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Prove Me Wrong

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Prove Me Wrong Empty Prove Me Wrong

Post  Adhamh Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:02 am

Faunus learned of how the despicable creatures of Erinn used the boards to announce messages and whatnot. On the board, his message read:

I am looking for someone to show and prove me wrong. I have been told by several filthy beings people, that humans aren't as destructive and greedy as I believe them to be. I need someone(preferably giant or elf) to give me proof that humankind isn't what I believe it to be.

Cromm Crunch
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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Xeek Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:32 am

The man walked up to the board, and laughed. He knew every human had greed in the inside. All...except one. He looked down and frowned, then it turned to a smirk.

"No my friend, you are right. Every person, anything with a mind is destructive and greedy. Including gods, humans, elves and fomors. Except, one person. But, she is gone, which only proves you need to be greedy, destructive and self centered if you want to live.

-Your mom's face "

He decided not to put his name, and instead leave a funny remark as he walked off.

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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Adhamh Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:19 am

He laughs at the reply and posts his own:

Well, that's a shame. Ha. Seems my "hopes" of being proven wrong are getting slimmer and slimmer. How was this person killed, anyways?

Cromm Crunch
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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Auramune Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:30 am

We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. Our lives before this were of struggle and undertaking labor. To take what we can and provide for ours before our time is through. The lusts and greeds of the body scandalize the soul; but now is a time to heal. We are just human, after all. And don't always know how our choices could affect others. There is such a delicate balance to everything in this world that only in hindsight can we tell what we did wrong and how things could have went differently. Instead of snaring down your nose; show us the error in our ways. Teach. Not punish.

Ultimately, we are products of our environment.
All it may take is one helping hand to start a revolution, and I'm extending mine.


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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Honeko Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:59 am

Honestly, I don't have much desire to give into your delusions, but I do know quite a few people that could prove you wrong. If you run into a young boy named Perin, he could very easily prove you wrong. There is one example. I pray you will let people who do provide you proof actually speak to you though, and that you actually will accept any proof given.

Gummy Sandworm
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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Xeek Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:10 pm

"Proof is not just a name. If you introduce me to this person named Perin, I'll list you all his greeds.
Just so you all know, love is a greed. One of the most deadliest ones. And why are you asking for proof, Faunus? You seem like you know already that anything with a mind only cares about themselves.

And the person died in the war against Fenrir. And no, she wasn't fighting. Knowing her she was even healing both sides.

-Your mother's face's left ear."

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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Sora Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:44 pm

A red haired girl wanders past the notice board and happens to see the note as she glances across. It begs for an answer and she decides to stop and offer one without looking over anything left by others. Joke messages are often left by stupid kids on serious questions so she never reads over anything after the original note.

The message begins printed but drifts into cursive as it goes on, as if the writer got lost in thought and stopped paying attention to how the words were written. When she reaches the bottom, she decides to use something more profound than just her name. It will also keep her message from being torn down if bitter ex-friends happen to see it.

Habitually, she glances around as she tacks her reply up before heading off in a random direction.

You are wrong, but not how you want to be disproved. Every race has its' greed and destruction, but your failure lies in ignoring that there are people who fight these darknesses. Everyone has a hint of "evil" in them, but those we call Evil are those who show it, who refuse to fight or those who fight but are not strong enough to overcome their own vices.

I don't know you so this is only a guess, but it seems you're one who has seen far too much of the darker side of life so your view is shaded more darkly than others. Your perception of humanity (of any race really) comes from your own experiences. You need to open your mind to the lighter side before you can actually see this "proof" you're asking to be shown.

-One who has spent far too much thought on similar topics.

Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Zeffie Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:45 pm

It's easy to find the faults in someone. But in your case it's a race. But why just Humans? I certainly hope you realize elves, giants, humans anything with a mind able to speak it's thoughts are what your thinking of. Though thier physic is different thier minds? Not so much. Indeed, even animals fall under this catagory. Why not try to find the good and blessings within a person before labeling them as evil, bad, greedy.
No one is free of this. No matter how hard they try.
--That one shorty
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Dellinger Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:14 pm

A random beggar in terribly ragged robes walks to the bulletin boards, and leaves a note:

We are not all bad. There are those of us who actually care enough to sacrifice everything for others. If you want to talk to one of them, head to the amphitheater in Emain Macha and you will meet one such man. Arrive preferably before dinner.

The handwriting may seem familiar to a small number of you.

((OOCly: This is a character, and some people are familiar with him. PM me if you think your character recognizes the handwriting. ))

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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Adhamh Wed Jan 12, 2011 7:55 am

((Wow. I get so many replies while I'm gone. xD;; Mmk. Here we go.))

Honeko, I believe you're delusional if you believe my thoughts are delusional. Where can I meet with this "Perin".

Well, you who are the left ear of the mother which I do not have, I'd like to meet with you, seeing as you have a well-developed mind as well as intelligent insight.

Trust me, even those who fight the evils of humanity, have their own evils. It's why I've lost almost all Hope in humanity, one who's thought too much.

Shorty, I've seen humans be the worst of the races this world offers. Giants and elves I've seen care more for what I care for.

To you who've asked me to mewt with one of you, I will get to it as soon as possible. I would like to schedule a time.
Cromm Crunch
Cromm Crunch

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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Adhamh Wed Jan 12, 2011 8:00 am

Auramune wrote:

We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. Our lives before this were of struggle and undertaking labor. To take what we can and provide for ours before our time is through. The lusts and greeds of the body scandalize the soul; but now is a time to heal. We are just human, after all. And don't always know how our choices could affect others. There is such a delicate balance to everything in this world that only in hindsight can we tell what we did wrong and how things could have went differently. Instead of snaring down your nose; show us the error in our ways. Teach. Not punish.

Ultimately, we are products of our environment.
All it may take is one helping hand to start a revolution, and I'm extending mine.


And to you...I've seen someone try to show the error of your ways, this person was jailed for it. You humans are nothing but monsters and the more and more you prove me wrong, the less and less I seem to hope that I will find reason to not dislike humanity. Though your mention of revolution intrigues me. Pray tell, what does this talk signify?
Cromm Crunch
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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Temo Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:22 am

Auramune wrote:
All it may take is one helping hand to start a revolution, and I'm extending mine.

[[Fenrir: ...ACHOO! o.o?]]
Burrito Bison

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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Auramune Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:46 am

Adhamh wrote:
Auramune wrote:
All it may take is one helping hand to start a revolution, and I'm extending mine.

[[Fenrir: ...ACHOO! o.o?]]

<<She said HELPING.. Not destructive Razz!>>

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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Glaceon Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:42 pm

Glacia, having read all these replies, decided to post her own, smart-butted reply

You say you want someone to prove you wrong, well let me ask you this. You say all humans have greed and destruction. Well prove that you are RIGHT. Show me that ALL things have a lust for greed and destruction. In this world, what you may think of greed or destruction, is something else to another person. In fact, your views of "greed" and "destruction" are about as subjective as the forces of "good" and "evil." So in that sense, what exactly is this greed and destruction you are speaking of. I can see people fighting in a war, thinking they are doing what is right, for the better cause for the world...but others can see them in a lust for power and to cause destruction. So in a sense, you want us to prove something subjective. Just keep trying...

-A very stubborn cat
Glas Ghoblehht
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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Dellinger Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:38 pm

The beggar looks to the reply to his note, smirks a bit, and chuckes. A short reply was left.

I did arrange a meeting time. Preferably before dinner. See you when you arrive.

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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Krystal Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:27 pm

She stared at the wall, and then decided to tack on her own note, slightly amused, yet annoyed.

I will say it once. You are right that ALL humans are greedy and are selfish as well. Love can be a greed, depending on how it is interpreted, as it can be the greed of wanting another as your own, and them for you... A term most would call as mates. If I'm right, you're the animal-loving giant, and I believe there are many more than you think that care about what you do, although even they have their greed. I can name many so called greeds that are actually just survival, and the true greed lies with others and selfish desires. You can say that Giants are greedy for fur to keep themselves warm in the harsh blizzard in Physis, and Elves for the animals they must kill to eat and survive. Humans for the way they must do the same to survive, and the same goes for even the Fomors, who actually control animals from time to time to fight for them. However these are just survival. I doubt you wouldn't eat animals to survive.... seeing as Humans, Giants, and Elves are... animals in their own way, as are most Fomors. Animals kill each other for territory, food, resources.... and no animal is exempt from this rule, not even the one that the man you agree with thinks highly off, him, you, or anyone replying to this, including myself. Just as the dog guards his territory, as the wolf eats the sheep, and the rat steals the cheese, we are the same.

What you may define as greed is not what I may define it as. This person that was jailed, may have acted against the law, but unjustly jailed means they should be free. The point I'm making is we all have greed, however, we have varying degrees of greed and selfishness. Humans can overcome this greed, just like any other animal.
-It's only signed with a K-
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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Sora Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:25 pm

Trust me, even those who fight the evils of humanity, have their own evils. It's why I've lost almost all Hope in humanity, one who's thought too much.

I never said they do not. The point is not whether the person is evil or not, but whether they accept the evil they carry inside. Those labeled evil are merely the ones who accept those dark feelings that plague each of us. Part of why they are hated might just be the fact that many people see the same feelings or reactions within themselves.

On a related note, what is evil? What even says why greed and destruction are bad things? Do we not destroy a disease to heal one who is sick? That is an accepted destruction but why does the disease not deserve to live? Situations are all relative and never one-sided.

Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Auramune Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:49 pm

On a music scroll, she scribbled. And placed on top of the growing stack of notes on the board pink writing stood out boldly.

There is no evil or good.
Only choice and consequence.
Judge not.

Whistling as she wandered off.

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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Veleth Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:35 pm

((Xeek's a she?))
Gummy Sandworm
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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Temo Thu Jan 13, 2011 6:10 pm

[[Okay, so I wasn't the only one imagining that.]]
Burrito Bison

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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Auramune Thu Jan 13, 2011 6:31 pm

<<Lol xD No. It's not Xeek xD. Does Xeek even know the word consequence?>>

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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Adhamh Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:51 am

Auramune wrote:<<Lol xD No. It's not Xeek xD. Does Xeek even know the word consequence?>>

((Hahahahaha! I don't think so. ._.))

Faunus chuckled at the piled up replies and proceeded to rip off the entire post and it's attached replies. "Stupid little girl..." He remembers the leather butterfly he crafted for Roza and smiles. He then tacks a single reply to all replies.

I have no intend on replying to any of your posts directly. I have been shown though by a certain little -pure human- little girl, that not all humanity is what I previously found it to be. I thank you, Roza. If you see this, I hope you're content with the butterfly.
Cromm Crunch
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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Dellinger Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:23 pm

The beggar reads the note and, after a couple of moments, shrugs.

Could've used the conversation, but ah well.

The beggar heads back the ampitheatre and strums on one of the various instruments he picked up.

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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Guest Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:42 pm

Roza looked at the post with a very confused face. Reading was....not her strong suit, but she knew her name and a few words. Someone wrote a note to her? That was so...Awesome!! Scribbling a reply, Roza posted it on the board, skipping away with a goofy grin.

Hai purson! I cantuh reed that gud, butt i see mai name! Wana be freindz?

-it's signed with a rather large smiley face-


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Prove Me Wrong Empty Re: Prove Me Wrong

Post  Louiswill Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:51 pm

This young man comes across the board with fried fish n chips on one hand, but he sees the word Greed and Destructive. He walks backward to the board and reads carefully.

"Oh, this is philosophy." He thinks. His deep green eye has some darkness light blinking inside. Then he reads all the posts under the question.

"I say this brilliant Kirinne got it right, but the question is demanding a lot more serious debatings."

then he noticed the other post, "Evil...the darkness...Hey this 'One who has spent far too much thought on similar topics' is just like me! but.."

his next glance is hooked by another one. "There is no evil nor good, only choice and consequence."

This young man whose green hair is greener than ever when he sees this is still not satisfied. "too much blanks are left blanky. A good start."

Then he decide to post his own idea.

"First, there is an arguement is include in the question. It is 'Because _______, human are destructive and greed.' then the premises are gone in here. Faunus left it blank, which is a trick, no matter he intented to do so or no.

In that case, himself didnt prove a thing. What he really needed and what we can provide now is only another completed arguement.

So two choices :

1some premises leads to the conclusion "Human are destructive and greed"

2some premises leads to the conclusion "human arent destructive nor greed"

So i chooses the 2nd one, because many others did the same on the post board.

What premises can support the conclusion so well that the arguement is good and sound?

It must be an inductive arguement. The blank are so big and wide to filled full.

As long as i read the posts here, i will list some premises by others under.

1Human dont intend to make choices that destroy themself and hurt others.
2A human boy named Perin is not destructive nor greed.
3Those are people who fight in the darkness, who aboids to be destructive and greed.

Now i list mine, before that there will be a few questions:

Humanity itself is human nature reaction to the relationship to everything else. It is working under a theory called selfactraulizing systerm.

If a person eats an apple, is it greed? yes, it is a greed to the apple tree.
If a person trys to stay with another person, is it a greed? yes, you are greeding other's attention.
If a person wants to explore the deepest forests with monsters, is it destructive? yes, you know where dangerous are and deserve it.

If a person waters a tree and makes it grow better, is it greed nor destructive? no, it does help, even though the tree will not die because you didnt water it.
If a person believe the opration of universe has an end, is it greed or destructive? no, it doesnt matter. Why must a religion believe will kill us?
If a person cut down dead tree and makes campfire, is it greed or destructive? hmm, if the fire out of controll...

Can human avoid to use any nature resouces and energy, nor attract other's attention? It is where humanity grow.

And so far I see, when I ask myself and answer as complex as I can.

It is not something you should put it on a side and mark it as greed and destructive.

So here is my premise: Because humanity itself isnt original greed and destructive, human are not destructive nor greed.

Last part is for Faunus:

That You left your premises blank must because you think it is too obviouse to metion it. However, people like me prefer to leave it dont bother us. Now it is a bit interesting, what are your premises?

Some of the poster predict you lived in an darker situation that we can not imagine. What i'd like say is, keep yourself away from greed and destructive no matter if you are going to be a human like whoever. Keep yourself actual. God bless you.

A random citizen with Fish n chips

This guy looks into his posts. "Oh, holy, too long." He sighs and puts it on while no one notice him.

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