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Phizzle(topictoshort:/) Empty Phizzle(topictoshort:/)

Post  Auramune Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:25 pm

Name: Ksun Bloomgloom "Phizzle"
Age: 12
Soul's Birth Race: Goblin
Body Game Race: Elven
Family: None
Hobbies: Alchemy, and magic(keep in mind.. he isn't called Phizzle for no reason.)
Weapon of Choice: Bow & Arrow
Hair Color: Pink
Eye Color: Pink
Height: (rp purpose@12) 5'0
Weight: 103lbs
Favorite Food: Meat
How he came to be in Erinn:
Phizzle was once born a goblin, in a post-apocalyptic world. He served underneath a great magician, as her servant. Never having a gift of magic, he was given the name "Fizzle." He loved this woman in vain. So much so that in a great battle, he threw himself in front of an attack that would have surely killed her.. and died, instead. The goblin's soul met Nao. When she introduced herself to him, he was so surprised that an ugly creature like himself could have a pure soul that he nearly wept.

In all of her bouncy wisdom, Nao found it appropriate to place him in an elven body. So that the rest of the world could see him as pure and beautiful as the soul inside of him. ...maybe she took it a little to far.
Phizzle(topictoshort:/) Al4yde

Memories swiped clean, he woke near Filia. Stumbling through the desert sand.

Character history through the player:
Fizzle was a goblin cohort of my high ranking wizard in a D&D game. She was a real bitch to him, despite how good he treated her. Not very attuned to quick casting magic; Fizzle was never able to develop his natural abilities as a summoner. He was killed, and she didn't care. Sad I've always really liked this character, and thought it would be pretty interesting to bring him here. I wanted to play a male character, or at least have one on hand. 'Just in case.'

I don't plan on adding him to the guild. This bio is in case you stumble on him in game, or I break off and rp as him. (As unlikely as that is.)

Powers: (Since I'm not adding him to the guild I figured I'd just place his power here. If anyone wants it changed, I'll move it to the other forum.)

Summoning/Familiar: Phizzle can summon a white Persian cat named Princess Meow. She is his familiar, and "loves when master scratches her chin." (How I explain his Persian cat pet)

Posts : 5534
Join date : 2008-04-05
Age : 38
Location : Aplington, Iowa

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