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(Sulia Alt) Faythe

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(Sulia Alt) Faythe Empty (Sulia Alt) Faythe

Post  Auramune Tue May 11, 2010 11:24 am

Name: Faythe Celeres
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Race: Aasimar(human)
Hair color: Blonde & Pink
Eye color: Blue
Weapon of Choice: Wooden blades, Gladius, and two handed swords. (Although, if we had rapiers, that's what I would have went with.) She can also use the short bow.
Pets: Black Unicorn and Yellow Sprite
Likes: Looking at the sky, kittens, and pole dancing..
Dislikes: Undead
Warcry of a Paladin
Give Me the Strength to Carry On

Bio: Faythe is a Paladin. Was, a paladin. But she was not always this way. In her world, she was once the cause of many disputes in her family. A celestial blooded child of a fey and elf could not be, if the mother was true in her marriage. But to understand this, you would have to understand her genealogy.

The first called Celeres was a Solar Angel of the God of Sun, Deo. She was a champion of good, and fought until the God was done away by mortal hands. Forced to the material plane, the fallen angel roamed the world fighting off evils that threatened to bring the world to darkness. She fell in love, and had many children. But only one was a girl. She would be given the sur name; Celeres. As the years passed, the celestial line passed in to a single being. A nymph, who did not share the same holy tendencies as her fore-mother. She mated with a sprite, and had a fey child. A daughter by the name of Alina. Twelve generations had passed, and not a single daughter showed the signs of their blood line. Alina met Rael; an elf living in the neighboring town. They would have two daughters. Faythe, and Rune. Rune was the same as every daughter before her. Rune Celeres as a fey blooded elf. Faythe, on the other hand, was the first child in thirteen generations, to be graced with the holy bloodline of Deo's Solar Angel.

Graced with the touched of a holy,aasimars are usualy tall,good-looking, and generally pleasant.Some have minor physical traits suggesting their heritage,such as silver hair,golden eyes or a unnaturally intense stare.Most Aasimars are decidedly good-aligned.They fight against evil causes and attempt to sway others to do the right thing, Occasionally they take on the vengeful, judgmental aspect of their celestial ancestor but this is rare.They are rarely found in leadership positions and often live as loners due to their dedication to goodness.Other are less fanatical and fit seamlessly into normal society.

Childhood was impossible for both girls. There was constant arguments. How could Faythe exist in her form, if Alina was faithful? Rael did not believe she could. When she was old enough, Faythe left her forest home to the big city. She was 15 at this time.. and began working in a strip club under the name "Faith." A stripping nun. Only a year would pass before she met the woman who would change her life. Elowyn was beautiful.. and she had her eye on the young Aasimar the moment that she saw her. (Not known to Faythe, but it was the birth-markings of Deo on her body that drew Elowyn's attention to her.) Their relationship began. It was a harmless thing. Elowyn would stop in and pay for a couple of dances, and then leave for the night. Promising to return 'tomorrow.' And she did. It's hard to say how the conversation came up, but Elowyn explained to her that she was a knight of the Fertility and Harvest god; Cadmus. Such a loving, and caring being.. who focused on the rebirth of everything. Faythe fell in love with the image of Cadmus placed in her head, and begged Elowyn to take her as a squire.

Many years had passed. Faythe had transformed in to, not only a paladin of the fertility god; but took her place as Elowyn's lover as well. When war broke out, the two would fight back to back. Swords in hand. Insuring that none would steal the other away from them. That is when he appeared. Under the guide of the god of illness and undeath; Nevron stepped out of the shadows, with an army of undead to lay to waste the city, and the surrounding farm lands. It was common place for the knights under Cadmus and the knights under Kyro to wage war with one another. Kyro, the god of Undeath and Disease hated his brother, Cadmus. The undead were a personal slap to the face of any 'life' god. Even the dark Reaper of the world wanted Kyro gone. He could never be killed.. That was a fact. With Kyro came necromancy. With necromancy came the ability to give life to someone who had died. Revival was possible, as long as Kyro was living.

Nevron's troops destroyed the city. Wiping nearly a fourth of the poplation; or reanimating them in to the undead legions. ..but that was not it. As a personal hit against Cadmus, Nevron would seduce a high ranking paladin.. Elowyn.. and turn her against the light. Witnessing this, Faythe tried to stop him. She was struck down at Nevron's feet. Spit upon. ..and would have been killed, if not for a beautiful man in glistening armor. Kalec Alowyn could not rescue Elowyn before Nevron got away.. but he carried the aasimar off to mend her wounds.

Time would pass as the city began to pick themselves up from the attack. Faythe, caught in a spiral of depression, found solice in both her faith, and the man who saved her. A paladin of the judgement goddess; Kalec was as handsome as he was brave. The two became very close.. very quickly. ..and she found herself loving Kalec, the way she loved Elowyn. Training kept her spirits up. Faythe was 22 years old. Life went on as normal as it could in those years. Each day she thought of Elowyn less and less, until she was smacked in the face by a ghost of the past. Nevron resurfaced, but this time with a violet skinned elf at his side. She was still as beautiful as the day they met; but Faythe knew that she was no longer her Elowyn. She was a spawn of Kyro. To destroy the city, Nevron would send more undead. But they were wiped away with little casualty. This had been a loss for the necromancer.. a win for city. But Faythe was mentally destroyed, seeing Elowyn with him.. and vowed to get her back.

The birth of Tobias was such a joyous occasion. Unknown to Faythe, that the father was actually Cadmus through proxy of Kalec. Blessing her with a child. They were married; they were happy. On a routine job, Faythe stumbled upon Nevron's island. It took a great deal of strength for her to leave; but it would not be long for her to return with reinforcements. The island was stormed by troops of the life gods. And even though the goddess of judgment would not approve; Kalec stepped out of his rank to fight by his wife's side. When the complications arose of causalities; what was left of the troops were returned to the main lands. Except for Faythe. Elowyn was here.. she couldn't leave without her.

But one single person isn't strong enough to take down an entire legion. Faythe was no exception, despite her skills. When she was caught, Nevron pitted Elowyn against her for his amusement. Torturing the Aasimar for the trouble she had caused destroying his troops would be a fitting end, from what he saw. But Elowyn was swiftly destroyed. Faythe no longer held the rapier the elf gave her. Instead, she wielded a hold blade passed down from the high priestess of her temple. And with it, Elowyn was no more.

"I'm impressed." Nevron applauded. "And flattered so much effort was put in to killing me. I offer you the position Elowyn once filled. Join me. Kyro can make all of our dreams come true. Anything that you want.. even your beloved Elowyn can return."

"She is not my Elowyn." Faythe called back, raising the blade to swing at Nevron. "My Elowyn died when you took her from me."

Nevron..was too quick for her. Armor made it difficult for one to be swift on her feet. A single hand shot through Faythe's chest, and cold arms cradled her limping body. "You must choose.. serve by my side.. or die, paladin."

"...Then.. I choose..death.. a thousand times over.."

In her world, when a devout follower of a specific deity is killed, their soul is released and left in a limbo until that being pulls them to paradise. And for the followers of Cadmus, that paradise was the playboy god's bed. Nevron knew the fate of paladin's soul, as told by 8-headed dragon god, Kyro. As jealousy among siblings went; Cadmus had something Kyro couldn't. There was no sway in her soul, and so Nevron was ordered to dispose of it before passing on to the next life.

The necromancer removed a black sapphire from his robes and held it over the fallen Aasimar. To bind her soul to a crystal, where none could ever access as long as the gem remained in tact. In the middle of the incantation, Nevron was disturbed by a shrieking myxen... never able to access the lady paladin's soul. what now?

"Hello.. Faythe.." came a soothing voice.

A warmth in her body, a calm in her soul. "...Elo..?" Blue eyes slowly opened to lady in a black dress. No not Elowyn. Not even Cadmus' avatar, Hayle. It most certainly was not Nevron.. not Kalec, either. She did not recognize this woman as anybody that she knew. Faythe stood, staring at the woman. "Am I in.."

"Heaven? Not quite.."


"Not Hell, either." The woman in the black dress placed a hand ontop of Faythe's head. "I've pulled you here, because your soul is pure. It would not have reached your heaven, had I not interfered."

She realized, then, that she was not in the same body as before. Faythe was much smaller; petite. No scars, no hint of battle waring, at all. Only that a soft, warm glow remained enveloped around her as proof of her celestial heritage. "..The necromancer.. I have to get back to him."

"There is no way of returning. You are dead, there. And only here, can you live. Be free of your sadness, any pain that will burden you from your path." The lady placed an envelope in to Faythe's hands. "Your name is Faythe Celeres.. and you have been chosen to assist the Goddess Morrighan, as a crusader of good and justice in this world. Seek out those who are like minded. Good luck."

With those final words, Faythe awoke in a field.. a child with few memories, other than the kind words of the woman in the black dress, and the letter addressed to a man named Duncan.

(Sulia Alt) Faythe 2pqqmxi

Last edited by Kitsune on Wed May 12, 2010 4:29 am; edited 2 times in total

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Join date : 2008-04-05
Age : 38
Location : Aplington, Iowa

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(Sulia Alt) Faythe Empty Re: (Sulia Alt) Faythe

Post  The Kerrins Tue May 11, 2010 7:59 pm

This brings back bad memories of the Unbread....
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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(Sulia Alt) Faythe Empty Re: (Sulia Alt) Faythe

Post  Auramune Wed May 12, 2010 3:01 am


buhh-- I cut it off too short. Going to add on to it now. ^^

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Join date : 2008-04-05
Age : 38
Location : Aplington, Iowa

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