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Lunneth's Grimoire

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Lunneth's Grimoire Empty Lunneth's Grimoire

Post  Auramune Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:37 am

(I really like the idea of journal entries, and it helps me recall what's happened in RPs. I may do one for Aura, but for now Lunneth will do. ^^)

Lunneth's Grimoire 2co4jt4

Entry 1
It's important for a growing magician to write down developments.. at least that's what Lassar told me. I've finished with everything that she had me do.. why Stewart sent me here, I'll never know. It wasn't all in vain.. During my studies in Tir, I've spent many hours hanging out with Malcolm. He even gave me a discount on my dress! I'm certain that we will become the best of friends. I met a strange person in a white robe. He wouldn't let me see his face, and said that it was very disgusting. I'll just have to sneak up and pull Zekey's hood down when he's not looking.

Before I can go back to Dunbarton, Lassar told me that Stewart is a fan of wild cactus juice. (^_^) I'm headed to Fillia now to get him some! maybe he won't be upset that it took me so long with Lassar. Hehe~

Ice Bolt- D
Fire bolt- E
Lightning Bolt- F

Entry 2
The desert is not a place for people to be. Are the elves out of their minds?! I swear I've passed by that dune like seven times now. Too hot to continue writing.. I'm going to burn to death out here. Sad I haven't seen anybody.. so if this is my last entry, I'm gonna be really mad. I hope I come back as a ghost to haunt the elven Stewart Lassar. This was a bad idea.

Entry 3
Obviously I'm not yet! Yippie! I met people.. a lot of stuff happened. There are many potential Frien. Lets just say there's a lot of potential in these people. Assessment time..

Gunnar(Flay Tithel): Hero? I keep telling him that I'm a villain. He doesn't believe me. Thinks I'm just making fun of him. Embarrasses easily. Does not like to be called short. He agreed to help me, but is afraid I'll take his soul. This could provide for entertainment! He knows.

Feraimyth: Elf. Seems interested in my magic. Longa Patrol. Wonder if he got in to trouble.. Unknown about him, but he likes to follow me.. Helped him with controlling firebolt spell through his wand. Defiantly could use work. Maybe I'll teach him more. He could be a big help later on. ^_^

Angron: ...He likes my panties. Does not like to be called short. I have a feeling that he may be trouble, if I'm unable to win him over. ^.^ Guess I'll have to throw on girly charms. Powerful. Do not underestimate. It could end badly.

Posts : 5534
Join date : 2008-04-05
Age : 38
Location : Aplington, Iowa

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Lunneth's Grimoire Empty Re: Lunneth's Grimoire

Post  Auramune Thu Apr 29, 2010 2:03 am

Entry 4
There was fighting in front of the school. Why are people so stupid? Don't they know that children could have come by and seen them? What kind of example are they setting? I do not know much about these people.. Will write in later.

Temo: Emain Guard?
Al: Onlooker.
Fenrir: Temo said he is bad. He has an army, and that makes him a general. Need more information.
Girl-With-Red-Hair-And-Smart-Mouth: Student.
Elf-In-White&Green-Robe: Eldar? What's that?
Red-Hair-Girl's 'Mom'?
"Zwei": No Idea. Red haired girl called this name.
Someone Else-- Works for Fenrir?: He was taken away. People were trying to fight him. Something about kidnappings?

Chapters: 1 & 3
Book of Thunder.

Entry 5
I watched some guy get killed out on the beach. Of course, that's not the important thing.. That same day, I met a vampire. Acansomthing. Weakness: water? That's what he said. Keep that in mind. Some elf bitch woman shot at us. Feray stepped up and defended me. (^_^) Must remember to give Fera a proper reward.

Chapters: 1 & 3 & 5
Book of Thunder.

Entry 6
Made an agreement not to hunt [i]innocents for their souls, with Flay. He doesn't 'want to have to hunt me, after he helps me.' Note to self: "Would Flay allow this," is a very unfair rule to live by.. What defines innocent from guilty, anyway? Guess I'll just have to play it easy for now. I met up with Acan in Emain. He went NUTS. There was a cutie named Xenekrjklanofno.. I don't really recall his name, either.

Elf blood is nasty. What does that vampire get out of it?!

Going to learn what Acan calls 'blood magic' thanks to him an the cutie-'Xen.' Remember to ask him about his soul, next time you see him. There is a little boy afraid of me. Oh well~

Entry 7
Zekey somehow knows that my mother was a fomor. Does it have something to do with the song I was playing?

Posts : 5534
Join date : 2008-04-05
Age : 38
Location : Aplington, Iowa

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