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Sinner (Incomplete)

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Sinner (Incomplete) Empty Sinner (Incomplete)

Post  Vayne Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:13 am

This will be updated umm...I'll try to add some every-other day. This is a more detailed story of Dark and Vayne, and the truth behind everything Dark says about him, which is a bunch of flat-out lies. I have no idea how long this will be, so bear with me. At the end of each addition, I will allow for comments during a one-day period while I work on the actual text on a word processor and/or journal. The comments will not affect where the story goes, I have it all planned out. This is both for my own entertainment, a greater insight OOCly to Dark and Vayne, other's enjoyment, and personal practice on my future career as a novelist. Well, hopefully. Also, since I have not figured out how to do it--or even if it is possible--there will be no indentations for paragraphs, just a double spacing. Anyway, here we go!

Strumming an acoustic guitar, was a boy of around sixteen years old. There was absolutely nothing remarkable about the boy, yet there was everything. A ridiculous contradiction, yet it was so. There was not a hint of natural talent in his playing, it had come from months of grueling practice, and he was a rookie at best even then. He had plain, opaque green eyes that no one would ever take a second look into. But, that is precisely why they miss the everything. Those eyes showed a boy full of sympathy for a world that never gave him a break, an understanding of how things should be, but were not, and an intelligence and wisdom far beyond his years. Looking up into the clouded grey sky, he let out a long winded sigh. "Like my music?" He asked, a vague smile beginning to form from the corners of his mouth. He was referring to the mass of presences he could not see, but felt all around him. Some benign, some malignant, some completely nonchalant in their alignment, but all interested.

If these beings understood, they made no effort to respond, save for one that very briefly touched his conscious. It was good. Flawed, but the best things in life are.

The boy was stunned, he had felt them around on numerous occasions, but none had ever tried to make contact with him. The dilapidated stone wall he was seated upon suddenly seemed much colder, even under the influence of his body heat. Most normal people would have been edgy at this moment, but he was not at all. "Yes, I like to think so. It is what makes people so amazing."

Amazing? A person? I havn't met many who carry any interest in my opinion. Life is so fragile, it bores me.

The boy's face contorted into a frown for a brief moment, but it did not last long at all. Soon, he was smiling again, "Fragile, yes. But that is what makes it so important!" He looked up at the fading sun and sighed, "I have to go now. My parents are waiting for me."

the presence was tangibly disconcerted, almost angry. I...understand. Just please, stop by often.

The boy gave a kind smile and nodded, "Right, will do. I'm Vayne!" He stated, looking into the empty space in front of him.

You may call me Isould.

"Right!" Vayne exclaimed, "Nice to meet you, Isould!" He turned and ran towards a small house sitting on a hill in the distance.

I should say the same...but I already know you quite well, Vayne. the presence said to itself, once the boy was out of earshot.

Posts : 1073
Join date : 2008-10-17
Age : 32
Location : Behind the mirror. Pay no attention.

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Sinner (Incomplete) Empty Yeah...

Post  Vayne Mon Apr 26, 2010 9:22 am

Cancelling Sinner. I apologize to any interested parties, but I have a novel I am working on, and don't have much time for this between schooling, novel work, and Mabi. I will bring it back if demand rises, but I doubt it will.

Posts : 1073
Join date : 2008-10-17
Age : 32
Location : Behind the mirror. Pay no attention.

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