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(Aiono) Ku's Bio

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(Aiono) Ku's Bio Empty (Aiono) Ku's Bio

Post  Ichigosama Sun Oct 03, 2010 3:59 pm

Endless days of staring and no doing. It was tiresome, he had to admit. Today I will do it, I swear! Ku would promise himself everyday, but never could keep his promise. Ku was the most timid and weakest of all the gods. His strength was that of just above a human’s. This was because he was the god of love in a world of war. His dimension was one where the ground was always soaked with the red secretions of fighting humans. It was almost impossible to be noticed in a country of hate if you did not have the strength or guts to survive. That is, if you were male.
Ku was in love with Sithia, the daughter of a human blacksmith who helped her dad with the hard labor. The way she tied her hair up tight in a braid of long, silky auburn strands made the fur in Ku’s ears and tail stand up on end in embarrassment. Each dusk Ku would begin to sneak down the stair that connected the world of the mortals to the world of the gods to sing her to sleep (for he had an enchanting, sweet singing voice). However, whenever he reached the last step, Ku would turn back and scurry back home, tail between legs, literally.
When Ku came back one night from yet another failed attempt, his father, the god of weaponry, found him and boxed his little lemur ears and yank his furry tail, which made Ku yelp in surprise.
“Where were you!?” belted his father.
“Ah! I-I-I w-was going down t-to see someone,” stammered Ku peevishly.
“Who exactly were you planning on seeing?” questioned the huge god.
“Uh…well…a girl,” whispered the younger god.
“A girl? Ku, just because we live up here doesn’t mean you have to have you head in the sky with thoughts like butterflies. You know gods aren’t allowed to be affiliated with humans!”
“I know! It’s just I can’t stop thinking about her. I mean she’s nice she’s smart, strong, pretty, and her laugh, oh her laugh is so charming…” Ku trailed off.
“But you know it can’t work,” finished his dad in low tones.
“Well then get to bed and stop fantasizing!”
That knight after being chased off to be like a sheep, Ku lay in his bed, eyes wide open and thought long and hard. It’s final, I’ll go tomorrow and tell her everything…she’ll understand…won’t she?
In the early light of dawn, Ku got dressed and for the umpteenth time, ran down the stairs, but this time burst through the door. He appeared to land in a thick, green forest. Ku, without hesitation, ran in the direction of his fair lady’s town.
When he reached the quiet village, no one seemed to be awake, so Ku ran to her house, which he knew so well and opened the door silently and crept inside. He crawled to the bedroom and stepped up to her bed, looking at her closed eyes and calm lips. He bent over and began to sing softly to her. After the first chorus, he sat in one of the rooms cushioned chairs and continued to sleep.
Slowly, Sithia opened her drooping eyes to look at the ceiling and listened to the soft voice speaking what seemed to be another language. She sat up and looked directly at Ku, but did not scream or yell or gasp. She sat on her bed watching him sing and smiled softly.
“You are the one I talk to aren’t you?” she asked almost amused.
Ku stopped singing and blinked at her and nodded. “Indeed I am. How did you know?”
“I can tell somehow, like I’ve heard your voice many a times before this.”
“I’m glad I don’t have to give any melodramatic introductions,” chuckled Ku.
Sithia giggled her bell chime laugh and smiled at him. “You may have to, unfortunately. I’m afraid I do not know if I have been talking to a ghost or a god or demon. What are you?”
“Why, I am the God of love. I have been watching over you and I am surprised to say I think I myself have fallen in love.”
Sithia blushed and looked down shyly. Ku continued to tell her how he felt about her, what his home was like and what he had to go through and what he does himself. Mid-sentence Ku coughed and yelped as he began to be pulled back into his home.
“What’s going on, Ku!?” cried Sithia, reaching out a hand only to reach out to nothing as Ku was wrenched back to the Temple of Gods.
“Disobeying rules, Ku!?” a voice boomed in his ear as soon as he was back.
“F-Father! I-I was just talking to her that’s all!”
“Just talking to her? You might as well bring her up here and give her a grand tour with the amount of information you were giving her!” screeched his father. “We are going to the Tribunal now!”
Before Ku could even squeak in protest, his father dragged him to the huge marble courthouse. He plopped the youth into a velvet cushioned chair in the middle of the white and gold veined marble dome.
Ku looked up to stare at all of the fifty gods of the heavens. The God of Victories was the most elevated. He sat in his gold leafed Victorian style chair and was looking down at Ku with disappointment and the slightest bit of confusion.
“Ku, God of Love and Innocence, all of the Gods of Shythka, land of Blood, have decided that your actions today are unforgivable, cannot be ignored and are punishable for committing them. We have decided that you are to be transported to another dimension as to not cause anymore problems or interferences with the movements of Humans and Gods. You will also have your identity taken away from you to be replaced by three others. You will not be able to tell another soul of what has happened to you or why it has happened. You will indeed keep your name and appearance, but not your temperament. Good luck in your new life, Ku. We are sorry that it had to come to this.”
And with one nod, the Chief God waved his hand at the boy and before Ku could even reach out his hand to his father for help or cry out an apology, he blacked out as each of his molecules were whisked off to another land, time and space.

((So he appeared in the Shadow World of Erinn and Sukaku incidentally tripped over him as she was fighting a Shadow Alchemist. She looked down momentarily to see what had made her fall and just got up and finished of the Fomor. When she was done, she came back to him and decided to keep him because he seemed to come to her, in her mind at least. Long story short, Ku has three different personas: Ku [original, almost] who is deathly afraid of others, Ki who loves everybody and is a social butterfly and Ko who virtually hates everybody. Ku is awaked by having water splashed on his body, Ki is awakened by being hugged and Ko is awakened by being cut or singed. Ko can be won over, but after a period of time. Ku can also be probed out of hiding with kindness or severity. Ki doesn’t need probing! All three have lemur ears and a lemur tail and they are, of course, sensitive.))

Name(s): Ku, Ki and Ko
Gender: Male
Species: God but doesn’t know it
Blood: O
Eyes: Bright Amber
Hair: Night Black
Personality: Shy, Vibrant, and Angsty
Likes: (Ku) Strawberries, cats, the color blue, Sukaku (Ki) Dogs, the color red, Sukaku talking and meeting new people (Ko) swords, fighting, the non-color black, arguing and bears.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

Posts : 56
Join date : 2009-04-17
Age : 28
Location : In the part of your brain you don't use

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