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Galin and his Motley Crew.

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Galin and his Motley Crew. Empty Galin and his Motley Crew.

Post  Veleth Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:02 am

To be updated.... many many times..... 3 almost down, 8 to go

Galin Maceire-

The tale of Galin is one without a proper introduction. As Edern has said, recalling his adoption of Galin, “One day he just wandered out of the mines. Elen, but a child herself, named him and told me that this was her brother. I certainly wasn’t going to argue with my granddaughter so I took him in and that was that.”
Galin spent many days with his ‘sister’ Elen learning the crafts of his adopted father. Although Edern is Elen’s grandfather, Galin has already referred to Edern as father, having no father of his own. Galin’s upbringing was filled with hard work and hours spent in Bangor’s mines. Elen and he would go down together and talk about the people they’ve met while working the shop. He enjoyed this time with Elen as Edern provided Galin with little discussion unless it was critiquing his form or explaining a new technique.

And so Galin grew older, relishing in learning anything that Edern and Elen could teach him about the world. At times he would go down into the mines alone to wander the tunnels and meditate on what he had heard. He listened to the stories from the travelers that passed and wondered what it would be like to travel beyond the gates of Bangor.

When he reached the age of 10, Edern deemed that Galin could begin traveling with him to Dunbarton’s markets. It was at this time that Galin also took up his crossbow for the first time. Edern explained that there were roving bands of kobolds who would be more than happy to slaughter them and take the equipment going to market. As he aged he spent more and more time away from Bangor. He met a young ice mage, Serihon, and they became fast friends. He became associated with the Reliable People's Society and spent hours slaughtering kobolds with Kagaea. With each passing day he grew stronger and learned the joy of guild life. He met a young woman named Brionnda upon a hilltop near Dunbarton. She was kind and beautiful and he loved her very much. They married and were scene often in Dunbarton where she dwelt. Fewer and fewer hours were spent with his adopted family in Bangor as he spent time with his wife. Then one day, Brionnda disappeared. Galin searched high and low for her but could find no trace of her. Three years he looked for a sign of her existence in Erinn. Finally, wrought with pain, Galin gave up on the search. Kagaea comforted him in her manner and told him he needed to be his own person and to live for himself. Galin has spent his time since then trying to follow this advice.

Name: Johivin & Perin Ryson
Age: Perin- 7-8 years old. Johivin- 17
Birth Race: Human
Family: Johivin & Perin are brothers who live at the logging camp in Dugald Aisle with their Uncle Tracy. (Or Aunt Tracy when they are annoyed at him)
Hobbies: Johivin enjoys exploring the various dungeons but spends most of his time chasing down his 'imp of a brother'. (His words, not mine). Perin enjoys playing 'hide and seek' with his brother as well as eating chocolate.
Weapon of Choice: Johivin: Icebolt Perin: His annoying rapid speech and a healing wand.
Hair Color: White Hair for both.
Eye Color: Maroonish brown
Favorite Food: Johivin: Cheese and berries/apples, for improving his wisdom. Perin: Chocolate..... lots and lots of Chocolate.
How he came to be in Erinn/Character history:
Johivin & Perin were born in Emain Macha. Their parents were apprenticed healers under the command of Agnes. Tracy, their mother's brother, came to visit when Johivin was about 6. Tracy spoke to his sister of the work he was doing in Dugald Aisle and of his follies in Tir Chonaill. They decided to move to Dugald Aisle and open a Healer's shop of their own. Agnes warned them that they were not ready for such an undertaking, but their mother was adamant to help her brother. With a dozen other settlers, they embarked from Emain Macha for Dugald Aisle. Night fell as they journeyed through Osna Sail and the company set up camp. During the night, a small group of sheep approached followed by a baby brown bear. The settlers approached the sheep, hoping to help them in any way that they could. As they approached, they discovered, to their horror, that these were not sheep, but were vicious wolves. Unarmed and surprised, they were slaughtered quickly. Tracy, who is never without his axe, found himself up against the miniature bear, who was more violent then had been though. With a lucky swipe, Tracy slew the bear. The wolves fled and Tracy found himself standing alone in the wrecked camp. Tracy heard a soft cry from within one of the tents. There he found Johivin holding his brother and crying softly. Tracy picked up Perin and tried to comfort Johivin. Tracy lit several fires on the outskirts of the camp and hoped to hold out until morning. When morning came they ran for Dunbarton. For many days following they stayed with Manus at the Healer's shop. When they were finally healed, Tracy made an offer to Johivin.
Tracy: "I want you to come live with me. Your parents had planned to live there anyway."
Johivin: "I want to get strong, Uncle."
Tracy: "Come live with me and you can attend school here in Dunbarton. I promise, you will be strong one day."
Johivin and Perin moved in with Tracy in Dugald Aisle.

Johivin learned magic from Stewart and set on a quest to become a master of the elemental powers. Even at his young age, he has already mastered ice and has vowed to master both fire and lightning. His anger at the wolves has motivated him in his pursuit.
Perin has only vague memories of his mother and father. Tracy has told him about their lives and their work as healers in Emain Macha. As he grew older, Perin showed an adeptness towards the healing arts. Perin is good natured and kind, knowing little of what happened to his parents. He works often with Manus, helping the many travelers who pass through Dunbarton.

Last edited by Galin on Fri Dec 17, 2010 11:52 am; edited 3 times in total
Gummy Sandworm
Gummy Sandworm

Posts : 1035
Join date : 2008-05-05
Age : 42
Location : On the Isle of Eire

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Galin and his Motley Crew. Empty Re: Galin and his Motley Crew.

Post  Veleth Wed Apr 14, 2010 5:51 pm

Name: Nilios
Age: 21
Birth Race: Elf
Family: Nilios was an orphan. He has no family
Weapon of Choice: Scimitar/Bipennis
Eye Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Meat and potatoes
How he came to be in Erinn/Character history:
Nilios was born in the desert to two loving parents. Sadly; however; that love was forbidden due to Castanea's desire for Nilios' father. As punishment, following Nilios' birth, his parents were both entombed in the deep desert. Castanea took Nilios to the orphanage and gave him into their care, a wicked smile upon her face. Nilios was cast out of the orphanage at the age of 7 and wandered the streets alone. He learned to be strong and resourceful. As he grew, he associated more with Hagel and often did jobs for him running missions into the deep sand. At the age of 9 he found love in the eyes of Meles, the daughter of the weapons shop owner. Although they were young, they were scarcely apart and Nilios cared for her greatly. It was not to be, however, as Castanea had watched Nilios grow up and still bore a grudge against his father. One day, as Nilios approached Meles, smiling and calling her name, she turned and frowned deeply at him. Nilios was concerned and approached her quickly, speaking softly and reaching for her hand. Meles withdrew her hands, scowling at him and calling for the guards. Nilios recoiled and fled, horrified by the experience. It was many years later that Nilios learned the truth from Veldik. He learned how Castanea had taken Meles and used the Memory Tower to wipe all memory of Nilios from her mind. Nilios concluded that he had lost and moved on with his life, still clinging to a hope in the deep recesses of his mind. He became arrogant and forward with those he met, though he also learned subversive techniques and how to gauge an opponent. He still seeks love with an open heart, despite his life's experiences.
Gummy Sandworm
Gummy Sandworm

Posts : 1035
Join date : 2008-05-05
Age : 42
Location : On the Isle of Eire

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