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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

Post  Dellinger Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:24 pm

The Ceremony

A large obelisk known as the Monolith, made of high-quality iron, inlaid with gold and silver, has officially been ordained in the south-west waters of Emain Macha. This tribute was created in the names of those who lost their lives in the wars of Fenrir Eir, concocted by the mind of one Lucius Entine. Names on the Monolith include:
Bob Beuguard,
George Beuguard,
Silvreno Eir,
Laikika Eir,
Fenrir Eir,
Zwei Freeheart,
L. Jenkins,
M. Storm,
Y. Hanamura,
Robert Edwards,
Derek Douglass,
Daniel Rogers,
David Jones,
Alfred Thomas,
Richard Songs,
along with many, many others. The obelisk, in it’s beautiful shiny glory has etched into it all of the names of those whose names were given in the ceremony led by Entine in Emain Macha.

The populace’s reaction to the ceremony was fairly positive. What was done for the dead was greatly appreciated, and the public acknowledgement of all the work that the regular people had put into rebuilding the towns post-Fenrir did a great deal for the people’s morale. The name Entine has been linked with kindness and respect, and it seems that more people are speaking highly of him than they had been when these events began.

Other names, such as Oscar Syiano, Jacquemo G. Rie, Hyuponia Kana, and Darian Lancaster II, were recognized and honored as well for their extremely kind and generous donations for the memorial and the celebration of life that occurred afterwards. The night ended with fireworks, and celebrations were numerous.

Plotting and Scheming

“And you earned these… where, Mr. Entine, sir?” The guard of Emain Macha asked the man in a long flowing red robe accented by the ornate armor upon his shoulders. “I didn’t quite get that. I apologize. I was a bit flabbergasted by what I read.”

The red mage, or so he was called in some cases, smiled and shook his head. “It is no problem, good sir. We found an individual at Port Ceann. He had attempted to rob this gentleman here,” he indicates one of the several men following him at this point in time, “but was caught soon afterwards.”

The guard turns to the man. “Is this true?”

The man gives an affirmative.

The guard turns to back to Entine. “And you decided to bring him here rather than to Dunbarton or the closer city?”

Entine shook his head. “The officers here have proven to be well worth their salt and are my opinion some of the best investigators I have ever known. Your bounty office is also top-knotch.” He smiles to the guard. “I would not trust any other town guard with national news.”

The guard looks back to the notes skeptically. “You really think this is true?”

Entine sighs and shakes his head. Some of his personal guard does the same, while the rest seem like regular guard. “I knew the man Zachary Dellinger once. I had called him friend. It seems that he had even I fooled.”

“But the implications of these letters-“

“Imply that Zachary Dellinger was in-fact the Dunewyrm, the leader of the Corenites, and that the bandits were actually conspirators with Fenrir Eir.” He shuffled through some of the notes on the table, pulled one, and handed it to the guard. “It seemed that the bandits were only to make Fenrir’s army appear weak, and then assist in the final assault. With the death of Fenrir, however, they retreated to save face.” Entine’s face became grim. “It seems they plan on mobilizing at any moment, on Mr. Dellinger’s orders.”

The guard seemed to go read in the face, anger overtaking him. “This… this is despicable! I knew the man! To know he’s a two-faced-“

“I know,” Entine interrupts, “but anger will do nothing. Only justice may set things right.”

The guard looks to Entine, making an obvious effort to calm down. “You’re right, sir. I’ll take these notes to my superior immediately.”

Entine smiles. “You may as well take the thief as well.”

At this cue, a second set of individuals come forward carrying an individual in a tattered robe, bound and gagged. Entine ordered the man to be released from his gag.

“I believe you will need to talk to this man, here,” he said, indicating the guard.

“Burn in hell, Lucius Entine, you filthy… mother-“ The man began to struggle, almost breaking loose, before one of the guards, in a panic, steps behind the bandit and slits the man’s throat.

Entine scowled deeply. “You were not authorized to do that, Machias.”

The man faltered. “I’m… I’m sorry, sir… I was… I was afraid he would break free.”

“I can protect myself, Machias,” he sighed. “Without your voluntary help.” Entine turned to the surprised guard. “I apologize for my guard’s behavior. It seems we cannot find good help these days.”

The guard shakes his head. “No… No, it’s fine, Milord. You have done enough for Erinn already, and this evidence is damning enough. I’ll report this to my authorities. The bounty will be up by the morning.”

“Thank you very much, young one. You are an exemplar of your office.” Entine and his guards leave the area, and begin to walk. When they are out of earshot, one of the guards whispers to Entine.

“The invasion of Filia should be starting soon, milord. The city will be ours, and we will be able to move on to Qilla and Vales soon enough.” The guard nods.

Entine whispers back. “Good, good. And I shall return to Connous and turn the man in myself.” He pats the guard on the back. “Good job, as well, for the forgery, Zephias. You do have a way with writing.”

Zephias bows a little. “Anything to assist in your plan, milord. Hopefully everything so far is as you wished it to be?”

He chuckles and cracks his neck, smiling. “All according to plan, my Corenite. All according to plan.

Under New Management

Nilios had come to him with the plan. A plot to rid Filia and the elven people of Castanea permanently. So simple it would be to remove her with the help of the bandits, but that would not have been in the best interest of Veldik or the elven people. The memory tower.... that looming shadow that offered so much. It was an unknown, a beacon of power which was not understood yet. It allowed his people communication between them, knowledge that would have otherwise been forgotten and yet it was largely unknown how it worked, save for Castanea. Castanea knew how to control it. Veldik couldn't let that knowledge die with her. So he made arrangements.

Veldik would allow the coup de tat to occur. His friendship with Nilios the driving force behind that. His friend had the means to break Castanea's reign in Filia. Nilios was a son of Filia. His own parents, killed by Castanea, had left the poor boy in the hands of a Filian orphanage. He was truly raised by the people of Filia and was accepted. Nilios was respected among the military and by the civilians. So Veldik would honor his friend's wishes. He would rework the schedule and place newer guards on the routes. These men would be informed of the "new routes", paths that would take them away from the mountain. His own men he would withdraw to Courcle on a "great offensive" to disrupt giant activity in the region.

But Castanea must be saved and upon that whim, Veldik sent his greatest ally to Castanea.


Kari walked through Filia with a purpose, straight towards Castanea's abode. The Leader of the elves was a little startled at first to see Kari approach but nodded in greeting.

“What brings you here, Onikari Eidolon?” Castanea asked.

“Dear leader, I bear a message from my husband,” she hands her a letter, “This tells of a foretold attack on Filia that we cannot prevent. We believe this army is seeking to assassinate you and advise you to go into hiding.”

The older elf read over the letter and nodded. “Have you any other information?”

Kari simply shook her head.

“I thank you. I will take this under advisement.”

Kari nodded, bowed, about faced, and moved back through the town.


As the day of the coup drew close, Veldik's mind was full of worry. Would Castanea listen and take proper precautions? Would Nilios succeed? He sighed deeply and prepared for the movement of his own men. An unsigned note appeared under the door of his home.

Cenae Meadows is nice this time of year. Feel free to visit me there.

Veldik smiled. Things might just work out for him after all.


A soft breeze flowed gently across the desert, stirring the air gently and whipping the sand about lightly. The night lay heavily upon Filia, the twin moons covered by thick clouds. To the casual observer it would be just a regular night in Filia, yet to those who were familiar with the more intrinsic aspects of the town they'd have found some actions slightly peculiar. For one, there was no noise echoing throughout the town from a particular home on the western half of Filia. Despite the fact that this occasionally occurred, on this particular night, there
were other things to consider. Few of the lanterns were lit and those guards who were patrolling were awfully young and their patrol routes rarely took them near the mountain.

Slowly and steadily, Nilios approached the dwelling of Castanea. He motioned to the dozen elves behind him to take positions surrounding the home. Nilios rapped hard upon the door to no response. He motioned to Kaylee, fire already sparking into her hands. Taking aim, she unleashed her assault, the door burning away in moments. Rushing forward among the embers, Nilios searched the home, consumed with wrath. The house was empty. No furniture.... no clothing.... nothing at all.

"She's gone....."

Rage filling him, Nilios slammed his bipennis into the wall. Smoke rose above the home as he exited the house. He turned to an alchemist standing outside the exit, his face twisted in anger and frustration.

"We need barricades and lots of them. Wall in the town, if need be, but make sure that Castanea could not have escaped Filia. We will find her
and bring her to justice. Nail a flyer to every door. The people must be made aware of Castanea's games."

The alchemist bowed and withdrew. The sound of battle called out to him. The men, he commanded, had moved on the barracks having dealt with the on-duty guards swiftly.
He could see the guards, sitting captive at their posts. They had been caught unaware, their lack of experience leading them to panic. Two guards had resisted and been cut down. There would be bloodshed, but it was to be expected during battle.

Nilios looked over the city. The barriers were already going up upon the hill, a stronghold until the town was secure. His town, for the time being. He wondered what to do about Castanea, how to gain the people's trust and what Entine would do with Filia. Kaylee came to stand beside him, and took his hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

The Flight of the Marathon

Zachary Dellinger, in what was to be one of his last bouts of true and complete sanity, instructed those loyal to him to ready themselves, for they would be leaving the bandit headquarters as soon as Entine had left and the raiding party had departed for Filia. With control of the bandits in the hands of another, there was nothing he could do to stop what he knew would begin more chaos but run.

And run they did. With little more than two daggers, a handheld crossbow, and a number of personal effects, Zachary Dellinger left with his motley crew of bandits. Hijacking one of the Wanderers, the small group of bandits, now nineteen in number, escaped after many harrowing events, such as the Battle of the Bay, dealing with flame crystals exploding inside their cargo-hold from a fire that had spread throughout the ship, and finding some traitors amidst their number. However, these events left them sorely without much fuel.

Recent reports tell of a Wanderer, similar to the ones used by the bandits in Fenrir’s War, making a forced landing in the mountains near Port Ceann. It is unknown who is on this zeppelin, but as these constructs were linked with the now-wanted bandits, the people surrounding Bangor have asked that someone come in and look into the matter as quickly as possible. Many bounty hunters, possibly looking for Zachary Dellinger’s head, alive, have appeared around the area and are offering their assistance in protecting the cities from this man and his ilk.

Approximate location of where the zeppelin landed:

Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Locati12

(( Now, for some OOC notes. Things to keep in mind:

  1. I've got the GM keys. I've got a system that has worked in the prequels, so we'll be running on that. I will take criticism and recommendations, and I shall be watched over by my trusted assistant GMs, but if you don't like how I run things, you always have the choice of not associating with the plot.
  2. This might go a tad slow, mainly because I need to know what everyone is doing -before- the RPs happen. Hearing "X did this" after someone ran 20 RPs in a day while little Mary-Sue only had enough time for one isn't really fair to the people who want to participate. In interest of giving everyone an equal opportunity for fun, I'm splitting the RP up into days. Tell me what's happening, and I'll tell you when the RP will happen, or just say "Go ahead and give me results."
  3. Keep me informed. The more I know about everything that's going on, even what you as a PC might be doing, the better I can organize this campaign to make everyone happy. The more secrets you keep, the more annoyed everyone will get when we have to take several side-tracks because I need to write up and figure things out last minute, interrupting the flow.
  4. Meta-gaming will not be tolerated. If you think you might know something, double check with me. If you obviously have no reason to think such thoughts, assume you don't know it. This game will actually utilize character ignorance. Note: This is my biggest rule. You violate this, I won't associate with you in regards to this RP.
  5. Be patient. We're all real life people with real life issues, like passing college or finishing homework and tests. Don't rush people, or more stress might be caused than we meant.
  6. People -will- die. Sorry, there's a boss in this that's pretty big. You will probably die if you fight it, at least the first time. We'll talk about this when it comes up. *smirks*
  7. Have fun! If you're interested in doing this, and you have a group of people doing the same thing, write a general post for all the characters so we don't eat up space (ex: Joe, John, and Rock are going to go examine the site. We only need Joe to make the general announcement). Keep things orderly, make an OOC chat post if needed.
  8. Rules will be changed as needed. Keep that in mind.

I love you all. Welcome to my guild-RP. ))

Last edited by Dellinger on Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:33 am; edited 3 times in total

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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Re: Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

Post  Dellinger Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:26 pm

Day One Begins Now!

Character Actions:
  1. Temo = Personal quest.
  2. Jack = Searching the blimp's crash site.
  3. Crusade = Searching the blimp's crash site.
  4. J = Searching the blimp's crash site.
  5. Croudo = Searching the blimp's crash site.
  6. Honeko = Talking to Galin.
  7. Hyu = Looking for Zach.
  8. Kenelm = Counter-campaign.
  9. Glacia = Traveling.
  10. Kaye = Gathering info.

NPC Statii:
  1. Entine = Basking in Glory.
  2. Dellinger = Lagspike + Depression
  3. Syiano = Blissfully ok.
  4. Oscar = Caught in a bind.

Last edited by Dellinger on Sun Dec 19, 2010 5:33 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Re: Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

Post  Temo Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:26 am

[[The day after the bounties were posted. Or two days. Either works.]]

Temo had been running around busily with his own little quests here and there, so when he'd heard of events, it wasn't through the bulletins, but through Dalvar. And he was...appalled, or as appalled as somebody like him could get. It was rather sickening that something that had become so corrupted could be infected with that same corruption in turn and turned into something that did the exact the opposite of what that memorial he'd heard about stood for.

He waited until Dalvar had left before repacking his bags and telling Katsu what was going on; and then he set out on yet another quest - clearing the names Zachary Dellinger and Requiem.

Jacquemo G. Rie kept Silver away from the memorial ceremony for a reason; and he never mentioned the business that kept the boy hidden at Emain's inn while festivities were going on outside either. He was a bright lad though - he could draw up his own conclusions to it. While it would have been an interesting experience, he didn't think his son needed any more reminders of his own mortality after all he'd been through, and the speech given there was...a little bothersome from what Jack was expecting. On top of that were the murmurs he heard during it, as well as some of the characters that showed up. His suspicions about how quickly the nobles fell in line after being insulted hadn't been erased either; but that was all it was - a tiny, nagging suspicion. Maybe they just weren't as greedy as he thought. Maybe they had a change of heart and, like him, enjoyed sharing their wealth with those less fortunate.


Well, no matter. That part was at least over. And now with Silver in tow, Jack found himself with another little investigation to carry out while he was on vacation. Entine hadn't become any less interesting from the rumors he had heard. Jack was almost certain he was a Milletian; and it was interesting to run into another that didn't openly brag about the fact like so many others he'd run into. It made him wonder what his story was.

First things first though - Jack had made a promise to his son. He promised Silver he would take him to the beach when he had time, and seeing as he was "officially off the clock" for a few days, it was as good a time as any. Did it matter that he'd overheard something about a crash landing in the mountains near Port Cearnn? Or that the same crash was leaving rumors of whereabouts to somebody who's bounty just, in less than a day, trumped all the others? Of course not! He was merely going to carry out his son's wish...

...if their travels happened to carry them a little off course though, who was he to deny Silver of some sightseeing?

[[In a nutshell, Temo is retracing Requiem's steps, Jack is heading to Port Cearnn for some R&R and "may or may not" investigate the Wanderer wreck.]]
Burrito Bison

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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Lucid Insanity, All too Clear: Kenelm Morgan

Post  Kenelm Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:41 am

/*Saturday, evening on out*/ Kenelm was in Emain Macha when the bounty notice on Zachary Dellinger went out. Upon hearing of the bounty notice, he went to the bounty office to obtain a poster, and seek copies of the "evidence." Upon "evidence" refusal, he thanks them for their time, and departs; his work complete.

Kenelm politely leaves town. After he reaches the base near Bangor, he sends an anonymous suggestion to change the bounty notice reason to "Because someone hates him." Kenelm will even go to some length to create enough "joke posters" to place at various locations across Uladh. /*Participants may determine a number of these locations. They first start in Bangor.*/

Last edited by Kenelm on Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:43 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Noun specificity for "refuse")

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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Re: Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

Post  Xeek Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:05 pm

In the Monolith, someone carved a new name, whether it was done with a sword or any other sharp object it's hard to tell. But the name Zwei Freeheart was crossed out. And a new name was written, next to Fenrir in bad penmanship, "Gatemo" was written. Lai, Reno,and Fenrir were underlined.

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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Re: Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

Post  Krystal Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:38 pm

Krystal returned home from Tara with Syomi, having thought about the wanted poster and the conversation she had with Oscar.

Fenrir and Zach collaborating?? Can't be right...

Evidence was clear enough, Oscar had said, and the poster spelled it out well enough... but she had doubts. It seemed too complicated, too absurd. There was no way, logically, without both of them being insane, that they could have collaborated with Requiem. Zach didn't seem like the type to go back on his ideals, especially becoming something he had originally intended to fight: A corrupt man. On top of that, it didn't seem likely that he'd have "attacked" Fenrir's army outside Tara and lose so many men on both sides if they were collaborating. It would have been much easier to just launch a joint strike on Tara (Assuming both were after the same thing), but after thinking about it, she discarded that idea. Another possibility was to cause a malfunction in every Wanderer much earlier in the battle, therefore lowering the loss of life, and make it look like they were fighting, but with how everyone was fighting, and the cause of many Wanderers going down actually being shot down, that also didn't seem likely. Whatever the reason, things didn't seem to match up... not with the switch of power from Zach to Entine in the Corenites, or how elaborate the plan was, if it was staged. Why would they stage it, and what would Zach have to gain, besides having his head wanted... for quite a large amount of money, too. Entine seemed to be the only one to gain anything from this, and if he was discovered as a Corenite, that would blow up in his face.

She recalled a bit of the conversation she had with Oscar... And the letters she had received earlier. She grabbed the letters she had, only 2 now. The 2 most recent ones she had gotten about this ordeal, and stuffed them in a lockbox, locking it and sealing it shut tightly.
A zepplin crashing near Port Ceann? He said it was probably nothing... but, maybe he said that because he can't act himself...Maybe I should check it out, and see if it was truly a Wanderer. If it is... he escaped, and he'll be nearby, meaning Entine is leading the now-hated Corenites. That means... Entine is the one pulling the strings?? If that's the case then he really had us fooled. Zach's taking the fall while he leads. A truly... corrupt person...

With that, she had made up her mind. She wasn't going to let Zach fall. She'd try to clear his name, and bring light to the real person who should be wanted. Entine. She began getting ready for the journey to find him.

((This goes with the letter Dell has sent Cru earlier. Simply put, Cru's taking sides early, and has labeled Entine as her enemy))

Last edited by Krystal on Sun Dec 19, 2010 5:29 pm; edited 2 times in total
Buckwheat Dragon
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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Re: Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

Post  Glaceon Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:08 pm

Glacia sat on the roof of a house in Tara, thinking about everything that has gone on and is going on.

It seems as though we have at least two forces at work. This Dellinger Character is leading a group of Bandits around Filia. Entine seems to be leading his own group here in Emain, or at least thats what it is looking like. But now the question is which side to take. Entine seems like a nice fellow, but with a entire army at his disposal, a little mage like me wouldn't be needed. Perhaps I should visit Filia and see what exactly is happening there. First things first though, I need to get rid of the bounty on my head. I can't wear a disguise all the time.

Glacia decided to find Jack, whom she needed to talk to first. Otherwise, she would need to find Oscar and talk to him about her bounty and seeing about clearing her name. Working in the Jousting Arena is fun and all, but having to use a disguise was troublesome. Glacia quickly jumped off the roof onto a nearby tree, and jumped down from there.

"Lady Lyndis!" A familiar voice called out. Glacia turned around to see Lilieas running towards her, carrying what appeared to be a six-pack of Honey Drink. Glacia looked at herself to realize she was still in her dress, and walked over to Lilieas. "I just got an order from Karpfen in Tailteann. She was wanting some of my Honey Drink for her guards and the Expeditionary Force. I was wondering if you could deliver it for me please."

Glacia took the drinks, nodding towards Lilieas and simply stating, "Sure, I'll do it right away." Lilieas departed back to the Jousting Arena. Glacia knew it must be urgent of some sort for Lilieas to be leaving the arena to find her. After Lilieas was out of sight, Glacia put the drinks in her bag and called Starria. The broom swept down from the sky to her, and she hopped on and headed towards Tailteann. "It seems we might be making a trip to Filia, Starria. You up for a flight?" Glacia asked her broom. The broom simply rustled its bristles in approval, and they continued towards their destination.

((Glacia will be going to Filia soon. Currently she is working at the Jousting Arena with Lilieas, under the name "Lyndis" or "Lyn." She will eventually use her regular name once it is cleared. Will need to do an RP of her arriving at Filia, since things are going on there. Also, Glacia is not sided yet.))

However, already over in Filia, a young green elf sits on the altar of Longa dungeon. Fioria Tempest, one of the last remaining people of her clan, had been exploring longa for one of the ancient Magic Golems. So far she had no luck. Her stock of arrows was kept ripe by the enemies in the dungeon, and her skills far outmatched anything in there, so safety wasn't the issue. She had thrown away her past, but had a minor hate of humans. "If this doesn't find me a way to reach one of those golems, I give up." Fioria let out a sigh, and dropped a shrimp onto the altar, exploring another part of Longa...

((Fioria has a bio, but pretty much left her past upon coming to Erinn. She is Millitean, and all she has been doing is running Longa to try to find a Magic golem, with no luck. No plot involvement yet. However, is fairly close to Filia. Not sure if the bandits would check Longa dungeon at all.))

Last edited by Glacia on Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:44 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Re: Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

Post  Jtipton Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:46 pm

Something was wrong, even J's amateurish investigations had revealed that. After all, he'd fought alongside the Dunewyrm's forces before, against Fenrir. So the conspiracy idea was obviously false...If Dell really was evil, he'd have no qualms about taking him out, but no. He was being used as a scapegoat for something, but he still lacked all the pieces. He produced a small letter he'd gotten from Syiano, looking at it for a moment before nodding. The airship crash was as good a place to start as any to look for someone who'd disappeared...Maybe if he could track down whoever among it had been lucky or Miletian enough to survive, they might be able to give him some answers.

((>J. Tipton: Investigate the Airship crash and attempt to track survivors, if there are any ASAP... Current allegience: Siding with Dell, but not out-and-out against anyone. Yet.))

Kandy Korn Ogre
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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Re: Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

Post  Mithos Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:10 pm


His mind was blank. Mithos had been caught by Castanea two or three weeks before her escape. His mind had been wiped, his memories, stolen. All that was left was "how to move", "how to breathe", "how to eat". He had become a mindless doll, a puppet to do her biddings. He still felt pain. He still felt warmth. He still felt the dryness of the desert. But that didn't matter to him as he only wished to serve his master. The witch had kept all of his memories so that when she sent him out, he wouldn't act suspicious, like a Metus zombie. Castanea knew that Mithos was Milletian. She knew killing him wouldn't do anything. She also didn't like being savagely attacked countless times, even less did she like him breaking off her mind control the first time. That day, he was just walking back home to the Nares Plateau, from the Eastern-most part of Iria. Little did he know that he would be ambushed, abducted and turned into a servant. Now, he suffers the most painful of all punishments. He serves his sworn enemy. For all eternity. His gift of eternal life had been transformed into a curse of eternal servitude.

((That's basically to explain my long absence. Mithos will most likely be Castanea's spy puppet or something. He'll act normally but without emotions.))

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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Re: Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

Post  Kayeori Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:16 am

Dugald Logging Camp seemed a rather peaceful place to sit a spell. Neo looked around as he sat content on a stump just watching the few people passing by. He strums a cord or two to check if his mandolin needing tuning. He shakes his head a bit as apparently it did need just that. In the distance he could make out a figure dressed in all pink. Either that or it was a large nudist imp. He smiles as the woman approaches him "Good to see you could make it. How's the healer's life Kaye?"

She grins a bit and nods. "Same as usual. Plenty of people to help, and the hours are long. What's up Neo?"

The smile fades away, which very rarely happens and Kaye begins to worry. "Well I've just heard some news from Fawful. I pray that my assumption is wrong. But either way it doesn't look good. What do you know about Lucius Entine?"

Kaye tilts her head with a shrug. "Never met him. He's the guy responsible for that new memorial in Emain isn't he?"

Aneous nods. "Yes that would be him. Apparently he's a war hero too. Some sort of kamikaze tactic."

Kaye looked confused even more now then before. "So what's bugging you? Sounds like a stand up guy to me."

"That." He pauses for a second and even points a finger. "That's what bugs me. From what I know the man was apart of some secret society or something. No one really seemed to know he even existed before all this. No suddenly he does something this extreme in a war. He's a big hero, and making a memorial, and accusing the nobles of hording items from the war." He sighs a bit and shakes his head a bit. "I don't know what it is. But this doesn't smell right. I hope I'm just paranoid. A side effect from my memories coming back so quickly. But it would put my mind at ease to look into this. Could you perhaps ask around discreetly about this? Just strike up a conversation randomly with a person or two. See if they know anything ok?"

Kaye nods and tries to smile. "I'm sure it's nothing Neo. But yes I will ask a person or two at random and get back to you. But wouldn't Julian be better suited to gather information about things like this?"

Neo just shakes his head a bit. "I would if he had been here nearly as long as you have. You know more people, and are probably known just as well. I ask that you take care in those you ask. I don't want you getting in over your head ok? Millietian or not we don't need to be throwing our lives away..."
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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Re: Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

Post  Adhamh Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:26 am

((Hm...seems Auron nor Adhamh would get involved in any of this until word is loose about Qilla and Vales, respectively (Or of course if they're attacked personally/dragged into through some sort of consequence). Anyone mind letting me know when RPs for either location will occur?))
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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Re: Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

Post  Croudo Tue Nov 30, 2010 9:06 pm

Hearing rumors of a zeppelin going down was insignificant for Rou (Croudo) as he was passing through Dunbarton. Seeing as zeppelins go down time to time due to the pilot's inexperience wasn't anything unheard of at all. Still, having not much to do these days living his new life, he travels south where the rumors pointed out. Who was Rou kidding... This could be the start of a new adventure! Strapping his new partner to his side, he sets off with a smile. Clanking in his backpack were the two wooden swords he used to use... he'd grown attached to them so why not bring them along too!

((Rou is completely oblivious to anything going on! Whats going to happen to him this time? >_<))
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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Re: Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

Post  Temo Tue Nov 30, 2010 9:47 pm

[[Actually, I think zeppelins going down in this setting would be very unusual, seeing as there's really just...well 3 now of that size. XD]]
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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Re: Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

Post  Hyuponia Kana Tue Nov 30, 2010 10:44 pm


Assassinate Castanea.
That is what Roze had told him. What he already knew would be a very difficult task to begin with. But that was precisely what the Incubus intended to do. Roze had given him a description of Mithos, who had mysteriously returned under ponderous circumstances to her, and just as quickly would seem to vanish. That he was now 'hollow.' That he was acting purely in a way that was utterly unlike him. Cold, distant...As if under a spell. It was this assumption that Roze proposed Castanea as a possible source of this new problem, and one that the Kana took to quite seriously. Hyuponia had been watching developments in Filia through the trade caravans, and things did not seem to be going nicely as well. At least, for the ruler. To him, it didn't exactly matter who else had taken Castanea's head in ruling Filia. He just knew that eventually, someone would usurp her and he was glad that these apparent bandits did. It was Hyuponia's suspicion however that the Dunewyrm was in fact, innocent of the charges put against him as described by the wanted posters throughout the land. Despite his constant attempts at assimilating into a normal lifestyle, his power would forever command his destiny;

Hyuponia wasn't going to sit idle and watch events unfold this time. If need be after attempting to see personally to Castanea's death, he would begin his search for Zachary Dellinger. If anything, he would at least be able to learn first hand if what was said happened to indeed be the truth. Strapping his bow over his shoulder and placing his long abandoned wizard's hat upon his head, he sets out...Determined to be part of a conclusion to a war he had long since chosen to forsake. Being formally acknowledged by Lucius Entine would not help with his generally little known operations. His newfound renown was to be a hurdle that could cause him to adopt more refined approach to his investigations. Brow heavy with troubled thoughts, he all but disappears...Mariella would simply be left a note describing his predicament to be delivered by his mimic to her. Sometimes, there is no better way to finish a task than being as blunt and direct with it as possible.
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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Re: Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

Post  Honeko Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:11 am

Last I remembered him, Lucius Entine was pretty grumpy, but he still helped Johivin and I find my husband Serihon the second to last page he needed to learn Ice Spear. What he did for Emain Macha in the memorial and the ceremony was very nice.

But Zach Dellinger? A villain? I didn't really know what to think. Hoshin found a lot of everything that we've heard about the bandits very dishonorable and insisted I do something about it. I found it extremely frustrating that the sword was much like his namesake and wondered how Hiroshi in my old life dealt with it.

But his crimes were pretty evident. He needed to be brought in. I suppose I should pay a visit to big brother Galin in Bangor and then set out in my search.

He was always first to rise. He was very intent on being a good role model for the rest of the bandits and the guards, now that we had Filia under lockdown. Us in charge though. Nilios took well to it. I... well... I got distracted easily by shiny objects, so I either stayed in our home or wherever he wished me to be (which was usually with him).

For all the barriers though, and the lock down, we still hadn't found her. This aggravated both of us. We both had a bone to pick with her. Nilios for pretty much his entire life. Me for the torment she caused with my own memory loss and consequentially to Nilios because she tried to erase him from my mind... therefore stealing me from him. She was nowhere to be found.

We'd heard nothing from Mr. Entine. Nothing from Mr. Veldik. We'd had no word on either ends. We were alone here.

We'd find her somehow though. No one, no creature, no beast, no person came in or out without us knowing. We'd know if she came... We'd find her... Then we'd get our revenge...
Castanea will pay...
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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Re: Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

Post  Dellinger Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:15 am

(( Please Check the Filia Post from the first bit for an update on history ))

From the Perspective of Entine (No RP needed)

"My lord," Zephias addressed, bowing deeply in the room Entine claimed for himself in one of the inns in Emain Macha during his business days there.

Entine nodded to the Corenite. "Hello again, Zephias." He placed his armor carefully in it's container, his days duties done and the discussions with the people over with. It was time to relax. Nothing seemed like it could bother the Red Mage, the Magnekineticist, in his hour of victory. The air about his almost seemed electric, but at this point, that seemed fairly normal when one was around Entine. His personality was charging, so charging in fact that one could swear they could feel the air around them crackle. Entine smiled and sat down, offering a seat to his lacky. "What news do you bring me, my bandit?"

Zephias shook his head and, albeit cautiously, took the seat the Magnekineticist offered. "It seems your entire campaign here has had some positive effects on the majority of the populace, but some people are obviously not buying the counterfeit story, but they seem to be buying that you did find it from a third source." He gave the Red Mage a fairly neutral face. "Men from the military. Men who fought alongside the bandits. Most have fallen for your story, but there are some who are suspicious."

Entine shrugged nonchalantly, taking a class of coffee from the table and sipping it softly. "Kill them, obviously. They are not really important to me, and if there are some examples, we can speak up the public by down-playing the perpetrators of the murder."

Zephias smiled. "Brilliant, sir. And the loose links you discussed before?"

Entine returned the smile with a much more sinister overtone. "Oh, I have plans for each and every single one of them. Do not worry, Zephias."

The Corenite nodded. "But... I do come bearing b-bad news... That Zeppelin that e-escaped-"

"Was commendeered by some loyalists, correct? In some futile attempt to escape the others?" Entine smirked, then began to take another sip of tea.

Zephias paused, shocked, terrified even. "N-... N-no sir... Apparently... Apparently your q-quarry escaped himself. He is n-no longer c-c-confined to his quarters in the Corenite Headquarters..."

Entine stopped drinking from his cup. Entine stopped movement altogether. The air seemed to crackle with what might have been his anger.

"... You will find him, Zephias. You will find him, and you will bring him to me. Is that understoood?"

Zephias shook an affirmative.

Entine scowled. "Then get out of my site, and make sure it is done. Send whomever you will. I want that man back in my possession, no matter the cost. Kill anyone else attempting to find him. If anyone gets in your way," he says darkly, "you know what you need to do."

Zephias froze. What could a man do against a blessed one who could wipe the floor with him?

"Yes, my lord. Whatever you say, my lord.

From the Perspective of Syiano

This was not right. The man had been a paragon of law and order in his eyes. The man had been a representation of all that was right in the world during the Fenrir Wars, and appeared to be the same after he had revived from his death. But this man that he had witnessed not a little while after the ceremony, this man who betrayed their leader? This was no one blessed by the gods. He was a psychopath in a hero's cloak, but there was nothing he could do to stop him. Syiano was only a priest, after all, but maybe he could help.

Syiano spends the time he has organizing all of his letters he recieved from Zach Dellinger into his secret holding area before preparing to enter the home of the one named Temo to prepare a safe haven tomorrow. (( Specifically, he plans to have everything prepared to be done on day 2 and things finished by day 3)).

Oscar's Troubles

Laws my frakking ass, he thought to himself. He couldn't deny the laws when they were placed for the right reasons, but when the right reasons are based upon a falsehood, he was forced to abide by the laws and not his personal beliefs. Being a knight really sucked, especially when he knew exactly all of the logical fallacies of the arguments laid against this Dunewyrm. Hell, Oscar had been a seemingly random footslogger in the army up until the very end. He joined Emain's army and the other forces to defeat Fenrir but mainly to protect all of his friends, the Tuathans, who were dying by the dozens. He had seen the blimps with his eyes.

There was no folly, or plan against the armies of Uladh, he concluded. This story is pure fallacy.

As such, Oscar has attempted to manipulate several individuals to begin moving in the direction he feels will most likely solve this problem. He has already talked to these individuals. He will be in his home for a while if people need him, working through his notes and through some of the bounty board papers that have piled up over the weeks.

Zachary Dellinger... (Bandit RP available!)

There was little to say... All of this was his fault, and he knew it. The trek was hard, tiring, but what kept him moving was the idea of finally passing on his book to the person he promised to and the white rose now tied firmly in his robe. His depression and anxiety is rising, and things are most certainly not looking well. The cycle continues; people die because of him, bad things happen because of his actions. It occurred in Corem, and he had thought he had gotten over it.

Now the events were playing out in a similar faction, and would possibly result in the same bloodlust that Corem had been filled with (or at least, that Zach had perceived). In an effort to help a perfect society, Zach may have created one of its greatest monsters. And, as they did in Corem, his friends in Erinn would be the ones to pay. And he could once again do nothing to save them.

Possible theme for RP / Dell's Insanity Rating: The Curse - Disturbed
Reason: Everything he seems to be standing for works against him. He had rebuilt his strength to assist once more, but only caused more pain in the end. His strength and resolve is leaving him, and his mind is slowly shattering.

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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Re: Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

Post  Kenelm Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:55 pm

// After reading this, I noticed: grammar (word tense in some areas) and one wrong word (Same pronunciation, wrong spelling) Razz

// If the plot moves once every Saturday, that means there would potentially be a year's worth of actions per character.

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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Re: Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

Post  Temo Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:03 pm

[[Still haven't fixed the language either. Shame on you. Razz]]
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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Re: Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

Post  Dellinger Sun Dec 19, 2010 5:41 pm

(( To move things on, and to indicate that I want to get 'Period 1' done with, here's one NPCs action from the period and is a teaser for period 2. ))

Syiano Marot had been doing rounds all day for the church, assisting the people around town as he normally did. After he returned, he prepared his sermon for the coming day before returning to his office to put his items away. A note was tacked to his door. A very simple message was written inside, scribbled in rushed hand-writing.

Time is short.

Syiano took this as a sign, and began preparing some potions and items in his study. Little would he know that the message was not from who he thought it was.

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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Investigation

Post  Temo Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:29 pm

[[Necro'd for great justice!]]

Jacquemo Rie sighed heavily as he settled back in his study chair. There courts finally processed that evidence, the verdict was not guilty, and so Zachary Dellinger - a man he never really met, but heard an interesting deal about - was cleared of all charges regarding a nasty setup. To be honest, he was a little worried. The evidence he turned in was nothing but journal entries from before and during the Twilight War; but combined with the handwriting that was compared to the more recent forgeries, it did the trick. People knew something was wrong and the writings from the former bandit leader themselves did the rest.

There was...other evidence linked with it; but that was something Jack felt the need to hide from everybody. The blueprints for the Wanderers used toward the end of the war - he wondered why he hid them instead of destroying them. He didn't think society was ready for such things yet; but at the same time, it was something that might have been that "miracle" needed down the line. In any case, they were hidden away for now. The first thought was to keep them in one of the many little secret compartments he crafted into his house; but there were too many living there for that now ever since Honeko had moved in. Harder to keep things hidden and secret when the only other person living with you wasn't a blind elf that couldn't see the hiding spots to begin with. Jack didn't want to use the phrase, "Three is a crowd." when it came to her, but he couldn't not say it here either - not that he minded. He wouldn't lie - loved her company, and the new life about his home now was rather nice.

Still, it meant hiding the blueprints elsewhere...and that elsewhere happened to be Rath Castle. One of the things Jack had plenty time to do during his lifetime was study the architecture of the place, and he knew of a few hidden entrances that had been long forgotten. One such passage led into an underground cavern that he tended to visit when being "away on business" or some other excuse that got him away from everyday life. It wasn't much, but it gave him a definitely and much-needed secluded place to meditate and hide some of the darker things of his past. In all the years the castle stood since he started using it, not once had it been visited by anyone else. The perfect little hideaway. For now anyways.

However, even though Dellinger's name was cleared, things still didn't sit too well with Jack. There were a few loose ends that couldn't be tied up. Specifically, Lucius Entine, whereabouts of embezzled money from the obelisk memorial set up in Emain Macha, and the death of Syiano that he'd suspected was connected somehow. The bandit he encountered by the name of "Jim" (James, perhaps?) had been helpful in wrapping things up with the Dellinger and giving a name to who was behind the conspiracy; but Jack couldn't touch Entine as things were. It was doubtful anybody could. Still, he gained a nice contact for whatever else may have happened down the road, which was definitely going to be needed when the time came.

He checked records on what happened to all the money donated to the memorial service. It seemed to go every which way - a lot of it to restoration projects, new orphanages, community buildings, etc.; but there was still a considerable amount that was documented to be put toward some fund raisers that didn't exist. The problem Jack had was figuring out where exactly that went. Tracks were covered very nicely and unfortunately, he had no leads to go on with it...

Sighing, he moved onto his next bit of paperwork, which involved results on Xeek Cersone's request. This was one case he was going to have to set aside for the moment. He had a few people to chat with about it later; but for now, it was best to work what was staring him right in the face...
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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Re: Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

Post  Dellinger Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:35 pm

Eventually, word spreads around the cities. Oddly surprising, most thought, that someone would attempt to frame this character. However, he was still the leader of the bandits, and the bandits were still acting up, though on a less grand scale. While it seems the general consensus was that he wasn't as bad of a guy as people thought, there was still some doubt based upon the bandits still acting up.

Hearing the news, however, a random beggar in the streets of Emain Macha perks up. This beggar eventually walks into the forest, never to be seen again. However, soon afterwards, a man known only by the image on previous wanted posters enters the city.

Business to attend to, Zach Dellinger thought to himself.

Lucius Entine has been seen less around the town, and when he has been seen, it would be apparent that something is bothering him.

(( Basically, Zach Dellinger is available for chat. ))

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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Re: Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

Post  Krystal Wed Feb 23, 2011 9:55 pm

Krystal walked through Emain. For looking like a child again, she looked like she had been through hell lately. Her hair was a mess, and she seemed to not have slept in many days. Her sanity was hanging on a thread, with the massive stress she had been through lately. She was paranoid, carrying herself with a wary gaze cast about the city as she walked. Though, after a brief moment, she straightened herself and brushed her hair back, smoothing it out somewhat. She simple looked around, carrying 2 letters in her hands. She looked around, wondering. If Dellinger was here, she'd be able to meet him. She knew one thing for certain. Her deeds as a bandit would be looked into later, but that could wait. She was no longer with them for now. The stress that had built up on her seemed lighter. She smiled, then looked around. She figured there'd be two people she'd be able to show the letters to, at best, but she was in no hurry to expose Entine just yet. No... time. Time to restore and calm herself and prepare. She placed the letters in her dress and walked off. She'd eventually meet who she needed.
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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Re: Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

Post  Kenelm Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:58 pm

// Does this mean Kenelm is well into his counter-campaign? (Considering how much time has passed, and all)

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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Re: Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

Post  Dellinger Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:57 am

// Probably people are starting to collect your posters, and taking them much more seriously.

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Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear Empty Re: Lucid Insanity, All Too Clear

Post  Kenelm Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:08 am

// Where are we on this, exactly? Kenelm is bound to be somewhere on Iria at this time.

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