days of traveling and gathering the materials Fleta had asked for he went back to Sen Mag Plateau to find Fleta near the same tree when he met with her she had completed his armor and with a good many thanks they exchanged items.

Niltsiar all too happy that his new armor was completed quickly dressed himself with it. As he put it on he could feel the magical properties of the leather Fleta had completed it with and just how much lighter it was then his old iron armor.

His armor complete he left Sen Mag Plateau in search for more adventure and found himself traveling the many dungeons of the land. He met Succubus’s hell hounds, imps bears werewolves Ogres Cyclopes all the creature of Erinn it had seemed in his travels and adventuring he had run into. But the treasures were not enough. He wanted more power.

In his quest for more power he ran into someone. Someone named Dranis. Dranis that name was so familiar. Dranis, Then it hit him like a full blow, Dranis was the warlock ghost he battled off with in his old world. Realizing how good of a companion Dranis could be he asked if Dranis would like to adventure the world in search for power with him. Dranis being power hungry himself gladly agreed and they quickly became good friends.

They met more friends on their travels Mariella, Soifa, Thyntos, a good many people that became their friends. But Dranis had fallen in love with one of them and had left his travels with Niltsiar for her. Niltsiar then settled down in Dunbarton leaving his adventure life behind him and living a calm life in his new home in the town of Dunbarton.

Niltsiar and Dranis did not see each other much after that for Dranis was too busy with his new found love which had battle within himself between power and love.

After a good many years Niltsiar had learned that this battle had brought Dranis into a very serious problem he had tried to kill his love. The battled ruined him destroyed everything he was wrought him with pain and anguish. Niltsiar hearing this news went in search for him then. Many years went by in his search for his friend before he ended up in Tara and when he got there he had learned his friend had been murdered.

He quickly went to where his friend’s body was brought only to find ashes and his friend’s hat. Saddened with his friend’s death he buried his ashes in Tara. He left the grave site and went to craft a quick blade, which he then stuck through the hat and plunged the blade into the ground next to his friend’s grave. He had learned a valuable lesson of just how powerful both love and power could become and what could happen if there was ever a battle between them, he would never take such a thing for granted again.

He left Tara then, to Tir Chonaill in search for more power to avenge his friend’s death and on his travels from Tara to Tir Chonaill in search for more power. Along the road he met a stranger who told him stories of a legendary blade that the stranger liked to call the sword of glory. Niltsiar lust for power led him to believe in this legend and he went off in search for it.

After many years of searching he had found the place the stranger spoke of, the place that held the legendary blade, but in place of the blade he found a dusty old book. He brought this book to Duncan and learned of a place called Avon from it. Inside the book was a magical feather that would lead him there.

When Niltsiar got there he met he gate keeper Marlowe which told him about a play. He wasn’t interested in this play and refused to help. But still went into the globe theater anyways.

When he entered the theater he had found what he was looking for a good many years. The legendary blade was here in Avon sitting in the theater collecting dust like some prompt. He took the blade quenching his thirst for power. As he took the blade and strapped it to his back he quickly used the feather again to leave Avon, not liking the place much. When he got back to Tir Chonaill he tucked the feather away in a sack by his side keeping it for later use if needed.

He now travels the world of Erinn in search for his friend’s killer in hopes that when he finds him or her, the injustice will un-done and justice will be done.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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Alt Niltsiar's Bio. Empty Re: Alt Niltsiar's Bio.

Post  Adhamh Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:52 pm

..No you had it there originally, I just don't think it's a plausible way for one to enter Erinn. How does one just meet Nao and she takes them to Erinn?
Cromm Crunch
Cromm Crunch

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Alt Niltsiar's Bio. Empty Re: Alt Niltsiar's Bio.

Post  Mari Eir Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:59 pm

Adhamh wrote:..No you had it there originally, I just don't think it's a plausible way for one to enter Erinn. How does one just meet Nao and she takes them to Erinn?
Glad I'm not the only one questioning this. It came up in another bio.
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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Alt Niltsiar's Bio. Empty Re: Alt Niltsiar's Bio.

Post  Dranis Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:16 pm

Mariella Kana wrote:
Adhamh wrote:..No you had it there originally, I just don't think it's a plausible way for one to enter Erinn. How does one just meet Nao and she takes them to Erinn?
Glad I'm not the only one questioning this. It came up in another bio.

All I can say is. Last I knew any cause is plausable if you are dead, or considered dead.

Last edited by Dranis on Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:27 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : gah -.-)
Gummy Bear
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Alt Niltsiar's Bio. Empty Re: Alt Niltsiar's Bio.

Post  Mari Eir Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:17 pm

Dranis wrote:
Mariella Kana wrote:
Adhamh wrote:..No you had it there originally, I just don't think it's a plausible way for one to enter Erinn. How does one just meet Nao and she takes them to Erinn?
Glad I'm not the only one questioning this. It came up in another bio.

All I can say is. Last I knew any cause is plausable if you are dead, or considered dead.
As long as it's CLEAR that he DIED to get there, all is well. And that he didn't take anything from his old world.
Mari Eir
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Alt Niltsiar's Bio. Empty Re: Alt Niltsiar's Bio.

Post  Dranis Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:29 pm

Mariella Kana wrote:
Dranis wrote:
Mariella Kana wrote:
Adhamh wrote:..No you had it there originally, I just don't think it's a plausible way for one to enter Erinn. How does one just meet Nao and she takes them to Erinn?
Glad I'm not the only one questioning this. It came up in another bio.

All I can say is. Last I knew any cause is plausable if you are dead, or considered dead.
As long as it's CLEAR that he DIED to get there, all is well. And that he didn't take anything from his old world.

Look up the deffintion of being dead then. He, when he left his body and became a spirit was dead. just through the ritual he was able to get back into his body, which is magic. and you can't explain how magic does what it does, thats why it's called magic.
Gummy Bear
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Alt Niltsiar's Bio. Empty Re: Alt Niltsiar's Bio.

Post  Glaceon Wed Jan 26, 2011 11:57 pm

In Mabi, we can THOROUGHLY explain what magic does. All the books for advanced magics and the basic magics DESCRIBE how the mana is used to create the magic.
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Alt Niltsiar's Bio. Empty Re: Alt Niltsiar's Bio.

Post  Kayeori Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:47 am

Yes to actually pass through the soul stream, at the very least, says you abandoned your body and your soul is placed into another. Which most people would count as dying. However Neo when he first came to Erinn did not die to get there. He was approached by Nao and given sort of a day pass. He was able to view things in Erinn but not able to interact with anything. Sort of like a ghost you might say. However, when the Trio (Kayeori, Julian(Miyakuro), and Aneous) actually came to Erinn the first time officially and started walking around they did have to abandon their current bodies and be placed into new ones. So as you can see it is like dying, as much as it is rebirthing. Just minus all the shock and trama of being killed. xD

All and all this isn't much of a matter for debate. It is just a bio for one and just worded a bit differently. That's my two cents on the matter. If anything we could also say that it's from the character's perspective. Very easily we could put in later that he did in fact die, or was simply whisked away by Nao at crucial point in time. Or perhaps he was just needed. Many possibilities.

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